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Everything posted by wopphil

  1. I don't think Pujols was that far off from 2014 being a "satisfactory" year. I'd like to see an OPS+ from him of 135-140. He was at 125 this year, and 138 in 2012 (with his .859 OPS; I am sure that now an .859 OPS would give him a 145 OPS+). I don't think it is unreasonable to think he could possibly climb up to the 135-140 range with better plate discipline. Hamilton is just a lost cause. We'd be lucky to get an OPS+ of 110 out of him.
  2. I like Howie Kendrick, but if he can land us a 3 or 4 guy on a short term deal (similar to the Vargas/Morales trade), I might not object to a Green/Beckham platoon at second.
  3. Totally disagree regarding Wendy's. Wendy's is one of the best fast food restaurants on Earth.
  4. I live real close to the one on Chapman in east Orange. I hate that it is always full of the el Modena kids, and is a rather small store. I like the one at the Marketplace, and go there sometimes too.
  5. I am guessing that Moore didnt do things publicly that would lead people to believe he was an abuser and give them much of a chance to intervene. My main point in all of this is that Moore isn't much different than O.J. Simpson, whom most agree is a terrible human being. Why are people so forgiving of Moore just because his attack on his wife wasn't as successful?
  6. Do your bosses/co-workers interfere in your family relations? If they did, what would you think about them involving themselves in your personal business?
  7. Sorry, but I had an opposite reaction to most of you after reading this. It sounds like he was a deeply troubled, bad man. I don't really have any sympathy for him. Being depressed isn't an excuse for beating, threatening, and eventually trying to kill your wife (in front of your children, at that).
  8. I am an iced tea drinker, and In-N-outs iced tea is excellent. Here is something I don't understand: Asians love tea. They know tea. When you hear "tea," you think "Asian." So why is it that every Asian owned establishment uses that shit fake tea from a machine (like Nestea)? I absolutely hate that junk.
  9. And for the record, the best bums are in San Diego. They are the most creative and the most driven. I actually saw one that had made a professional looking sign that had colored lights that flashed "please help." There was another one that used to hang out at the In-N-Out on Rosecrans. He also had a really nice looking sign that said "Down-N-Out" with the same yellow logo. I really liked that bum.
  10. Wow. I am sure that will motivate you to want to help out again next time.
  11. Couldn't agree more. Later in life you will probably never say "I wish I had worked more."
  12. I'll message you. Those are both great firms, but their rates are probably much higher than my firm. But most big companies seemingly don't mind paying through the nose for legal services, which really blows my mind.
  13. I think that unless you can get into a top 50 or top 75 law school and get financial assistance on top of that, you are probably better off not going. And remember, your salary will be offset largely by your student loan debt. In my case, I pay about $700 per month in student loan debt, which means about $15,000 of my pre-tax income goes just to that. Combine that with the three years postponement into the labor force (when most people are accruing seniority and watching their wages go up), and you can see how it isn't always the best financial decision.
  14. That's why I try not to complain too much Nate. Plenty of people have to work much harder than me. I am very blessed, despite an often terrible schedule. But just FYI, attorneys, at least in CA, don't make as much money as most people think. The market is saturated with attorneys, and rates are way too low in many areas of law.
  15. Adam, I do labor and employment litigation for a well-known firm. If you ever have an issue, don't hesitate to reach out to me. I'd even be happy to take you out to lunch sometime if you are interested.
  16. Whatever happened to just learning by reading a textbook? Does that not work anymore?
  17. I have a love/hate relationship with the profession. The work I do now is very mentally stimulating and has practical implications on real people/life. The pay is probably better than most people my age get. And there are a lot of different directions I can steer my career. For example, I may eventually go in house or on my own. On the other side, the hours range from tolerable (45-50) to horrible (65-70+), and most attorneys take only a few days of vacation each year. I don't think I have taken off more than two or three consecutive work days in 5 years. And the job can be incredibly stressful.
  18. It seems crazy to me too, but just look at how far cars have come the last 50 years. As for cutting people off while driving in pods, I think the idea is that the cars would be self-driven, with little/no human control. People therefore wouldn't be able to cut each other off.
  19. It's hard dude, I won't lie. But I am not that smart. If I was, I wouldn't be waking up at 4:30 on a weekend to work!
  20. Wilson's ERA+ as an Angel is 97. That means he has performed worse than league average, while being paid like a #2. Yes, he has been solid at times (and even the entirety of last year), but on the whole he hasn't come anywhere near meeting expectations.
  21. And unions suck, by the way. They are highly unethical businesses that seek to impose their business scheme on those who want no part of it (many of whom are hard working Latinos who are far smarter than the union would ever give them credit for). Unions, and the Democrat party they support, stand for so much that is wrong.
  22. On Sunday morning I woke up at 4:30 and worked. Did the same thing yesterday - 16 hours of it in fact. Up again at 4:00 this morning to get in 12 hours in order to go to my son's soccer practice. My brother in law is on every social program Jerry Brown can give him. He hasn't worked as many hours in five years as I have since Sunday. Jerry Brown thinks my brother in law is a victim and that I should have to pay higher taxes for his social services. I don't agree.
  23. I have actually heard several science-types say that we really aren't *that* far off from totally self-driving vehicles that communicate with one another and may drive in pods to reduce traffic.
  24. I actually have some concerns about the bullpen too. Salas, Morin and Jepsen were all horrible the last month or two of the season, and none have track records suggesting their poor performance toward the end was an abberation.
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