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By David Saltzer, AngelsWin.com Senior Writer

Today is just a day, except it isn’t. Today is the day we set aside to remember all those who gave their lives and served the nation to protect us and keep us free.

I never served in the military. A childhood illness kept me from that. So, I cannot fully understand all the sacrifices made by those who did. I will never know the comradeship they share with the ones who served, whether in their own generation or a different one.

Over the years, I have had many students serve in all the different branches of the military. Most have come out for the better, but I have had some who have paid a price for our freedom.

As a parent, I would want my boys to serve and carry on my father’s legacy as a commander in the Navy or my father-in-law’s service in the Air Force. Though I cannot imagine the loss that a Gold Star family bears, this country and our freedom is worth it.

Today, as the speeches are given, the gratitudes are expressed, and the social media shout-outs are posted, here are some promises I make to those who serve. I promise to treat you with the dignity and respect that you have earned. I promise to listen to the stories you wish to share, and not press for the ones you don’t. I will enjoy the freedom you paid for.

As I watch today’s Angel’s game, I will realize that it is a metaphor for what you want—everyone on our team to be safe at home.

Tonight, as I barbeque with friends and family, I will take a moment to think of all the time you spent away from yours.

Tomorrow, when I wake up, I won’t forget the message of today, and will realize that everyday should be a Memorial Day.

I will earn the freedom you gave me and live a good life, upholding my promises and commitments.

And I will thank you for your service.

On behalf of everyone at AngelsWin.com, to all those in our community who have served, and to servicemen everywhere, thank you for your service to our country.


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My father and my uncle both served in World War II, and my father in the Korean War. I did not serve in the military as we were still embroiled in Vietnam at the time I reached the minimum age of service, and even my career military father opposed the war and discouraged me from serving in it.


I salute those who have made the supreme sacrifice to guard the freedoms we enjoy today. 


Good post. Im a veteran (from a family of veterans). I get irked a bit every year on this day and veterans day because I sometimes feel like no one is taking the time to respect why we have it.

Im not at all expecting people to spend today mourning and wearing all black. But id like to see more flags displayed (personally). I think people need to remember that though iraq is over, and the ghan is ending.....theres still men and women dying over there. I think everyone should keep that in mind on this day and veterans day.

(Steps down from soap box)

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