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Everything posted by Catwhoshatinthehat

  1. Agreed. I'd be pretty disappointed if he's dead after all the hints that he's the prince that was promised and also because he's one of the more interesting characters.
  2. I remember reading this from you or someone else in the other thread. I don't necessarily doubt it I'd just rather believe he didn't know how it would end or how he'd get to that ending instead of thinking he's dragged it out because of the HBO series. That's just a shitty thing to do to fans of the books in my opinion but given how crappy book 4 was it sucks a little less. TBH I'm not even up to date on the HBO series partially because I don't have HBO but more so because to me it's like reading the books at this point knowing it's not complete yet which doesn't appeal to me.
  3. There was what...5 years between books 4 and 5 and now he's consulting (call it what you will) on a major hit TV show. Call me a skeptic but I agree that as of now he likely doesn't know how it's going to end. As we talked about briefly using the spoiler tag in the other thread I think he got too many story lines going and as someone else mentioned he likes being the guy who will kill off any characters and maybe went overboard. I've yet to read book 5 but I can't imagine how all of the story lines will come together when the series wraps up.
  4. The teams that supposedly intrigue Love are Chicago and Golden State. A CBS article says GS wouldn't want to include Thompson and speculates D. Lee, Harrison Barnes and a 2015 1st rd pick would be the type of package they would offer. Phoenix and Houston have both been mentioned as being interested. None of these teams will have a 1st rd pick like the Lakers can offer but they've all got better rosters they can build trade packages from. Love supposedly told the Minnesota FO he wants to get to a winning situation which isn't something the Lakers can guarantee. If Minnesota wanted to reload with picks and young players Boston could offer more than the Lakers have 2 first round picks this year.
  5. I'm just hoping the Lakers get a top 4 pick. As far as Love goes I think the only way he ends up in a Lakers uniform is if he signs here as a free agent in 2015. The other teams he supposedly finds "intriguing" have more to offer than the Lakers. As to the mention of Carmelo I hope he ends up anywhere but in purple and gold.
  6. I thought this thread would be about Victor's mom. Hope the lady in the video is alright.
  7. That was usually in response to people who said he was an injury risk because of his weight even though he missed very few games through this MLB career.
  8. She's attractive and will land on her back somewhere.
  9. Reminds me of the WCF where the Lakers came back to beat the Kings in one of the last or possibly the last game of the series. There was a questionable call at the end of the game but one of the Kings players summed it up best when he said it shouldn't have gotten to that point and the loss was on them for coughing it up. Seems like CP3 agrees.
  10. How much do costco runs impact whether or not someone is considered a hero?
  11. I'm just not that into the DC stuff and it's probably for reasons Blarg stated. Whether it's Batman or Superman they keep rebooting it and it just seems stale at this point. Add on that we're already hearing too much about a movie that's 2 years off and I care even less.
  12. If you throw enough **** at the wall sooner or later some of it will stick and that's fine when we're looking for BP arms.
  13. In N Out won't save Wisconsin, sorry. I hope this merger doesn't happen because I was actually looking into switching to directv from TWC. A family friend works for directv and I found out I can get a friends/family discount but not sure how this would impact that, her job or the quality of service.
  14. That's what I need to do. I still exercise regularly but sitting in front of a computer for 40+ hours a week kills my metabolism and my diet could use some work. I set a weight goal by year-end but quite frankly I've made no progress on it and need to buckle down.
  15. Sam had a horrible combine and the main thing that separated him from other players at the same position who had better combines but went undrafted is game tape. He's already publicly criticizing the fact that he was drafted in rd 7 when he said he should have gone earlier based on what he accomplished last season when he'd be better off just getting to camp and earning a roster spot. A lot of fans aren't going to care what a guy in his personal life off the field if he produces on the field.
  16. I honestly know very little about him but the main knock on him was his lack of ball awareness according to one of the guys on NFL network. They showed highlights from a game against Wisconsin last year where the WR he was on had a huge day. The plays they showed he had great coverage and stuck with the WR the entire time but he got burned because he never knew when the ball was coming as he didn't look for it or read the fact that the receiver was making a move to catch it. His numbers at the combine were good, he was projected to be gone by the time they picked and they need depth at the position with Harris recovering from a torn ACL. Everything I read had them going D line or O line in rd 1 but they could afford to go best available and by most accounts that what he was. You always have to look towards the future but I was just somewhat surprised considering how small their window with Peyton is. That said with Talib and Ward in the secondary in Denver whoever the #2 is won't be on the opposing teams best receiver and he'll have some help.
  17. Obviously only time will tell how picks play out but Jacksonville could have taken someone like Watkins or Mack at #3 then grabbed a QB in rd 2 or later. With the rookie salary cap they aren't screwing themselves financially taking Bortles at #3 but he just wasn't the best value there given who else was available.
  18. Looks like Denver grabbed one of the best available in B. Roby. All the mocks I checked showed him being gone by their pick but the discussions make him sound pretty raw. Definitely a theme for them between their signings and first round pick trying to get tougher on D.
  19. Thanks for the reminder about the NFL network. Buffalo traded pick #9, next years first rd pick and a l4th rd pick next year to move up 5 spots to get S. Watkins.
  20. I hope that isn't the case but I wondered if they were considering a QB at all in the first few rounds depending on who falls. Not sure what they think of Osweiler long term but anyone they draft would be behind Peyton learning for at least a year and some of the guys likely available have a higher upside than Osweiler.
  21. I look forward to the NFL draft but I'm glad it's finally here so they can stop talking about where he'll go and at least move on to talking about what team picked him while the analysts collectively slobber all over that teams knob.
  22. I know from a federal perspective later this year the Highway Trust Fund will not have enough money to pay all it's bills many of which are to the states for their projects. That said you can't keep going back to taxpayers for more money when the government is running annual deficits and the middle class is getting pounded. Time to show some responsibility with what you bring in and stop buying votes before we're all ****ed.
  23. He's not getting old he's been old. Was in his early 50's when midnight run came out and he will turn 80 next year.
  24. Recent data across the US hasn't been good: http://finance.yahoo.com/blogs/daily-ticker/why-the-housing-market-is-suddenly-struggling-201005280.html I'm curious what OC will look like 12 months from now. As an owner the price jump on paper isn't the worst thing in the world but I just don't think it's sustainable or really supported by much other than low supply around here. Getting pretty tired of hearing about what the fed will or will not do because they've done more than they should have for years now.
  25. We're getting Mexican food at work for lunch. Other than that nothing since I avoid bars like the plague on Cinco De Mayo and St. Paddy's day. Add in the fact that I'm still recovering from Saturday night (getting old sucks) and I'll be going home to relax once I'm done at work.
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