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Everything posted by deepdrive

  1. I think I would be better off if my wife didn't think she was an interior decorator. Wow. I almost just got up and left this page on the computer screen.
  2. Now, if you seriously don't get the connection, the guy behind the hyperloop (Elon Musk) is the founder and I believe still the major stockholder of Telsa. The main source of support for electric vehicles and mass transportation are the enviromentalists. They probably wouldn't be too happy about Musk putting a gas motor in a Telsa.
  3. It would have been kind of a neat experience at a place like the Stubhub Center (formally the Home Depot Center).
  4. It was a joke. I guess it went over your head. Actually, maybe that's why you rolled your eyes. Watching it go?
  5. Well, you can forget about this now. Word is going around that he may put a ICE in the Tesla. I'm sure his stature with the enviro crowd has been crushed.
  6. It wasn't that long or that difficult of a read. No great insight. Just one view coming from one person's life experience. And, your condescending 'warning' is uncalled for.
  7. They won't listen to him. They'll be afraid if he's right, he'll start telling them what to do more often. Bureaucrats don't like people who make it look like someone could do their job better.
  8. That's how I'm seeing it. Strictly a 'buy and resale' game to all the people who are into the hype. If it was at Anaheim stadium, I might consider it. But to go to Dodger Stadium and deal with all that will involve - not a chance. I'll take the money, thank you.
  9. Pulp Fiction and Diehard. Though it was Travolta and Willis who made both movies. Jackson could have easily been replaced. I thought he was real good in Unbreakable.
  10. Go to a different site. Oh, and put this in the hangout forum if you want it to be seen.
  11. So, do they add a set of bleacher seats along the boards in the outfield or sell the outfield seats?
  12. Spaceballs. But I think this guy is kind of a fringe actor and don't care much for his work. Lots of guys have better work out there (Val Kilmer ?)
  13. I gave up on being a SSH when it seemed the Angels were putting more effort into jerking around their SSH'ers than building a quality organization.
  14. Plus... You get priority on two playoff games each round. All that, without having to take Phoenix games off the Ducks hands. Amazing. A little cure for the Angels blues?
  15. The biggest joke of all is that no MLB front office personnel were fired, no owner was forced to sell his team and BS (Bud Selig) still has his job after all of this. Where is the accountability of those trying to hold others accountable. The reason MLB has so many player douches is that the ownership side continues to be the douchiest of all. It all comes down from the top.
  16. Most Bill Murrey movies would fit in here. Mr. Destiny - Jim Belushi Tombstone - Best quote movie since Casablanca. Oh yeah, Casablanca. Holiday Inn - Bing. Better than White Christmas.
  17. I was thinking about seeing it this weekend.
  18. Sleep on a park bench while you're there and you might be able to get a free flight back.
  19. I think I could pick Lindsey out of a lineup. Green and Yarbrough - not a chance.
  20. Didn't the first girl say there was another girl there when she arrived. Death penalty is probably still on the table with that one.
  21. I don't see an address. She's not a Nigerian princess, is she?
  22. I think that's the cost for a year of delivery.
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