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Everything posted by deepdrive

  1. No, actually it was after the industrial revolution.
  2. I leave jury duty to those who get paid by their employer to be there.
  3. Oster Classic and a #2. Unless you have a good head of hair and the looks to go with it, it's better to look like a man than a wannabe pretty boy.
  4. I wouldn't call last nights game play awful (compare it to some games of 3 years ago). There passing wasn't as clean (too soft; too hard) as it's been, but the defense was good and Hiller played real well. I even thought the powerplay looked better than it has.
  5. This is one of those posts where, if you read it back, you would have to say you exaggerated a bit. Unless you lived a pretty charmed life. I've had the displeasure of meeting some individuals in my life who I'd rather spend the day picking up dog sh*t than lift a finger to help them.
  6. I didn't know until tonight at intermission ( they interviewed a couple of the Kiss band members) that Arena Football is coming to the Honda Center. Looks like another set of Season ticket seats.
  7. That's crazy. Second largest arena in the NHL and still that high? Should move one of the Florida teams to Chicago.
  8. It seems to me that if you want to get the most out of Perry, you need someone that is a scoring threat of the Etem, Palmieri, Silfverberg caliber with him. Maroon doesn't cut it.
  9. The lady filling the beers has no idea about being efficient. A human being has two hands not four. She should be working two slots while two are filling.
  10. Obviously your not a hockey fan or you'ld be happy now instead of sad.
  11. A nice custom blinged out shopping cart might be a good start. Put some chrome wheels on that ride.
  12. Maybe he'll just use it to more fully enjoy his homeless lifestyle.
  13. It's today's reality that if you're going to spend what college presently costs, you need to major in a field that pays enough to justify it. Otherwise, save your money and just go to the library.
  14. It might not seem like it, but that's a lot to cover in one trip. Even if you have all summer, it might be an overload.
  15. Not a big accordion guy. Oh, and those plastic flutes they sell to elementary schools.
  16. Angie's List... where's Wicked. I'd like a financial analysis on this corp. Awhile ago, I read some stuff that lead me to believe they are basically running a Ponzi scheme to keep this corp afloat.
  17. Good to see that we're already a significantly more active thread than Kings. Four days until the first preseason game. It seems like it's been forever (thanks to the Angels).
  18. I always wanted to stay at that teepee motel on Rt66.
  19. How old is the house and what's the exterior finish. Biggest areas of concern should be the roof (she needs to check in the attic if there is one) and any signs of moister damage throughout the house. Do you get an insurance policy (for things that break the first year) with the house?
  20. I pretty much lost track of everyone I knew in HS the day after graduation.
  21. One of the best thing about extreme rides is that sometimes they fail. It just adds to the thrill.
  22. It's like every conversation I hear or read from someone outside California that involves weather, makes me glad I live here. I've thought about moving many times, but I just can't do it.
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