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Everything posted by ukyah

  1. samarjdiza is an infinitely better pitcher than buchholtz . he's the victim of an ungodly high babip right now. if the angels could steal him for a 2 or 3 type package, then they'd be cooking.
  2. must everybody be lying? speculation is a double edged sword anyways.
  3. you know you're acting the fool when you make arod look boyishly innocent.
  4. ...and now he has to apologize. you know, because.
  5. i really don't get all the love heyward gets around mlb circles. i think he's incredibly average at his best. i wouldn't give him any serious money.
  6. yep. i have to admit that i'm surprised too. i really thought he'd do well in mlb. hold down a solid spot in the middle innings and then move into the late setup/closer roles. so far, i was way off.
  7. i'm at a loss. "pretty reachy"? how can you not understand just the simple fact of getting in debt to the mob compromises the game, and that's not even addressing any of the other compromises it creates. players and managers betting on games for any outcome literally threaten the continued existence of the league. i just don't get how this isn't universally accepted.
  8. this post shouldn't go unappreciated. it has sneaky HOF potential. one of the reasons you're single is because you don't want to get murdered by a woman? there are so many good things to think about from a statement like this.
  9. some of you guys hold seemingly strong opinions with very little basis in knowledge. betting on your team to win is only modestly better than an outright loss bet. the loss bet only looks worse. you guys need to learn about point shaving, bookmaking, and what should be the most obvious issue of all, getting in debt to the mob. it's not like they have any history of exerting illegal pressure on sports outcomes. give me a break you guys. cobb doesn't even apply. that goes back to the very first HOF ballot, nobody alive today has to own that. in regards to what cobb did, he was a rotten sob and what he did, as far as integrity of the game is concerned, is in fact less damaging then what rose did. rose is a lifelong liar, he made his own bed.
  10. cobb was a cocksucker of the highest order, but did he cheat? rose cheated. lied about cheating, then lied about his lying about cheating. the dude had a reservation on the wall, but threw it away and has only himself to blame. although, he's spent half a life time blaming others.
  11. or you know...there's reality. but you do you boo.
  12. there are too many unwritten rules in baseball for sure, but what aybar did, what ben davis did to the diamondbacks years ago, and what tabata did today are not the same things at all. what he did today was definitely bush league. it's the score that makes all the difference.
  13. honestly guys, wtf? half of you are like a knitting circle.
  14. i'll allude to the most famous line in the original jurassic park. royals fans were so busy figuring out if they could get the entire lineup into the all star game, they never stopped to think about if they should.
  15. totally disagree. the angels have played less than 70 games and they're way off pace, and they have been since the beginning of the season. they had a successful year last year, albeit a quick playoff exit. marketing and ticket pricing are playing a huge factor in attendance. as far as the dude's comments, you don't say we don't care about poor people's dollars because they really don't have the money to spend. no matter what words you choose. it's suicide.
  16. that's a fair question, and it's one that i'll take on. i think it's bigger than baseball. the keys to perception are situation and reputation. whenever we're judging a person's actions we're relying on the information we see, which is namely what are they doing? and what is the situation? if we see a pitcher being taken out of the game and he starts yelling. we make assumptions that he's upset about leaving the game. by fair assessment then we can judge him as being competitive, "fiery". by association, we can assume that a person who has those qualities "cares". we judge him as being "invested". if we see a player who doesn't play "hard" or "all out". we judge that as lackadaisical, and that's a synonym for "disinterested" and "doesn't care". a guy like hamilton or garret anderson, who both seem to be solitary emotionally in addition to their "style of play", come off as aloof. one type generates a natural benefit of the doubt by observation and the other creates mistrust.
  17. kind of hard to judge panda for checking out hot chicks while on the toilet. glass houses and such you understand.
  18. there's only so many miles in an arm, and nobody knows how many. he's an awesome competitor and an all time great angel. if he can be a back end starter as he winds down his career, then great. if not, then i think weav's the type to exit gracefully. he's never been anything but a classy throw back player.
  19. it also doesn't matter if the angels claimed him or not because the brewers did, and they have higher claiming priority than the angels.
  20. bud black is a nice guy and a professional baseball man, but he is a significantly worse manager than scioscia. i'm not a guy who thinks scioscia is king shit either, but he's one of the better managers in mlb.
  21. i didn't like salas with the cardinals, i didn't like when we traded for him, and i don't like when he's used. unfortunately, he's an angel.
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