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Everything posted by Catwhoshatinthehat

  1. I got bored or rather put the game down for a bit and forgot about it. I will play it again and most likely just start fresh to reacclimate myself with the controls. The game itself was fun and definitely challenging.
  2. When I was younger I had no problem playing video games first on consoles then on PC. Now I have what I call video game ADD because I'll get bored and end up buying a new game or putting in an old game, play it for a few days or weeks then get over it and not play games at home for months. When I was on one of my boredom kicks around the holidays I looked up PS3 RPG's and went to target. Dark Souls wasn't my first choice but it was the only one they had and it was $20. I can't give you an in depth review because I only played for a bit then completely forgot about it but you could definitely find worse ways to spend $20 if your bored.
  3. I have friends who live in the older part of Tustin that have a massive backyard in a neighborhood where they have block parties all the time and it's got a great community feel. I think red/wicked make a good point about renting for a while because a lot of areas here will be different than having an older and more unique house in New Jersey. A lot of South OC reminds me of the intro to Weeds because the houses and shopping centers all look alike and once you go further from the freeway it seems like restaurants and stores are harder to find unless you know the area. Parts of south OC has newer houses, schools and shopping centers which doesn't always mean better but when I was looking to buy money went a bit further in some cases as far as what you got in a house and there's tons of parks and areas for kids.
  4. Irvine's a trip because it's so spread out but then again so is quite a bit of South OC which is newer and nicer. You may live 5-10 miles from work but depending on where you live or work that could be a 30-40 minute commute during rush hour. I've got friends that live in RSM and if you don't take the toll roads their place is like 8-10 miles away from the freeway. I'd recommend Irvine, Tustin, Lake Forest and Mission Viejo and depending where he ends up at the toll roads might be a time and sanity saver. I live in HB and love where I live but it's a townhouse and looking at home prices you get newer and nicer in South OC and that's where I'll likely end up in the next 7-10 years. As someone else mentioned look out for mello roos. I know someone who lives in Ladera ranch which is nice but they like a lot of people down there pay mello roos and they're paying like $800 a month just for that.
  5. Crappy thing to do but it's technically not illegal and supposedly Denver had no idea when they signed him. That said Sanders' agent was already suspended years ago and broke an unwritten rule that will likely hamper his ability to negotiate other players contracts if GM's know his word isn't worth anything.
  6. Denver signs E. Sanders to a 3 year deal. I like this signing a lot as his speed will compliment D. Thomas, Welker and J. Thomas nicely.
  7. Probably would have been less of a hassle if you just backed up and finished him off. In all seriousness your story and mention of the kid smiling before he did it reminded me of the internet video some years back where a kid was hanging out the back of an SUV smacking younger kids on the back of the head who were riding bikes home. Him and his friends were laughing it up until he did a face plant into a parked car while going about 20-30 mph. The driver got too close to parked cars and the kid didn't get back into the car quick enough in their attempt to smack a kid on a bike. Good luck.
  8. Oakland would need to do a lot more than that to become respectable. The LT that they overpaid failed his physical (some say they had buyers remorse which factored in, STL quickly resigned him) while their arguably better LT signed with Arizona for less money than they almost shelled out. They let Jennings go but kept the usually injured McFadden. Here they are a few days into FA with money to spend while most of the top FA's have signed.
  9. Looks like Decker got number 2 WR money which kind of surprised me as I thought some team would overpay. I just wonder if Indy showed interest as that would have been a better fit for him.
  10. Allen turns 32 next month while Ware turns 32 in July so that's a moot point. Both players have missed very few games since becoming starters but Ware has had nagging injuries the last few years that have hampered him. He probably shouldn't have been playing a few games last year but did as Dallas was in the hunt for a playoff spot. Edit - Brandon beat me to it. Ultimately it comes down to money and if Allen signs for a bit less I would have rather had him as he's been just as productive the last few years.
  11. Seems like quite a bit for Ware but despite the 3 FA signings Denver should still have plenty left for their draft picks. After Kuper retired they actually had 32 million in cap space so how much left is a question of how the 3 contracts are structured. Definitely all or nothing and I'm curious what Allen ends up getting because if not Ware that's a guy I would have liked in Denver.
  12. As I mentioned before Denver had something like 16M before cutting Champ which gave them another 10M. I think they overpaid a bit for Talib but getting Ward for as little as they did makes up for it. Their window may be 1-2 years as Peyton is getting older and they're going to have to pony up for D. Thomas next year which could impact their ability to sign other players. They lost Beadles to FA but they will get Clady back on the line in 2014. This is a team who looked great last year until getting dismantled by a tougher team in the Superbowl. They needed to get more physical in the secondary and that's exactly what they did with the Ward and Talib signings. I'd love to see them land Ware because it would make it easier for them to take best available during the draft.
  13. I like that. Now they can focus on CB and DE.
  14. Weird how it's only a violation or problem when it happens to congress who haves no problem further eroding the rights of citizens.
  15. According to some of the talking heads Revis actually wasn't bad last year especially after coming back from a major injury but it doesn't sound like his style fits with Lovie Smith's defensive scheme. Despite getting a massive contract none of it was guaranteed so if they can't trade him Tampa can just cut him. I'm sure he'll have no shortage of suitors. Edit - really curious to see what Denver does. They were I think 16M under the cap before cutting Champ which gave them another 10M. Everyone knows their window is the next year or two and right now they've got major holes in the secondary and at DE. I'm thinking Moreno's days in Denver are over and they'll go with Ball as their primary back.
  16. Nothing against Bourjos and I hope he can avoid missing time during the regular season. I'm sure this thread or one's like it will be almost as fun as the Vernon Wells trade thread that was bumped and eventually retired.
  17. This year the cap is 133M and it's expected to hit 150M by 2016 which is a decent jump. A lot of times cap casualty players are old, under performing and declining especially when you consider their salary. The Broncos cut Bailey which saves them 10M in cap space in 2014 and despite everything he did for them it's the right move given his production and injury history the last few years. Most teams have found a way to to keep the guys they want around by either re-negotiating or cutting overpaid players before their roster bonuses come due.
  18. Really not much of a stretch considering that in 2012 only 9% of households in the US made 150K or more.
  19. It's a moot point unless you or anyone responding is on the taxpayer dime since that's the crux of the discussion about taxpayers being on the hook for pensions that are underfunded.
  20. The Angels got the best production of Figgins career for what turned into a bargain price. Since he left he's been overpaid, irrelevant and didn't play all of 2013 because he couldn't cut it. I like Tin's explanation but I'd say it's more like a chick you dated in high school who was a 6 or 7 by horny teenage boy HS standards. You knew she was at her peak then but she let it go to her head and jumped ship. Now she's overweight, has 5 kids and is living in a double wide while trying to trash talk you on facebook. Who gives a shit.
  21. I'm curious to see who overpays for Decker. There's an ESPN article discussing how he isn't worth #1 WR money which I agree with and supposedly so does Denver. Indy and KC have been mentioned as interested teams. I think he would improve either teams WR corps but not enough to warrant 10M+ a year.
  22. Paying firefighters has little to do with 'mericas economy it's a state/city issue. State/city pensions are by and large grossly underfunded across the US and like mounting unfunded liabilities the US government is facing they are a major concern. Some people are fine with a lot of stuff but that doesn't make it alright or more importantly in this case mean states and cities can afford it. Promises or deals were made before most of us were born that quite frankly aren't sustainable when it comes to pensions in CA.
  23. I think a 6 year deal buying 3 FA years is just fine. I understand as fans why people are saying it would be great to sign him for 10+ years but that's just begging for trouble with a guaranteed contract. A 6 year deal starting in 2015 keeps Trout in an Angels uniform for most of his prime years age wise. If he plays anything like he has the last 2 years over the next 7 (this year + 6 year contract) the Angels would have a great shot at getting someone into the hall with their cap.
  24. Reminds me of when the average wage of OC fire fighters was printed by I believe the register a few years back. Prior to that there had been comments made about how they couldn't afford to hire some of the guys fresh out of the academy yet they spent millions on OT. Any way you slice and dice it the value of their retirement plan including benefits is usually absurd in California.
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