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  1. Like
    JAHV76 got a reaction from SlappyUtilityMIF in Threading the Needle at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office   
    What's next atheist's are going to ban going to Angels games?
  2. Like
    JAHV76 got a reaction from Vegas Halo Fan in Threading the Needle at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office   
    What's next atheist's are going to ban going to Angels games?
  3. Like
    JAHV76 got a reaction from HaloCory22 in Threading the Needle at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office   
    What's next atheist's are going to ban going to Angels games?
  4. Like
    JAHV76 reacted to Michifan in Going to the Game Tomorrow!   
    Just got back from the game about 30 minutes ago. Tough loss but really fun game to attend. We were behind home plate, up against the back wall under an overhang. We saw several other Angels fans. The weather was most cooperative, and really rather perfect. The Indians fans largely ignored us, which was nice. No one was rude at all, even when we were cheering pretty loud in the top of the 10th. 
    Couple of observations. It's a nice ballpark.
    Angels looked asleep for the first half of the game--no enthusiasm, no energy, no real excitement. They should have tagged Masterson who did not look very sharp at all. 
    CJ labored a couple of times, but in a few innings looked really sharp. It depended on whether he could locate the change.
    Ump was pretty consistent calling balls and strikes, a bit of a generous strike zone. Swisher was the only one really complaining, but I guess he got his revenge. 
    Great to see Pujols two hits more up the middle and to right center to drive in the runs. He took what he was given and delivered. 
    The bullpen sucks. After the Angels took the lead, the crowd (and it was a decent crowd) began to file out in part. My friend said "they must not know our bullpen." Enough said. So, it's his fault the Angels lost because he jinxed them. 
    Last observation. My kids had a GREAT time attending their first major league ballgame. I told them if it was any consolation, that when I was their age and went to Angels games, they mostly lost. 
  5. Like
    JAHV76 reacted to OregonLAA in Since becoming an Angels fan...   
    I've never been so nervous when our closer came in. I don't get why he is our closer
  6. Like
    JAHV76 got a reaction from Vegas Halo Fan in Harrison Ford injured on set of Star Wars VII   
    I bet Luke is behind this he always had a thing for his sister.
  7. Like
    JAHV76 got a reaction from GuliblGuy in Hanford Guy's Hijacked Memes Thread   
    That sheep is lucky this didn't happen in Montana because it would be Mountain time. ☺
  8. Like
    JAHV76 got a reaction from Tank in Favorite Queen Song?   
    I would like the big A to play We are the Champions in at least one more season.
  9. Like
    JAHV76 reacted to Blarg in Info, please, from those who have lived in the IE   
    If you go for a hike in Adelanto, just walk on by these guys like you never saw them, don't say hello, don't ask if they are prospecting.

  10. Like
    JAHV76 got a reaction from Vegas Halo Fan in Semi-Weekend Shenanigan: The Big Payback?   
    Kharma will payback your co-worker.
  11. Like
    JAHV76 reacted to nando714 in Say goodbye to sports on WGN   
    I used to love as a kid. Having the summer off from school and cubs games at 11am with Harry Caray being the mic.
  12. Like
    JAHV76 reacted to Glen in If I can quote LTH...   
    **** these ****ing losers. Shitting the bed against Oakland again. Remember how we were supposed to be encouraged because we played them close in the first series?
    **** these ****ing losers.
  13. Like
    JAHV76 reacted to tdawg87 in What's going on with the 'Big A'   
    Donald Sterling is buying the Angels and changing it to a big cross.
    Expect fire.
  14. Like
    JAHV76 got a reaction from Vegas Halo Fan in Memorial Day Thoughts   
    Thank god for the men and women of our armed forces for keeping this great country safe. Thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the military who have lossed a love one.
  15. Like
    JAHV76 reacted to ten ocho recon scout in Memorial Day Thoughts   
    Good post. Im a veteran (from a family of veterans). I get irked a bit every year on this day and veterans day because I sometimes feel like no one is taking the time to respect why we have it.
    Im not at all expecting people to spend today mourning and wearing all black. But id like to see more flags displayed (personally). I think people need to remember that though iraq is over, and the ghan is ending.....theres still men and women dying over there. I think everyone should keep that in mind on this day and veterans day.
    (Steps down from soap box)
  16. Like
    JAHV76 got a reaction from Chuck in Memorial Day Thoughts   
    Thank god for the men and women of our armed forces for keeping this great country safe. Thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the military who have lossed a love one.
  17. Like
    JAHV76 reacted to Broad Street in Around the major 5/26   
    But I thought it was supposed to be game over when you're down 5?
  18. Like
    JAHV76 reacted to AngelsWin.com in Watching The Red Sox Lose   
    By Toby Hunt, AngelsWin.com Staff Writer -
    Ahh, baseball season. 7 months out of the year we get to watch the greatest game on earth and cheer on our favorite players and teams. There's ups, there's downs, there's just a lot of fun to be had. Will we get to see our team in the playoffs again? Will any of our pitchers throw a no-hitter? Will a cosmetically-challenged Hispanic shortstop get hit in the balls? So many possibilities can arise during the long season, it's no wonder so many of us are hooked until the last out.
    As Angels fans we love our team, but we don't always agree on everything. We argue over the lineup cards, we argue over the bullpen management, and sometimes we even argue over whether Mike Trout is fat or not.
    Does this batting average make my butt look big?
    We have certainly had our share of disputes over the years, and with the playoff drought in recent years, tensions are high. But In spite of all the bickering regarding the team and Trout's girth, I think we can all agree that we love the Angels and will do so until the day we die, or at least until they miss the playoffs again. But there is another thing that holds us all together as fans, that keeps us sticking together through the hardest times and gives us something we can all stand united on, something that bonds us and makes us all the same, no matter what race, religion, or Costco we adhere to: Our hatred of the Boston Red Sox.
    Just in case you needed a reminder.
    Why do we hate the Red Sox? Because **** them, that's why. We hear about them every day. We see them in the papers, on the news, on every sports network. "How will the Red Sox do this year?". It's sickening. For years we have had to endure the endless babble about how the Red Sox are this great underdog trying to overthrow the evil empire (New York) and how we should root for them to overcome the odds and save the day. It's like watching Star Wars every day for 7 months, except all of the rebels have been digitally replaced by Jar-Jar Binks and voiced by Ben Afleck.
    Don't think for a second I'm doing a caption for that.
    They aren't "underdogs", nor are they a team we can relate or connect to in any way. They are irreparable douches who have committed all the same sins the "evil empire" has, and we are supposed to believe they are the good guys?
    But seriously though, as Angels fans why do we hate a team we only see 9 times a year at most? A team that plays 3,000 miles away? I suppose a lot of it has to do with the 1986 LDS. Obviously the Dave Henderson homerun still has some shards left over in many an Angel fan's heart. But there have been a lot of heartbreaking moments in this team's history. Do we have the same hatred for Seattle after the 1995 season? Or Jeff Mathis for being Jeff Mathis? Why is it that no matter who wears that uniform, us Angels fans look at them in disgust?
    It's everything, really. The obnoxious fans who crowd Angels' Stadium whenever they ooze into town, the overblown media coverage, 1986, and of course it hasn't helped that the Angels have basically been Boston's female dog for 20 years running. Just the sight of those uniforms gives me nightmares and intestinal bleeding. Most of my worst baseball memories involve the Red Sox. Be it from watching the Angels get brutally pounded in Fenway, or seeing Mo Vaughn walkoff on Troy Percival. I also have a running nightmare where I get turned into a piece of cheese and Dustin Pedroia slowly gnaws away at my coagulated body before dragging me under the oven........But a funny thought occurred to me this evening when I saw Boston lose their 10th straight game: I really love when the Red Sox lose. I mean, nothing beats an Angels' win don't get me wrong, but if there is one thing that is right up there, it's seeing the Red Sox play like absolute crap. It can always be a silver lining in an otherwise dreary day.
    This is borderline pornographic for me.
    Now, you may think it to be a bit ridiculous to find so much pleasure in seeing another team's misery, but you gotta understand where I come from: I live smack dab in the middle of Red Sox Nation. Hell I'm only a 2 hour drive from the capital. It's like being an Atheist with an irrational fear of cardboard signs living next to the Westboro Baptist Church. During election season. It isn't fun, and it's especially not fun when the Red Sox do well. Their fans are annoying and obnoxious, and winning brings that out of them tenfold. Being an open fan of another team during those trying times is not the most enlightening experience. On the flipside, when the Red Sox are not doing well, I get to walk around with a shit-eating grin on my face. It literally makes my life better when Boston is losing. I'm certainly not the only one. 
    As Angels fans, we love seeing our team win more than anything else. It makes us happy. It makes our day just a little bit better. You can't honestly say the last couple weeks of success hasn't put you in a better mood, if only slightly. For me, seeing the success of my favorite team and the deficiency of my least favorite team at the same time has been a euphoric experience. Will it last? Maybe, maybe not. But for now I'm going to enjoy it. Oh am I ever going to enjoy it. View the full article
  19. Like
    JAHV76 got a reaction from nando714 in Wade LeBlanc Promoted   
    Maybe Sosh was just monkeying around?

  20. Like
    JAHV76 got a reaction from ELEVEN in Red Sox lose 10 straight start brawl with Tampa   
    Wicked pissah.
  21. Like
    JAHV76 got a reaction from Glen in Red Sox lose 10 straight start brawl with Tampa   
    Wicked pissah.
  22. Like
    JAHV76 got a reaction from Ray McKigney in Japanese Penis Festival Is As Shocking As You'd Expect!   
    From what I've heard it would be a short event.
  23. Like
    JAHV76 reacted to Spirit in Josh Hamilton Report   
  24. Like
    JAHV76 got a reaction from Inside Pitch in Cabrera touches Beltre's head, gets hit in the nuts   
    I wonder if Miggy said to Beltre "Hey lefty how's IT hanging"
  25. Like
    JAHV76 got a reaction from ten ocho recon scout in Cabrera touches Beltre's head, gets hit in the nuts   
    I wonder if Miggy said to Beltre "Hey lefty how's IT hanging"
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