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Everything posted by Catwhoshatinthehat

  1. The jobs report wasn't horrible it just fell short of the estimate as far as the rise in payrolls. 2/3 of the companies on the S&P have posted quarterly earnings and over 75% of them have exceeded estimates which has helped this week. Meanwhile there were record shifts from stock funds to bond funds so at least investors are still consistent and investing on fear. Right now much like the last so many years despite how much the US needs to get it's own financial house in order it's still one of the prettiest girls at the dance. EM are getting hammered and there are still eurozone fears.
  2. A very good season (or seasons) isn't out of the question but you can't expect a guy you sign when he's 32 to give you the prime production he gave his old team. As has been discussed on here before when signing a guy like Pujols you're paying for what he did for his old team. I'll gladly take a season out of Pujols like AJ mentioned.
  3. Congrats to Seattle on their utter domination. Record setting Denver offense didn't mean squat when it mattered most and at best they'll be a trivia question some day. Not even sure who won the MVP after turning the game off early in the 4th quarter but the entire Seattle defense earned it to that point. Sorry to the casual fans for a shit game to end the season.
  4. That almost makes me feel better. Almost... Edit - it just keeps getting better. Glad I'm taking a break from alcohol for my diet starting tomorrow.
  5. The first play of the game was an "oh shit moment" the rest has been all Seattle. To me this isn't things going wrong it's Seattle dominating particularly their D.
  6. I would have preferred they took the points there too but down 22-0 with Seattle getting the ball to start the 2nd half I don't blame them. I had to google the largest super bowl come back ever and it was 9 points in 1990. I actually feed bad for casual fans or non Bronco/Seahawk fans because this game looks to be over and is a crap way to end the season.
  7. That's playoff Peyton Manning. To be fair he was hit on the second INT but the first one was inexcusable. Seattle's D deserves the first half MVP.
  8. I'm guessing he's too busy enjoying the game. If the roles were reversed I sure as shit would be going nuts cheering for my team and taking shots instead of going online.
  9. Chuck has to be going nuts and deservedly so. Meanwhile I continue to drink faster and faster and want to change the channel.
  10. When I saw that play happening and Seattle getting pressure on Manning I remembered what Bennett said in one of the pre-Super Bowl press conferences. Get pressure on Manning and he panicks and that's exactly what he did over throwing Thomas who was open.
  11. To say it's been all Seattle so far would be the understatement of the year.
  12. I'm sure they knew it was likely but I actually like that mentality of saying here it is and take it or leave it and decide soon. If it works out you grab a pitcher early and if not you move on to other free agents. Also I'm with Scott and glad he didn't end up here.
  13. You should wear all 3 jerseys on Sunday so you don't freeze to death BBQing outside.
  14. Denver's run D did better than I expected especially after Vickerson went down for the year but I still don't count on them containing Lynch as the game goes on. If the defense can get after Wilson early and keep Lynch from ripping off long runs they'll be in great shape. Denver controlled the clock vs. NE but 2 of their 4 FG's were kicked inside the red zone and it would be great if they could turn those situations into TD's against Seattle but of course it won't be easy. I said in the other thread that weather was the biggest factor because if it turns into a wet/slippery/windy smash mouth game Seattle can play that as well as anyone. So far it looks like the weather won't be much of an issue and I hope we get to see the top O and D go at it in good conditions.
  15. No reason to watch because I can already guess what it was - lies, threats or digs at the other side about working together and some democrats popping up and clapping annoyingly like they just got selected to participate from the audience on the price is right. I couldn't care less what any politicians say any more I want to see results. Obama has done what I thought was impossible 6 years ago, a worse job than Bush. I'm tired of his schtick and I hope the 2014 elections open some eyes but I doubt it happens.
  16. The Angels need a lot of things to go right (rebound seasons, health) out of the players they're currently have to contend for the playoffs. Adding Jimenez or Santana to me doesn't put them over the hump and as others mentioned neither one of those guys is a sure thing. Would much rather sign someone who won't cost a pick for depth and keep the pick as the Angels farm system needs all the help it can get.
  17. As a Broncos fan I'm glad Seattle won as I think San Fran would be a tougher match up on a neutral field. Obviously weather will be a huge factor because if it's wet or windy that will hamper Denver's passing game and favors the Seahawks. Looking forward to the game but in the mean time I'll be tuning out the noise from analysts as I don't care to hear the stories they'll spin non stop.
  18. He's actually 37 and will turn 38 in a few months. Regardless most players are in win now mode so if they think he gives them the best chance to do that it's not that surprising. The players aren't GM's and I'm sure most GM's would go with somone like Luck to build a franchise around.
  19. Underpaid...lol. Yk nailed it and we've discussed the same thing numerous times when pension talk pops up. For people in the private sector to get as nice of a retirement package they would need to invest the type of money 99% don't have after accounting for living expenses.
  20. Some things aren't worth worrying about if they don't impact you but this defnitely isn't one of those things. People who are expected to uphold and enforce the law got away with murder. Absolutely disgusting and it's just one more thing that gives good honest cops a bad rap and makes some of the public trust them even less.
  21. No. In 2009/10 in downtown HB on sundays we used to see maybe 3-5 people with niners gear on and some of them were guys we knew who were originally from Nor Cal. Starting in 2011 more and more suddenly showed up and they eventually took over one of the bigger bars and it's now a niners bar on game day. I'm guessing many of them were formerly Charger fans because when more people started showing up in niner gear there were fewer people wearing chargers gear. It reminds me of USC during the Leinart and Bush years when you'd see car and balcony flags pop up belonging to supposed die hard fans. As far as the seahawks not seling to CA residents I'm sure they'll still have no problem selling the game out and I don't have an issue with it.
  22. Rivers was 'unleashed' after Denver's top CB went out with an injury. His replacement got repeatedly burned by Rivers and a younger and quicker player in Allen. I don't disagree that they should have mixed it up more offensively but their lack of success early was largely due to Denver's D and their coverage in the secondary. Denver controlled the clock and realistically could have been up more early but SD's D came up big two separate times in their own territory. First with the INT in the end zone and later forcing Denver to take a long FG attempt in windy conditions. I definitely didn't watch as many Charger games as the rest of you but Mathews thrived under Wisenhut and having that running game going was a major reason they went on a run and made the playoffs. Props to SD who had a much better season than I thought they would.
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