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Everything posted by wopphil

  1. You mean Roth? Gotta wonder if the team is thinking about converting Rasmus to a starter?
  2. Great work Sean. If you haven't done so already, you should take a drive up the 395 and photograph Johansburg(sp??) and some of the town's in the Owens Valley.
  3. I agree with the premise of the article, and I think the Angels have enough bullpen depth in the minors to pull it off. That being said, it seems like teams don't generally expand their rosters much in September. Maybe two or three extra guys total. So I'd be surprised to see the Angels add three or four guys to the pen alone.
  4. I think scioscia has managed better this year. I think he has been less stubborn and more willing to make less popular decisions. He has also acted with more urgency. If I were voting for manager of the year, it would be between Scioscia and Showlater.
  5. Yes. Would have made no sense for the Angels to have claimed him.
  6. Some of you gotta lighten up....any way you look at this, it's kind of funny. If for no other reason than board fodder.
  7. Looking forward to watching Cowgill with guys on second and third.
  8. My initial thought is that there is no way he makes it through waivers. But then again, if guys like Darvish and Beltre have done so, anything is possible.
  9. I don't get it, Conger looked so good, so confident, earlier this year.
  10. I think if we were to play the game of "who is team MVP after the two obvious candidates (Trout and Richards)," it has to be Shoe or Calhoun. He truly has been that valuable and irreplaceable to this team.
  11. It is really odd Tank. I am fascinated by stats, so the seemingly long odds that this could happen have baffled me. And I am surprised nobody else has had an encounter with this woman.
  12. Classic shit. I laughed hard.
  13. This is bad, and I feel terrible for him, but it is far from the worst thing that could happen to him. He is alive, has a functioing brain, and will get excellent medical attention.
  14. By an older, female transient, asking for money, while being in an Orange County restaurant? Back in February, I was with my family, eating dinner, at the Panera on Jamboree and Irvine Blvd. An elderly lady walked in and went table by table, giving a canned speech about losing her bus pass and needing money to buy another one. It was odd, and nobody in the restaurant gave her any money. Just five days later, I we were all eating at The Habit on Main street near the Main Place mall when the exact same lady walked in, went table to table, and gave the exact same speech. Again, nobody gave her money. Tonight, no joke, we are eating at Chic-Fil-A on Tustin Ave, when the same lady walked in. This time, her speech had something to do with being from New York and being stuck here. You are probably thinking I go out to eat a lot. I don't. Usually just once a week. So it seems like the odds of this happening three times in six months, at three locations spaced widely apart, are incredibly slim. Has anyone had a similar encounter with this lady? She looks 70 or so, is white, and talks real fast with a canned speech. It is very strange, and I presume she is mentally ill. I'd love to know if anyone else has encountered this lady.
  15. I agree regarding scioscia, the coaching staff, and dipoto. Seems like much if this has been luck (I have to believe the luck has gone our way this year), and maybe some smoke and mirrors. That indicates to me that Scioscia has gotten every possible contribution from this squad. I just hope they can hang on for 40+ more games.
  16. Well said. Not to mention, cops don't fire once then ask if the guy wants some more. I think when an officer has to fire, he/she does so repeatedly in most if not all instances.
  17. You obviously don't know the definition of racist.
  18. I am not black and won't pretend to know what it is like to be black. I am sure black folk experience things I will never have to deal with. But their constant refusal to hold their youth accountable, the senseless violence and rioting, and the refusal to do things that might make them appear "white" (such as obeying the police or listening in class) does nothing to garner my support for their plight.
  19. I'd like to see the Angels win 8 of those games, but I'd be happy with 7.
  20. And Seattle has a better run differential than the Angels. They are definitely for real.
  21. Percy, I don't think we have ever met, but I respect people who wear it on their sleeve like you. Props to you for being so courageous and tough, and for having such an amazingly positive attitude.
  22. Regardless of what WAR might say, I think Street has easily given us one, maybe two extra wins in his short time here.
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