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Just got a smoker


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I smoked a bacon wrapped pork tenderloin the other weekend.  NIIIIICE.


Pork butt: slather in mustard before seasoning to lock in moisture.


Tri-tip: I smoke using oak.  My seasoning recipe is:

1T Kosher Salt

1T Fresh ground pepper

1T Garlic Powder

1T Onion Powder

1t Cayenne (or less if you don't like spicy)

1T Oregano

1t Rosemary

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After two kids, Adam's wife finally gave him a smoker.  Guess it's been a while for him.  Does he just sit and watch?  Will he need to move the meat around every so often?  Maybe turn the coals to make sure they are nice and hot.  How much wood do you really want to insert?  To spice it up, maybe he should think about inserting different wood.  And how much time does the meat need to be smoked to really shoot out that flavor?  Decisions decisions.  

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Is that a charcoal smoker? Keep in mind if you do something that takes awhile you are going to need to manage the heat carefully and add coals on a regular basis.




If you don't have an instant read thermometer...get one. You want to be able to get a read quickly and not have to wait 15-30 seconds all the while precious heat is wasted while you watch the temperature go up a degree at a time.




This is an inexpensive one that works well.




I have an electric smoker, first crack was a few chickens (came out awesome) and pork ribs (came out alright).


I've done a pork butt that took 18 hours...was so good a Jewish friend of mine not only ate it, but went back for seconds. First time she had eaten pork in 15 years.


Brisket...had less luck with, need to try it again. The size of the smoker was small so I had to cut the brisket in half and put it on multiple racks. The lower rack came out awesome, the top rack was a little dried out. Probably because the top rack just dripped juicy awesomeness on to the lower rack.

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I've always cooked tri tip hot and fast. Do you sear it first?


tri tip roast should be slow cooked.  Super quick and hot (600 degrees) sear ~2 minutes each side.  Then let it smoke at 200 until the internal temp is 200.  Depending on the size about 6 hours.   Grats on the smoker.  I have one of these:



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I've always done tri-tip fast as well. Seer and then turn down the heat. Closed top. Soaked wood chips in a smoker box. About 30 minutes top depending on size.


I did have smoked tri-tip from Copper Top BBQ up in Big Pine this weekend. Was awesome. They also did it at a fairly high temperature.

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I've always done tri-tip fast as well. Seer and then turn down the heat. Closed top. Soaked wood chips in a smoker box. About 30 minutes top depending on size.


I did have smoked tri-tip from Copper Top BBQ up in Big Pine this weekend. Was awesome. They also did it at a fairly high temperature.


I have done this too on the gas grill.  Smoker box and then sear for a few minutes then indirect heat at ~300 for 35 minutes or so for a 3 lb roast.  Costco sells a mortons steakhouse one that works perfectly for this.

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tri tip roast should be slow cooked.  Super quick and hot (600 degrees) sear ~2 minutes each side.  Then let it smoke at 200 until the internal temp is 200.  Depending on the size about 6 hours.   Grats on the smoker.  I have one of these:




that looks like the model I have, though I did buy the smoke box to attach to the side. The one thing that stops me from using the smoker more often is it's a pain to clean. Even when you line everything with foil.


I will have to try the slow cooked method for the trip tip.

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I would start with something with a shorter cook time.

Smoked Tri Tip is great. Beer can chicken is pretty easy. Baby back ribs are awesome. All of these only take 2-4 hours.

I have a weber bullet that looks just like yours. If you don't have them yet, get a charcoal chimney starter and a wireless thermometer. I use a Maverick. It's great, measures meat temp and smoker temp.

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that looks like the model I have, though I did buy the smoke box to attach to the side. The one thing that stops me from using the smoker more often is it's a pain to clean. Even when you line everything with foil.


I will have to try the slow cooked method for the trip tip.


Yeah I have the cold smoke kit too.  It is definitely a pain to clean.  I just take all the racks out and use the pressure washer on them in the drive way.  For the rest it isn't too bad.

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I just picked up a Broil King Gas BBQ a few months ago. We were using a weber charcoal but it was a hassle when we wanted to do something quickly. The Broil King is awesome. The first time I used it for steak I figured what the hell, I'll follow the suggested guidelines.


The best cooked steak I have ever had...bar none.


For standard 1.5 inch rib eye.


Heat Grill to 600-700

Drop grill to medium/low, about 350 and immediately put on steaks at 45 degree angle. Close grill.

2 minutes turn steaks

2 minutes turn steaks, at opposite 45 degree angle

2 minutes


Let rest for 5+ minutes


so, total cook time 8 minutes, you end up with perfect medium rare and perfect diamond grill marks.

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Yeah I have the cold smoke kit too.  It is definitely a pain to clean.  I just take all the racks out and use the pressure washer on them in the drive way.  For the rest it isn't too bad.


I'll try that next time. I've been using Cider Vinegar and it seems to facilitate cleaning the insides.


My other issue with it, the infrared remote/thermometer has bad battery contacts, so if I'm not careful it shuts off the smoker. I just stopped using it as well as the thermometer and use the instaread now.

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If you are willing to go all in and want a grill/smoker, costco sells a Traeger unit for like $700 that is amazing.  My cousin has one, it is so well made and does both smoking and grilling perfectly.

Is it ceramic? I'll check it out, thanks. 


The Big Green Egg is $900 for the large model...which is insane.


edit: ah, is it the wood pellet grill?


Edited by failos
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