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Everything posted by deepdrive

  1. That 2 points was ugly in a few ways. Sure is good to see Perry doing so well now.
  2. I wonder what lucky four cities opened a new dollar store today.
  3. It would be worth it just to tell people who ask what his name is. Call him Tau for short. Actually, Ralston would probably be a good name for a dog.
  4. Isn't this thread a lot like 'If weather wasn't an issue, where would you like to live" or "If smell wasn't an issue, how would you rate that restroom" How do you eliminate one of the biggest issues and have a meaningful discussion?
  5. You need to know someone in the organization or be a company that gives their tickets away to get any respect from the Angels.
  6. I can go 6 for a couple nights and be ok. Less than 6 any night and it affects me. 7 and I am fine for a couple days or functionable for the four nights of a workweek. 7 1/2 - 8 is ideal. At some point (weekend) I sleep 9-10 to catchup.
  7. Why play the piano when you can play the drums instead - Drum Pad 24. I heard a guy who had it and it sounded really good (not annoying like you would expect with the name). It's more of a beat pad than drum. The guy was letting others use it and it seemed real easy to pickup. Kind of a fun little app.
  8. Defensively, we were one of the worst teams in the league.
  9. Andersen v. Smith ? Good chance of another low scoring game.
  10. There's a few different meanings I could take from this, but I think I like all of them.
  11. You have to love Walmart and MickeyD's for their entertainment value. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/mcdonald-s-tells-employees-to-consider-returning-holiday-gifts-to-get-out-of-debt-152142875.html
  12. "I don't know what to think of that," muttered by a teacher who thought, after starting a Pictionary style game on the board with a group of 2nd graders, that it would be interesting to have one of the participants draw him. The student draws a head 3x the size of the body (which surprisingly has a good resemblance considering it was done by a 2nd grader) and one of the only guesses is "it looks like a hobo." What makes it go even worse for the teacher is a second graders uncanny ability to guess what another second grader is trying to draw. A modern pumpkinisk drawing is quickly picked out as an apple; a bug looking creature with four stick legs, no tail and a head the same size as the body takes little time to be called out as a dog; and something with a weird body and a mouthful of teeth is immediately recognized as a shark.
  13. Jackman seems like another player (think Staubitz) that Murray wants, but Bruce will seldom play.
  14. Wasn't it Lovejoy that had a hat trick named after him? (goal, assist, and getting hit in the face with a puck). Too bad Perry or him didn't have a goal and assist. He could have created an entirely new hat trick.
  15. I can't comprehend why they are allowed to roam around freely in our society (I'm talking about the hard core ones). I remember listening to a show once where they were interviewing one of these guys and someone made the comment 'what are you going to do with them, put them in the middle of the desert?' (they were discussing all the restrictions and lack of job opportunities causing homelessness and just furthering the problem). I thought 'why not?' Give them their own settlement in the desert, far from the nearest town. Run a bus out and back a few times daily for jobs and shopping. Let the ones who need it wear a tracker when in civilization. It would be better than what we have now.
  16. If I thought there was any chance of bouncing my head off the pavement more than once in my bike riding lifetime, I would quit riding.
  17. Amazing how advanced part of the worlds population has become and how same the rest has remained.
  18. Getzlaf has been great since Bruce arrived. The shootout is just not where he shines. Bonino is better and, I think, should be in the top three.
  19. Back to the Future and Goonies in the same year. Could any year be better?
  20. To get pictures of themselves hanging out with gangsta Raider fans. Or, is that why they go to L A?
  21. WTF was Getzlaf doing in the top 3 shootout players? Is Bonino hurt or sick (I caught parts of the game on the radio) or was that Bruce pulling a Scioscia and tanking his teams chances so he could show confidence in one of his team leaders.
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