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    19HALO71 got a reaction from stormngt in Ryan Braun   
    You have to remember that this group didn't want MCab because he was a douche bag. Nevermind, that since then he has won 2 MVPs and hit for the Triple Crown. This group wants role models. That's more important than winning.
    Go Halos!!!
  2. Like
    19HALO71 reacted to marcosantinia12 in Ryan Braun   
    Lol, cause he gets on base and sluggs.
  3. Like
    19HALO71 reacted to tomsred in Pujols had foot surgery - may miss opening day   
    Sorry to hear of your problem.  In many cases surgery is no sure thing, and carries some risk.  Being in a hospital these days carries some risk.  I can completely understand why people don't want to rush into surgeries if the problem can possibly be solved in a more benign way.  More is at risk than a schedule, a baseball season, it a person's life we're talking about.
  4. Like
    19HALO71 reacted to tomsred in Pujols had foot surgery - may miss opening day   
    1. Maybe he was advised that it might respond to treatment, and if so surgery would not be necessary, as happened to his. Left foot in 2013.2. How many of you when presented with imprecise data in this regard would rush to have immediate surgery? I would want more than one opinion.
    3. Doctors doing orthopedic surgery these days take time to schedule things, tests have to be done, operating space obtained, and surgeon's have to work it into their schedule. I've had friends who have had to wait months for orthopedic surgeries. Yeah, he's high profile so he can shortcut this to some extent but not completely.
    I don't have any details here, that's patient confidential information. So everything on this subject is speculation. I'm just pointing out the complexities of this type of situation. Let's not jump to the conclusion that he delayed just hoping to avoid surgery because he hoped it would improve without it.
  5. Like
    19HALO71 reacted to AngelsWin.com in 2016 Los Angeles Angels Primer Part III   
    By Robert Cunningham, AngelsWin.com Staff Writer - 
    Author’s Note – Player data displayed was pulled on September 20th, 2015.
    The departure of Chris Iannetta into free agency this year leaves the Angels catching situation up in the air.
    Carlos Perez, acquired in the Hank Conger trade, is the lone remnant and certainly has the inside track to earn the strong or weak side of the backstop platoon in 2016.
    Fortunately the Angels do have some decent internal options to compete for the two primary roster spots in Spring Training including Jett Bandy (RHH), Charlie Cutler (LHH), Stephen McGee (RHH), and Rafael Lopez (LHH).
    To understand and better compare each of these player’s offensive contributions, let’s take a look at four different statistical categories starting with Isolated Power (ISO):

    Here Bandy shines through with a pretty consistent power history. Lopez and Perez are certainly no slouches and Cutler does well generating base hits. McGee is still developing but power isn’t a major part of his skill set.
    To further understand the difference in their respective games the graph below shows Walk-to-Strikeout ratio (BB/K):

    This graph shows why Bandy, hitting-wise, is more like a Mark Trumbo version of a catcher. In fact as this article was being polished up the Twins-Angels game was on and Bandy had his first career hit for a home run!
    Cutler, Lopez, and even McGee, to a lesser degree, shine through in their ability to work walks and limit strikeouts. Perez is somewhere in between but it is his defense, arm, and game-calling that are currently driving his future.
    Since we are talking catchers here, it would be nice to compare their Caught Stealing Percentage, shown in the graph below:

    This is one aspect of Perez’s game that shines through. Bandy and Lopez are pretty consistent too while the data on McGee is limited but shows potential. Cutler’s arm, unfortunately, has been on the decline.
    Every one of these catchers, except Cutler, is considered above average defensively with Bandy and McGee having superior defensive reputations.
    As a side note, speaking of catcher defense, it really looks like the Angels have targeted catchers with some combination of good on-base ability and strong throwing arms.
    Thinking in a logical manner about catcher decline, backstops generally lose speed and power primarily due to the amount of crouching they do on a regular basis that impacts their lower half.
    The two things that aren’t impacted by a catcher’s lower half is their batting eye and throwing arm. Both of these characteristics are more likely to extend a catcher’s usefulness over a prolonged period of time which some teams may deem more desirable.
    Also, the Angels move to acquire more strong-armed catchers might be in anticipation of a future where strike-calling is eventually computerized but that is speculation on the author’s part.
    However some evidence of this trend is seen when the Angels selected catcher Taylor Ward with their 1st draft pick in 2015. Ward, in his first season, has a 35.7% CS% and .456 OBP across Rookie and A ball and is considered a quality defensive backstop.
    If a computerized system were used, pitch-framing would quickly become a dead art and the focus would be on game calling and catch and throw ability although, as Dave Cameron pointed out, stolen bases aren’t necessarily back on the rise.
    So calling a good game and, as Eno Sarris wrote, playing the poker game might be the most desirable quality of a catcher moving forward.
    Finally, to close out the statistical discussion, let’s examine the comprehensive offensive statistic Weighted Runs Created (wRC+), below:

    When you examine the graph it is pretty clear that Charlie Cutler has some serious potential to impact team offense with his superior contact and on-base skills. In fact FanGraphs highlighted his potential in mid-November 2014, prior to the 2015 season.
    Rafael Lopez also looks like he could be above average in the batter’s box especially vs. RHP. In combination with his above average defensive skill set he becomes an intriguing option for the 2016 Angels squad.
    McGee has a shorter playing history (less data) but his game is similar to Cutler in terms of his on-base skills.
    This is not to knock Perez or Bandy and with Carlos you have to consider that his 2015 season has been spent in the Majors and he is the youngest of the group which is, in part, why the Angels are so excited by his progress and potential.
    In fact he has been working hard on his defensive game and it shows based on recent comments from Mike Scioscia.
    Outside of the in-house choices the free agent market should have more than a sufficient supply of catchers to choose from including Matt Wieters, Chris Iannetta, Alex Avila, Dioner Navarro, A.J. Pierzynski, Jeff Mathis (Ha!), Geovany Soto, and Brayan Pena among others.
    To get a better idea of how some of these players compare to our internal options (and keep the Majors vs. Minors comparison in mind here) their ISO, BB/K, CS%, and wRC+ graphs for the last five years are presented below:

    Looking at these graphs you begin to realize how consistently good Chris Iannetta was, offensively, from 2011-2014.
    It also makes you stop and question the value of investing a large amount of cash in free agent Matt Wieters because his skill set isn’t really substantially better than Iannetta and Chris can be signed for a lot less.
    Wieters is likely to command a free agent contract similar to Brian McCann, spanning 5-7 years for $75MM-100MM. Iannetta is much more likely to sign a 3-4 year contract for $30MM-40MM.
    Additionally, when you consider that the Angels don’t have DH at-bats to give to Wieters, the investment in dollars for a part-time player just doesn’t make enough sense for the team and their needs.
    As a final note about the free agents compared above, Alex Avila might actually be the best value as he is only 28, can hit RHP well, and has a good arm. It wouldn’t be surprising to see him sign a 4-6 year contract for $40MM-60MM if he doesn’t give the Tigers a hometown discount.
    Beyond the internal and free agent choices the Angels could look to the trade market to fulfill their needs.
    Names such as Ryan Lavarnway (Braves AAA), Gary Sanchez (Yankees AAA), Johnny Monell (Mets AAA), Taylor Davis (Cubs AA), and Chris O’Dowd (Braves AA) might hold varying degrees of interest to the Halos.
    Currently the Angels have Perez, Lopez, and Bandy all on the 40-man roster which would indicate that solving the 2016 catching situation internally is the likely outcome.
    However a free agent signing could allow the Angels to trade from their depth as Carlos Perez did attract a lot of inquiries after the Angels acquired him from the Astros and Jett Bandy has put himself on the radar with a strong 2015 season.
    Also the Angels might have experience concerns with the in-house options, making the proverbial veteran backstop a more ideal choice to pair with one of our younger guys.
    The bottom line is that this is a need that could be met in multiple ways which gives the Angels flexibility in the offseason to possibly pursue bargain contracts with a free agent knowing they have in-house depth if they fail to sign one.
    Educated Guess – The Angels will explore re-signing Chris Iannetta or signing Alex Avila but will likely promote from within.
    If they re-sign Chris it would very likely mean that Carlos Perez would be traded for help in another area of need. However, if they sign Avila he would provide a more appropriate platoon mate for Perez.
    Barring bargain deals on Iannetta or Avila, the Angels save money here and run Lopez, Bandy, or Cutler out on the weak side of the platoon with Perez.
    Whomever doesn’t make the platoon (Cutler seems very likely since he’s not currently on the 40-man) would act as quality depth.
    Author’s Choice – Carlos Perez (90-120 games) and Rafael Lopez (40-70 games).
    In the next section we’ll discuss First Base.

    View the full article
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    19HALO71 got a reaction from Angel Oracle in Torii Hunter vs. Yoenis Cespedes   
    Also, Cespedes only has FOUR years of major league wear and tear.
    If the Mets don't sign him, I hope the Angels make a serious push for him.
    Go Halos!!!
  7. Like
    19HALO71 reacted to Brent Maguire in Torii Hunter vs. Yoenis Cespedes   
    In Torii's Angels tenure, he hit .286/.352/.462. This came in his early to mid 30's years in a tougher ballpark to hit in while the run scoring environments were lower. He had 16.4 WAR in his 5 years as an Angel. Torii's approach and results became much better in his time with the Angels, an odd occurrence based on his age. 
    Cespedes is similar in that he's super athletic and has an all around skill set that's similar to Torii. That doesn't mean it's a guarantee Cespedes performs near Torii's levels but I think Cespedes is a guy who ages just fine, especially with him being a little younger than Torii when he hit free agency. 
  8. Like
    19HALO71 got a reaction from Angel Oracle in Step away from that shiny new toy   
    What is the knock on Cespedes?
    He only has 4 years of major league wear and tear. The guy plays the game with high energy, has a howitzer for an arm and just mashes.
    Go Halos!!!
  9. Like
    19HALO71 reacted to Blarg in Mattingly, Dodgers part ways   
    People should watch all of the in game mistakes their favorite other team is making instead of the non stop tunnel vision.
    It is not as though I am unaware or immune to what the Angels fail at but often it is more execution rather than directions. Scioscia is always trying to squeeze that last 10% more out of the players. I think his biggest failure is not accepting that a few (last season many) of his players just don't have the talent but keeps pushing.
    He had rosters with multi talented players that could think on their feet and was sucessful. The last few years he has had Trout and the shell of Albert to work with.
    As exciting as Calhoun can be he can also be an over achiever type personality with a slightly below that ability level. Lots of over swings, plenty of over playing a ball in the air (although that improved this season) along with some less than inteligent base running but at least he can throw people out (looking at you Trout). But he is the end of the young player talent line Scioscia can turn to.
    Go down the roster and Gia (who I like) is a klutz in the field and can't hit when in the top half of the order. Aybar is a complete loose cannon but can at least bunt. Freese is a stiff and can't pull his hands out of the way on an inside pitch. There wasn't anyone in left field the entire season. Ianetta was worse than Mathis making Perez seem more valuable than his true talent level. The best the bench could offer was CJ Cron and even he was demoted to pull his head out of his ass. The rest of the bench was worthless.
    So in terms of real talent Scioscia had two players in Trout and streaky Pujols and that is what he had to wage war with. The rest were fringe with some skills on defense and offense like Calhoun, Aybar stabilizing SS on defense, Giavotella destabilizing defense up the middle but providing a clutch late inning hit now and then but the rest were pretty one dimensional or just plain replaceable.
    The Angels stayed in contention with that mess and an underwhelming pitching staff with no solid middle relief all the way to the final game. That was all Scioscia because the talent wasn't there at all.
  10. Like
    19HALO71 got a reaction from ten ocho recon scout in Why not Cespedes?   
    I know right?
    I would hope that they would make some other acquisitions. I just find that 3-6 pretty impressive.
    Go Halos!!!
  11. Like
    19HALO71 got a reaction from ettin in 2016 Los Angeles Angels Primer (Part II)   
    Great stuff!! Thank you for taking the time.
    Go Halos!!!
  12. Like
    19HALO71 reacted to ten ocho recon scout in Why not Cespedes?   
    ^only problem with that, is that our lineup would look like you have it..nobody batting 1st or 2cd
  13. Like
    19HALO71 got a reaction from Frieri Meatball in Daniel Murphy ?   
    These are the same people who didn't want Miguel Cabrerra because he drank too much and beat his wife. I'm not looking for role models. I only care about what these players do between the lines.
    Go Halos!!!
  14. Like
    19HALO71 got a reaction from stormngt in Daniel Murphy ?   
    These are the same people who didn't want Miguel Cabrerra because he drank too much and beat his wife. I'm not looking for role models. I only care about what these players do between the lines.
    Go Halos!!!
  15. Like
    19HALO71 got a reaction from SlappyUtilityMIF in Jose Bautista's Bat Flip   
    Game 5 in a Divisional series at home and people are complaining? if there is ever an appropriate time for a bat flip, that's it!!
    After 5 games of playoff baseball, i'm sure there was plenty of trash talking throughout the series. Get some Jose!!!
    Go Halos!!!
  16. Like
    19HALO71 got a reaction from Angels_Make_Me_Drink in Jose Bautista's Bat Flip   
    Game 5 in a Divisional series at home and people are complaining? if there is ever an appropriate time for a bat flip, that's it!!
    After 5 games of playoff baseball, i'm sure there was plenty of trash talking throughout the series. Get some Jose!!!
    Go Halos!!!
  17. Like
    19HALO71 got a reaction from Angel Oracle in Jose Bautista's Bat Flip   
    Game 5 in a Divisional series at home and people are complaining? if there is ever an appropriate time for a bat flip, that's it!!
    After 5 games of playoff baseball, i'm sure there was plenty of trash talking throughout the series. Get some Jose!!!
    Go Halos!!!
  18. Like
    19HALO71 reacted to Adam in Why not Cespedes?   
    I don't know how we're going to win many games with just 8 players
  19. Like
    19HALO71 got a reaction from Angel Oracle in Utley Suspended for Games 3&4   
    I'm all for old school baseball. Middle infielders just need to start throwing at the heads of incoming runners. If the runner doesnt get down, then they will be tattooed with "Rawlings" on their forehead.
    Go Halos!!!
  20. Like
    19HALO71 got a reaction from Jim in Utley Suspended for Games 3&4   
    I'm all for old school baseball. Middle infielders just need to start throwing at the heads of incoming runners. If the runner doesnt get down, then they will be tattooed with "Rawlings" on their forehead.
    Go Halos!!!
  21. Like
    19HALO71 got a reaction from Vegas Halo Fan in Orange County Register: Smith: Angels' Chris Iannetta gracefully handles toughest ending of his 10 big league seasons   
    Pure class.
    Didn't whine or moan about losing his starting position. I wish him the best. I agree though that you can't give Sosh another veteran toy sitting on the bench.
    Go Halos!!!
  22. Like
    19HALO71 got a reaction from OregonLAA in Orange County Register: Smith: Angels' Chris Iannetta gracefully handles toughest ending of his 10 big league seasons   
    Pure class.
    Didn't whine or moan about losing his starting position. I wish him the best. I agree though that you can't give Sosh another veteran toy sitting on the bench.
    Go Halos!!!
  23. Like
    19HALO71 got a reaction from ten ocho recon scout in Orange County Register: Smith: Angels' Chris Iannetta gracefully handles toughest ending of his 10 big league seasons   
    Pure class.
    Didn't whine or moan about losing his starting position. I wish him the best. I agree though that you can't give Sosh another veteran toy sitting on the bench.
    Go Halos!!!
  24. Like
    19HALO71 reacted to Chuck in Free agency   
    Yeah, if we can load up some OBP guys like Zobrist and/or Span atop the order and sign Chris Davis (47 bombs, 88 walks) to hit cleanup and share time at 1B/DH with Pujols, our offense is fine. Calhoun and Pujols are more of a 5th & 6th in the order type guys IMO. 
  25. Like
    19HALO71 got a reaction from Angel Oracle in Orange County Register: Smith: Angels' Chris Iannetta gracefully handles toughest ending of his 10 big league seasons   
    Pure class.
    Didn't whine or moan about losing his starting position. I wish him the best. I agree though that you can't give Sosh another veteran toy sitting on the bench.
    Go Halos!!!
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