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Everything posted by TroutCron

  1. I have to figure that Baldoquin will be groomed to pkay second base now. Hopefully he is ready vy 2017. I say keep Johnny G for at least one more season.
  2. Aybar plays the game with emotion and enthusiasm. He has fun playing a kid's game. That's the way it should be. Good luck to Erick.
  3. After the prospect dump for Simmons, I don't see any more trades. Time to focus on left field and the bullpen, also third base.
  4. Giving up Newcomb in any deal was not worth it. How do you replace Newcomb and Ellis through the draft if you sre more than likely going to forfeit the first rounder the his year for signing a FA outfielder? I don't like this deal. It is not like Aybar was a defensive liability. Eppjer, you got fleeced.
  5. I would try to work Cowart to be a utility guy like Zobrist. He is a plus defender at third and could probably be adequate at second and Short, they could also try him in the outfield during the spring. He would have to be better than Featherston. I wouldn't go past 2 and a club option for a third year for Freeze. At his age anything beyond is too risky. It is time for the organization to start developing position players to plug into the vacancies and stop relying on FA.
  6. He was certainly better than Victorino.
  7. Whether they should have extended the QO to Freese (I think they should have) depends on their plans for left field. It appears that most players are getting the QO. If the Angels sign a left fielder ( Heyward, Fowler, Cespedes, Gordon) they will forfeit their first round pick. Had they given Freese the QO at least they would get a sandwich pick back. It is a curious decision.
  8. Over 162 games of the regular season the Angels starting pitching eas more than adequate. However, if they make it to the post season then the lack of a true #1 would be a major problem. I would look for improvement from Richards and Heaney and the possible return of a healthy Skaggs. Weaver, Wilson, and Santiago, no telling what you get. The pen definitely needs an upgrade.
  9. I don't see the Dodgers being outbid for Greinke. Losing him, especially to the Giants would be a huge blow. As far as Aoki, I think he would be worth looking at on a two year deal. Adding Zobrist with Aoki eould be ideal.
  10. Minor points- the Angels didn't develop Donnelly but did develop Scot Shields. The emphasisin the draft should be on pitchers with plus fastballs as the offspeed stuff can be taught. For the offense there should be an emphasis on drafting athletes who can be plugged into multiple positions. Hopefully, Eppler can put a strong emphasis on connrcting with the foreign markets especially Latin America.
  11. The Royals won't sign Zobrist or Gordon. They get Omar Infante back ( a downgrade from Zobrist) snd have Orlando to plug into Left field. They also lose Cueto and Young. They have multiple options in their system . The Royals are going to have as many as 4 first tound picks. They are going to be a factor for several more years. Gordon scares me in that he is a superb defender but if those skills erode over the next five yesrs then he eill be wsy over paid. I would take Zobrist on a three year deal with a club option for a fourth. Both will cost a first round pick.
  12. Maybe Eppler would have wanted to bring in his own people. Remember the Sevais was hired by JO, who said he was a future manager. Klentak was hired by the Phillies because he already had a working relationship with McPhail. It is now up to Eppler to bring in new blood to help him to continue the rebuild of the organization.
  13. You have to have bench guy who can play shortstop, Gia definitely can't. I would rather sign a vet catcher a have Bandy play everyday in AAA until he is needed. Also the bench could use an outfielder with speed who can pinch run and be a solid defensive replacment.
  14. I would prefer to trade Richards for Baez and a prospect. Newcomb has a chance to be a top of the rotation starter. I wouldn't trade that type of pitcher.
  15. I hope that Eppler puts an emphasis on acquiring some power arms. I am tired of going to the pen for soft tossers.
  16. Nice bullpen work by the Astros. Way to go out and clinch a series!!
  17. Daniel Murphy would be a decent pickup to play second base, a good gap hitter from the left side. There is a definite need foe a leadoff hitter, Fowler and Revere are possibilities. It will be interesting to see Eppler's approach given that he comes from a team that hit a lot of HR. The Big A is way different than Yankee Stadium. The Angels need gap hitters who get on base.
  18. He would look good in left field hitting between Trout and Pujols.
  19. The individuals and the team in general, has very little upside. Position player wise Trout and Calhoun will be above average but no one else. The pitching staff has Heaney, Skaggs and Richards with a chance to be above league average. The bullpen has no arms above average except Smith and Street. The bench is extremely weak. The new GM(Eppler) has a huge job ahead with no position players in the minors who appear to be can't miss. There are a few good arms but most likely another year away. This team is not close to contending going forward.
  20. Losing Johnny G and Freeze was key along with Trout's wrist injury. Whatever, this team fought hard until the end and fortunately the Rangers are not very good.
  21. But he doesn't have a secondary pitch. If he doesn't develop his breaking ball he will become another Frieri.
  22. Playing the Yankees in NY is a tall order given their bullpen. It would take an early outburst against Tanaka to beat them. Having said that anything can hapoen in one game.
  23. Murphy can rake and ia s left handed hitter. A huge need is for a leadoff hitter. Span would be good. I would rather sign a free agent backup cather and let Bandy play every day in AAA. Resign Freeze for one year if he will accept it. Sign a power arm for the pen. Also the bench could use some veteran presence. The new GM will have a lot on his plate. Good luck to him.
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