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Randy Gradishar

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  1. Haha
    Randy Gradishar reacted to Kevin in Unpopular Opinions You Hold vs. Those You Closely Align With   
    Donald agrees     ”...We should be standing up straight and tall, ideally with a salute, or a hand on heart. There are other things you can protest, but not our Great American Flag - NO KNEELING!”        
          Son of......
  2. Like
    Randy Gradishar reacted to Taylor in Unpopular Opinions You Hold vs. Those You Closely Align With   
    I posted this on Facebook the other day. Have at it, kids.
    The term "white privilege" seems to be a trigger for a lot of people. Here's what white privilege doesn't mean:
    *That if you're white, you don't have to work hard to be successful.
    *That if you're white, you don't have any hardships that are beyond your control.
    *That if you're white, you're never overlooked or treated poorly by others.
    *That if you're white, everything comes easy for you.
    These are typically the arguments people make against the existence of white privilege: "I had to work hard to get to where I'm at." "I grew up poor, and nobody ever handed anything to me." "I had to overcome serious hardships to get to where I'm at."
    All of those things might be true of your life. But it doesn't change the truth that you were and are afforded certain privileges that people who aren't white are not afforded. You might be the hardest working, underdog, overcome-the-odds person in the universe, but if you're white, there are certain hardships and obstacles you will never, ever have to face. You will never experience:
    *Being afraid that a cop pulling you over will result in your death.
    *Being taught by your parents a set of guidelines for interacting with cops to mitigate your chance of being killed.
    *Being followed around in a store because people suspect you of trying to steal.
    *Being unable to go outside at night while wearing a hoodie because people might suspect you of being a dangerous person.
    *Having to hold in your anger so that you don't "validate" ignorant people's stereotypes.
    *Learning U.S. history from the perspective of someone else's race and culture.
    *Entering a new workplace and worrying you'll be looked at differently, asked ignorant questions, or discriminated against because of your skin color.
    *Rarely seeing people in authority who look like you.
    *Being expected to speak on behalf of everyone who shares your skin color.
    Those are just a few of the things you will never have to experience because you have white skin. Friends, I am privileged. If you are white, you are also privileged. If you are a male, you have additional privileges that women do not have.
    This shouldn't be a controversial topic. This shouldn't make you angry or cause you to get defensive about how difficult your life has been. In fact, recognizing that you're privileged and admitting it is incredibly freeing. It humbles you and allows you to be empathetic toward those who do not have the privileges you have. It doesn't diminish your accomplishments or dismiss your struggles; it simply acknowledges that you don't have to face the obstacles that people of color have to face.
    Jesus said, "Freely you have received; freely give" (Matthew 10:8). How will you use the privilege you've received to give to those who are less privileged than you?
    If you'd like to read more on the topic of white privilege, here are some helpful articles:
  3. Woah
    Randy Gradishar reacted to St1ck in Unpopular Opinions You Hold vs. Those You Closely Align With   
    What about if they want to pray before or after the game?
  4. Like
    Randy Gradishar reacted to Crampknees in Unpopular Opinions You Hold vs. Those You Closely Align With   
    Our neighborhood HOA will not be happy if you try this again, so let’s cut this off before it even begins. 
    Lol, this reminded me of the time I had this little cherub in a planter section of the front yard, it didn't even stand but laid there.  Got a letter from the HOA it must be removed, no statues or statuettes.  And then one day I was in a thrift store and there they were, yard pink flamingos for $1 each. I had to go home and get my truck just to come back and get enough to fill the front yard with. I love a good HOA battle. 
  5. Haha
    Randy Gradishar reacted to angelinkc in Unpopular Opinions You Hold vs. Those You Closely Align With   
    Well,  There are some partially true statements in there but race is not the primary cause. Being white gives you a better chance of having a two parent home. A traditional home where the father is the CEO is crucial.  If done properly the kids will learn basic values, respect for authority, and conflict resolution. Fatherless homes is an American problem but is much worse among blacks. Many families also suffer because dad delegates his God given authority to lead or a rebellious women constantly undermines his authority. Women were not created to make men out of young boys. Our prisons are full of young black males who have no respect for authority and no concept of morals.  Most are angry at their fathers and that anger fuels bad behavior. The average black male has to be taught how to interact with police because he is very likely to engage in criminal activities. Almost every single one of these men killed by police have committed 5-6 serious crimes each. You can go back  200 years in my family and not have a serious  crime. Our interactions with police are speeding tickets and a few underage drinking violations. 
    I have seen my son followed in stores in Missouri so that does happen. He does not dress like a thug and still gets followed at times. My advice to him is always look respectable and respond with kindness. He is not gong to change hearts dressed like a cholo and cursing everyone who looks at him sideways. It happens more to minorities but it also happens to trashy white kids. The white community generally tries to distance themselves from white trash and we dont make excuses for our deadbeats. You would be surprised how much the trailer park has in common with the hood. The trailer park blames all their failures on Mexicans and blacks.The difference is white people understand the trailer park probably knocked up his cousin at 13 and didnt finish HS. Blacks have been making excuses for 50 years and are further behind than ever.  Black people need to kill the gangster worship and dress better.  They dont have to dress white but pull the fucking pants up. Nobody wants to see a man's stinking ass in a place of business. Stop glorifying violence and prison culture.
    Also, stop with the diversity bs. Our businesses today are filled with people of all races and gender. 
    Life in America is not that hard. You can avoid poverty by finishing HS, don't get married or have a baby before 21, and work full time. This method has a 98% success rate. The foundation and example that guides this 3 step process is the traditional family.  We have spent 50 years throwing money and apologies at the black community and it has failed. The black community is addicted excuses and doesn't accept responsibility for their failures. These failures can be fixed but the first step is black ownership of the problem. The white privilege bs is basically handing heroin to an addict. 
  6. Haha
    Randy Gradishar reacted to Rico in Trumped   
    They misclassified 4.9 million people. Unemployment actually went up to 16.4%
  7. Like
    Randy Gradishar reacted to Angelsjunky in Unpopular Opinions You Hold vs. Those You Closely Align With   
    I dislike identity politics and detest the way it is weaponized.
    I am a big advocate for free speech and diversity of opinion/ideology.
    I don't think white men are inherently evil.
    I don't see Trump as the cause of various societal problems that many liberals blame him for, but a symptom.
    I don't think Trump supporters are (all) evil, just conned by a conman.
    I hate the Democratic party almost as much as I hate the Republican party.
    I don't think Big Science is the answer to everything and dislike how liberals make a religion of it, seemingly missing the whole point of the scientific method ("believe science").
    I'm not anti-Christian, just anti-fundamentalism (of any kind, including fundamentalist wokism).
    I'm ok with people owning guns (although think there should be restrictions).
    I'm uneasy with abortion (although don't think it should be illegal).
    There are probably more, but that's what comes to mind.
    Otherwise I'm a quasi-socialist.
  8. Like
    Randy Gradishar reacted to Rico in Cops Being Thugs   
    59 bad apples.
  9. Like
    Randy Gradishar reacted to AngelsLakersFan in Unpopular Opinions You Hold vs. Those You Closely Align With   
    This is easily a left wing position.
  10. Like
    Randy Gradishar reacted to UndertheHalo in Trumped   
    The take that the guy had it coming or whatever because of drug addiction is a very bizarre one to me.  And it always invariably seems to end up there.  Yes.  Poor people are often mixed up in drug addition and petty criminality.  
  11. Meow
    Randy Gradishar reacted to Taylor in CHINA   
    China skus
  12. Like
    Randy Gradishar reacted to Claude in Unpopular Opinions You Hold vs. Those You Closely Align With   
    The president said: "Hopefully George is looking down right now and saying, 'This is a great thing that's happening for our country. It's a great day for him, it's a great day for everybody. It's a great day for everybody. This is a great, great day."
  13. Like
    Randy Gradishar reacted to Blarg in SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19   
    I liked the open freeways. Life is returning to shit again. 
  14. Woah
    Randy Gradishar reacted to Lou in SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19   
    I met Sloane Peterson.
    Didn't bang her.
  15. WTF
    Randy Gradishar reacted to Lou in Unpopular Opinions You Hold vs. Those You Closely Align With   
    I believe college football is way better than major league baseball.
  16. Like
    Randy Gradishar reacted to Adam in Unpopular Opinions You Hold vs. Those You Closely Align With   
    Cons - What lefty or non-conservative views do you hold?
    Libs - What conservative views do you hold?
    libertarians - What terrible Statist views do you hold?
    @floplag - What views do you hold that are not moderate?
    Could be on policy,  culture, personalities, etc...
  17. Like
    Randy Gradishar reacted to EnglishCop in SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19   
    You're going to go from a complete absence of punctuation keys to a neverending stream of science books? That's a win, whether or not you are smart enough to recognize it. You can ask all the soccer dads for help with the big words.
  18. Sad
    Randy Gradishar reacted to Angel Oracle in 2020 MLB Season Poll   
    If no 2020, then 2022 doesn't look good either.
  19. Confused
    Randy Gradishar reacted to yvangelfan in Thank you, Mr. President!   
    You realize a woman has accused Biden of rape?
  20. Haha
    Randy Gradishar reacted to mmc in Trumped   
  21. Like
    Randy Gradishar reacted to mtangelsfan in PoLOLitics   
    I joked before how I have a love hate relationship with politics, I love it and it hates me.  I think am going to alter our relationship.
    i have always enjoyed discussing politics with other folk.  I really like discussing it on here.  The problem is there are very few people interested in a discussion anymore.  Most of us surround ourselves with people who think like we do.  Nuance has been destroyed.  We aren’t listening anymore, we just start planning our next response.
    the news is now just like the rest of us.  They only worry about pleasing their current customers so they put blowhard political preachers to preach to their choir.  
    Our choices for president are a carny or a senile career politician.  
    here in my small town we just had our election.  Our incumbent state assemblyman was a Montana conservative.  Pro-gun, pro-life and was a really good person.  Involved in the community, volunteered for a bunch of things kept people informed on what was happening in Helena.  He got voted out because money from uber-conservative came in because he didn’t goose step 100% of the time with them.  They started a horrible smear campaign because he was actually interested in helping our community rather than just falling in line.  
    So I am done, I have cast my last vote for anything.  I have no hope for this country.
  22. Haha
    Randy Gradishar reacted to angelinkc in SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19   
    I have heard quite a few leftist refer to climate change and corona polices as scientific facts. Evolution and carbon dating are two more examples of scientific bs
  23. Like
    Randy Gradishar reacted to tdawg87 in SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19   
    Did you know that the principal values of science are based upon changing your thesis (or views) based upon new information? 
    Scientists never claim to be the purveyors of "facts". I'm not sure why you are so antagonistic against them. I'd be interested to know why.
  24. Haha
    Randy Gradishar reacted to Redondo in Protests and Riots Thread   
    Bill Barr. We have evidence Antifa was involved. 
  25. Like
    Randy Gradishar reacted to Blarg in Protests and Riots Thread   
    I don't really think your generation and younger is the source of guilt for being assholes to black people. You started your days post race riots of the 60's and the general public talking points were about a new deal with continuing education of how hard it is to grow up black.
    Unfortunately my generation and those before mine that actually started the change were riddled with racist cunts and still are. I have no reason to apologize for my actions. I owe an eternal debt of gratitude to a black man that extended his knowledge to teach me how to work in television. I have tried since to pay back and forward.
    But people over 60 are pretty ingrained in the Howdy Doody America of their childhood and don't want Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, gays infiltrating their own private whites only world. They also make up over half of your government from city to federal level.
    A little extinction goes a long way some times for a change in the overall ecology. Sure, there will still be some velo-racist dinosaurs running around after the boomers all croak and sink into the primordial ooze but it won't be a world over populated with T-Racists, gobbling up all the resources. 
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