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Everything posted by Catwhoshatinthehat

  1. I don't know about you but in my HS the head security guard was an overweight guy with pepper spray, hardly swat or even take down an armed student material. Police response time is probably impaired by them trying to figure out what is going on because they don't know immediately know how many assailants there are or what weapons are involved. Hundreds of other panicked students trying to get out of classes or the building likely doesn't help them figure it out any quicker. Hope everyone injured pulls through.
  2. I think it's a non story and just more evidence that technology and media only prove how stupid some people are.
  3. Who is this "we" you are talking about? The threads on Weaver have been discussing his velocity drop for the last few years and while he's stayed effective I haven't seen anyone talk about him being a serious cy young threat for a few years. The threads on Pujols/Hamilton talked about rebound seasons for them and how important those are but no MVP talk. While I don't read the main forum as much as most of the other posters during the off season most everyone seemed to agree this team had major question marks and holes on it particularly in the rotation and bullpen. I'm just hoping for the playoffs and haven't gone into the last few seasons thinking this team was championship caliber team. I'm sure there's some super optimists that have made some claims but the majority don't seem to be drinking that koolaid.
  4. Horrible news. I was about to ask if I was mistaking this base with another because I thought there was a shooting not that long ago but Lawrence answered my question.
  5. You're right Ray. He hasn't stabbed enough people to join Raider nation.
  6. There's a lot of season left no doubt but I don't blame anyone for getting a bit down after the first 2 games especially considering how the team has done overall the last few years. The sky definitely isn't falling but at the same time I think expectations are changing or rather reality is setting in now that the season has started. To clarify I don't mean reality like the team is going to lose the division just give up now rather the initial high of a new season and extending Trout give way to the actual games being played. It's a long season with plenty of ups and downs and I just hope there's more ups than downs and meaningful games played in September and eventually October.
  7. I lived within a mile of downtown for probably 15 years and spent my 20's in the bars down there. For all the drunken nights we spent out there no one got into a fight or ended up in jail. We knew most of the regulars and there's plenty of bros running around but whenever there were problems it rarely involved any of the locals that we knew. Sad seeing a place that my family has been in since the late 1920's attract the element that it does and the city doesn't seem to care much because having the US open and all the bars bring in money.
  8. DVR'd it and will watch it later but I agree it could have ended a few seasons ago. This final season dragging the wedding out was just the ultimate money grab. That said it worked because like myself I've heard a lot of people saying they've been tuning in because they've watched the show for so long and weren't going to turn it off now.
  9. I'm in absolute disbelief that of all the people taken into custody not one of them was actually from HB.
  10. If they have any trouble filling seats hopefully his kids are all with him to enjoy the game after.
  11. Shortly after he signed they showed his stats vs. those of Julius Peppers' for the last 4 years and Allen had beat him in every statistical category. He's getting to stay in the division he's familiar with while going to a better team. Maybe he wanted more than a part time or specialty role like the one offered in Seattle? Seems to me most athletes think they have more left in the tank than the talking heads and it probably isn't easy to realize your days are getting numbered in a career that spans maybe 10-15 years if you're lucky. Not a bears fan and I dislike Cutler but they've been .500 or better since 2010 and while their defense struggled last year their offense was strong and they should be competitive next year. Edit - There's no denying money was a factor as he and his agent flat out said as much I just wonder how much his ego as a declining professional athlete had him wanting to play more downs.
  12. Considering the Angels haven't made the playoffs since 2009 yes. Especially taking into the account the question marks regarding the pitching staff.
  13. Awesome news. Feels great knowing Trout will be in an Angels uniform through 2020.
  14. Don't we all? Technology is great but social media has only shown how stupid a scary number of people are. Let's not act like most adults are geniuses either considering a lot of voters vote R or D because of the R or D next to a candidates name. I'm guessing about the same percentage of kids at that college will go on to be successful contributing members of society as the rate of the graduating classes of AW posters.
  15. My biggest gripe about the Blanton signing was that it was for 2 years. No one thought he would do as poorly as he did.
  16. Saw this article yesterday and read some of the comments. I'm not in school anymore nor do I have kids in school but I had a teacher back in 96/97 who would show us the easy way to do some things in our pre-algebra class but then show us the longer way he expected us to do it on a test. Made absolutely no sense to me and over half of that class ended up failing because even if you got the right answer doing something the easier way you got no credit.
  17. Why? Cabrera is only 5 months older so it can't be an issue of age. I like Votto but Cabrera has been the much better all around threat offensively while Votto's HR's have been on the decline since 2010.
  18. Agreed. Vick will be turning 34 before the season starts and the best thing about his game has always been his athleticism. QB's who aren't good pocket passers aren't going to be successful as they age and slow down. On top of that Vick has always had problems staying healthy which was evident during his stint in Philly. Geno Smith may or may not be the long term answer for the Jets but Vick definitely isn't and his signing just gives Smith competition this coming season.
  19. Give it time. BRB there's a knock at the door...
  20. On paper both teams got something that they needed. Even if Alvarez ends up as a BP arm for the Angels it's a great move trading a guy who really had no spot with the team aside from depth.
  21. "A North Carolina school has barred a 9-year-old boy from carrying his “My Little Pony” lunchbag to school, saying it caused bullying." Seems like a cop out for the school. I realize it isn't possible to stop or even deter bullying but it's going to happen regardless and the kid will still take flack for this or anything else a bully can go at him with. It's on the school to reprimand those who do the bullying not a kid for being a kid.
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