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Everything posted by wopphil

  1. In your defense, it isn't like there was a thread just three threads down with the word "rocket" in the title.
  2. I'd also add that I think the lineup is set, provided they are committed to Cron as the DH.
  3. I don't think the Angels need to do much this off-season. My four moves, while staying close to the tax threshold: (1) sign one of Peavey, Liriano, or McCarthy. I would assume 3/30 would be competitive for either. (2) Bring back Grilli. Bullpen options would be Street, Smith, Jeppy, Morin, Pestano, Grilli, Sally, Rasmus, Bedrosian, Gott. Plenty of depth there. (3) Get a solid lefty reliever. Trade Sally or Jeppy if need be. (4) find a fast, great defending fourth outfielder. That really isn't a very hard off-season. Dipoto ought to be able to do at least the first three things. If the luxury tax isn't a serious concern, I'd go this route: (1) sign Scherzer or Lester. Avoid Shields. (2) If Scherzer/Lester exceed 6/150, sign one of Peavey, Liriano, or McCarthy. (3) Sign Andrew Miller. (4) Sign Russell Martin, then trade Chris Ianetta. (5) Sign Grilli or a comparable power arm for the pen. (6) Acquire a good fourth outfielder.
  4. Actually I think the team should resign Grilli, but I am not a fan of the other proposed moves. I wouldn't trade Hamilton unless the other team assumed 75% of his contract, which won't happen. And I think Kuroda is way too old.
  5. Soto, you make some good points, but just because someone doesn't post about a 9-year old dying doesn't mean they don't feel sympathy. It is also far more common for a 9-year old to get killed than a pro baseball player, so there is a certain surprise factor here that doesn't exist with the 9-year old. But that doesn't mean the 9-year old's death isn't just as tragic. For me, this reminded me of Adenhart's death, naturally. When he was killed, I personally felt cheated as a fan, having a promising player on my team taken away. I am sure Cards fans feel the same today. I also remember feelimg terrible for his father, who one minute was watching his son pitch, and the next was saying his goodbyes. And I felt terrible for the players, particularly guys like Moseley and Weaver, who really seemed impacted. So I don't think it is wrong that people are seemingly making a bigger deal over this than certain other deaths. It is just the public nature of it all.
  6. Bump. I presume this was just total b.s. Did we actually sign anyone?
  7. Really horrible story. As Angel fans, we unfortunately know all too well what this feels like. God bless the Cardinals organization, their fans, and the Tavares family.
  8. In california, the left has made sure we overpay them, then let them retire at age 50 with a full pension. But no, the unions don't have any influence over the democrats or anything.
  9. My thought exactly. It is crazy, and really unfair for the kids whose parents can't afford it.
  10. If that is all it is, I can handle that. But I work about 60 hours a week, so I don't have a lot of free time. Nor am I a "lazy ass."
  11. I think you missed the point: LL, Inc. Is a business, with someone making a lot of money. They also have a staff of 100 that costs $7,500,000. I'd rather spend my money on a local league where all (or at least more) of my money goes simply to cover the costs of the fields and uniforms. I don't feel compelled to keep LL, Inc. in business.
  12. I think the only way this happens is if they non-tender Freese and trade Kendrick. I am coming around to the McCarthy idea. I'd be ok with 3/30, even though that is probably an overpay based on his history of injuries (and frequent mediocrity).
  13. You are correct, the $315 includes a $150 fundraising fee. I assumed I wouldn't have time to do the volunteer work and that I would need to pay the buy out, but I guess if the volunteer hours aren't too onerous that might be an option.
  14. Anyone have kids playing baseball in Orange County in some organization that is not Little League? Can you give any advice on alternatives to Little League? My wife just informed me that for my six year old to play t-ball, it will cost us a $165 league fee plus a $150 fundraising fee. So $315 for a season. That is practically criminal (someone has to fund the CEO's $430,000 salary I suppose). Growing up, I played Fountain Valley Youth baseball, which was a great league with a ton of talent. It wasn't affiliated in any way with Little League. Anyone know of a non-Little League alternative in the City of Orange?
  15. Jerome has made a lot of money by now. Good for him.
  16. He is a slappy hitter who will never hit for power or take a walk. Not that much different than Howie.
  17. Another to consider: if Kendrick repeats in 2015 what he did in 2014, does he get a QO? If so, does that influence the decision to trade him?
  18. Hence my words "like a." I am not actually advocating trading Kendrick for Vargas, though I would probably make that trade.
  19. Hence my words "like a." I am not actually advocating trading Kendrick for Vargas, though I would probably make that trade.
  20. I'd probably include Chic-Fil-A on my list of three. I may even go with rubios for the fish and other variety. Not sure about the third, but probably McDonalds (for the breakfast, coffee drinks, fries and coke).
  21. Possibly. If you are talking about a guy who can give 200 innings of 3.75 ERA - like a Jason Vargas - it could make sense.
  22. You'd be surprised at what some judges will order. Most have their own agendas, fairness/the law be damned.
  23. Hank Aaron's was really high all the way up to his age 39 season too. Makes me wonder why Albert's has fallen so far, and of course whether he is his claimed age.
  24. They don't have to tender Beckham a contract to potentially keep him. They can simply say "we want you back and we will pay you $3 million." If nobody offers him more, he takes that offer. If someone offers him more, he goes to that team. Doesn't mean the Angels can't compete for his services.
  25. We eat at The Habit somewhat frequently. I like their food and the number of menu selections, but their prices are high. Always cost me quite a bit more money to feed my family there than In-N-Out.
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