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    DCAngelsFan reacted to ten ocho recon scout in What is the minimum trade package you'd accept for Ohtani right now (if you were Perry Minasian)?   
    Mentioned it before, but only thing I can think of that might work is massive guaranteed money with player options every year (or so).
    "Please stay, here's scrooge mcduck money, but if you aren't happy you can leave".
    We can also try guilt tripping him. "We could have won a few years ago, but we needed pitching, and you had tommy John" (sips drink, looks away). "But fine, leave if you want.... now that we fixed your arm" (puts drink back down on its saucer. Walk outside and stare at sky with hands on hips, like forrest Gump when he told Jenny he knows what love is)
  2. Like
    DCAngelsFan got a reaction from ten ocho recon scout in What is the minimum trade package you'd accept for Ohtani right now (if you were Perry Minasian)?   
    He can get money anywhere.  I agree, I think he wants to (continue to) make his mark, and he wants to win.
    I think he could still elect to stay out of reasons of comfort and loyalty - but not if the team is going nowhere.  Only way (imo) he resigns is to convince him that not only will the Angels win with him, but no more promises, that it actually happens next year.  The team has to make huge strides to make that happen, and that probably means one of two things:
    1.  Some budget-blasting absurd moves on the part of Arte, like signing Judge, Turner, and Musgrove 
    2. Some combination of better health, luck, and improvement in young players gets us deep into contention next season
    Blowing past the CBT - I think many of us said that if Arte were ever going to go all in, it was each of the last two off-season.  He didn't then, so why would he do it now?   And he might've waited too long as it is
    Second option - it could - I mean, if Trout and Rendon each had healthy years with 140+ games, and nothing else bad happened, and many of the youngsters made strides and ...  
    Who am I kidding, this is the Angels we're talking about, where health outcomes are always the worst-case.
    The most logical thing is to trade him for some elite guaranteed future All-Star prospects - but it'd be a PR disaster.   And has been said, no one will pay what he's worth.  
    Who'd ever guess that having the most mesmerizing players in baseball on the team could be so depressing - we can keep Ohtani for another meaningless season and a half, then he leaves, or we trade him to another team and hope we can compete someday, while an aging Trout watches less-than-replacement-level scrubs who couldn't carry his jockstrap lift the World Series trophy year after year.
  3. Funny
    DCAngelsFan got a reaction from AngelsLakersFan in OC Register: Angels’ Mike Trout dealing with rare back condition   
    Translation:  Yes, with surgery next April, which makes him miss a year.  
    Awesome - past tense already.
    This is the Angels I remember - an occasional glimpse of hope, followed by freak injuries and, sometimes, worse.  🙏☠️
    Ohtani needs to get out before he catches leprosy and his arms fall off
  4. THIS!
    DCAngelsFan got a reaction from Angel Oracle in OC Register: Angels’ Mike Trout dealing with rare back condition   
    Translation:  Yes, with surgery next April, which makes him miss a year.  
    Awesome - past tense already.
    This is the Angels I remember - an occasional glimpse of hope, followed by freak injuries and, sometimes, worse.  🙏☠️
    Ohtani needs to get out before he catches leprosy and his arms fall off
  5. Like
    DCAngelsFan reacted to totdprods in Hypothesizing a Noah Syndergaard Trade Return   
    Call me crazy, but I’d actually prioritize upper-level prospects to help address MIF, OF, or C over pitching. 
    We’ve drafted plenty of arms and I’m tired of seeing guys like Gosselin, Villar, Lagares, Suzuki, Harrison, Sierra get at-bats. 
    I don’t see Syndergaard landing us an arm that wouldn’t be too terribly different from our current crop of AA-MLB youngsters. I don't think another Janson Junk or Chase Silseth or Davis Daniel level prospect is gonna do much. 

    But an equivalent type prospect up the middle or behind the dish, or corner OF? Sign me up. Easier to 'win' a trade with a position player prospect too, I think.
  6. Thank You
    DCAngelsFan reacted to kennyfweirich3 in Kenny Weirich presents Mike Trout and Phil Nevin an American Flag during batting practice on Friday   
    Good Morning, Thank you for reaching out to me.  First it was an honor to meet you during the game on Saturday. I'm a huge fan and have been following you on Twitter.  I wanted to give the background of how everything happened and then fell into place.  I am a Military Veteran, from 2006-2013 I served in the United States Air Force as a Security Forces Member (Military Police) & I am currently Serving in the South Carolina Army National Guard and have been doing that since 2018.  So back in 2019 for Christmas My wife got me tickets to go see the Angels play in Atlanta for the whole series.  Unfortunately Covid happened in 2020 and that series was canceled. Before the decision was made to cancel the season, I made the decision that I wanted to have a flag flown for the team.  While serving in the Air Force we had the opportunity to have an American Flag flown on our aircrafts in support of either Operation Enduring Freedom or Operation Iraqi Freedom and then present that flag in honor of an individual, an organization, special occasion or an event. In my situation I wanted to have it flown for the team.  The reason I did this is because I suffer from PTSD, and the game of baseball & the angels organization has helped me to cope with my severe anxiety and depression. Something about the game of baseball really makes me feel at peace and relaxes me. So I wanted to show my appreciation to the team for helping me what I feel is in a big way.  I felt the best way to show this appreciation is by the only way as a military veteran that I know how and that is by having an American Flag flown.  So I reached out to a few of my fellow servicemembers to see if they could help me and due to covid picking up the options were extremely limited, so a fellow soldier suggested about having a flag flown over the capitol building in the teams honor.  After hearing this suggestion, I then had a flag flown and was going to try and present it to the team during the 2020 season when they were originally scheduled to play in Atlanta.  So I held on to the flag and certificate of authenticity because I was going to find a way to present this flag to the team.  When the Schedule for the 2022 Season was released and I seen that the Angels were coming to Atlanta, I had one goal on my mind and that was present the American flag to the team.  When April got here I reached out to Jeff Fletcher on twitter to see if he knew a point of contact for me, at that point he gave me the information of Angels Director of Communication Adam Chodzko.  I emailed Adam explaining to him who I was and what I did, and that all I wanted to do was get an address and I was going to mail the flag in the case with the certificate of authenticity to the team.  He emailed me back explaining to me that he would send everything over to Matt Birch who travels with the team and Matt would arrange for me to get the flag to the team in person. Over the last several months I remained in contact with Matt who expressed to me that he wanted to get me and my family batting practice passes at Truist Park so I could present the flag to a member of the team in person. Fast Forward to last week and I received an email from Matt on Thursday evening letting me know that he indeed reserved me 3 passes for batting practice for myself, my wife and my son. He also expressed to me in the email the interest from Bally Sports West to record me presenting the flag to the team and to interview me.  I accepted the offer.  On Friday, My family and I arrived to Truist Park for the Batting practice experience and I made contact with Matt, who let me know at that moment that I would be presenting the American Flag to Angels Manager Phil Nevins & Angels Star Centerfielder Mike Trout. I walked over to Mike and Phil, and explained to them who I was and that I had the American Flag flown in recognition and appreciation of the Los Angeles Angels.  Both Mike and Phil accepted the flag on behalf of the team and asked for several pictures of the three of us together with the flag.  Mike & Phil then proceeded to introduce themselves to my wife and my son.  Before departing for the dugout Mike Trout signed my jersey, My son's jersey and his hat.  Overall it was a great experience and an amazing opportunity to show some appreciation to the Los Angeles Angels for everything they do for the baseball community and military community.  Before I left the field I was stopped by Carrlyn Bathe from Bally Sports West who interviewed me & my family on this incredible experience.
  7. Like
    DCAngelsFan got a reaction from AngelsFaninGA in Los Angeles Angels 2022 MLB Draft Thread   
    There's a pattern here, of being cheap with minor leaguers as compared to other teams.  And what do you know, our production of major leaguers from our minor league system is also terrible compared to other teams.  Where's there's smoke and such.  
    To paraphrase Stalin "Quantity has a quality all its own" - spend more, you'll probably improve the wretched badness that's been our minor league system for years.  Spend better, great idea.  But it's obvious this team is cheap with its minor league system compared to other teams.  
  8. Like
    DCAngelsFan got a reaction from Angel Oracle in Los Angeles Angels 2022 MLB Draft Thread   
    I think the club could probably invest, say, an additional 2 or 3 Hamil-tons* a year in improving the scouting and development system - improving scouting, coaching, facilities, nutrition, housing, physical training, etc - both US and international - and likely yield some positive results in the coming years - heck, if only in karma points.  And Arte needs all the good karma points he can gather - the "cheaper beer" thing ran out long ago ...  
    * Hamil-ton - the cost of one Josh Hamilton homerun hit for the Angels, roughly $4m.  
  9. Like
    DCAngelsFan got a reaction from totdprods in Los Angeles Angels 2022 MLB Draft Thread   
    I think the club could probably invest, say, an additional 2 or 3 Hamil-tons* a year in improving the scouting and development system - improving scouting, coaching, facilities, nutrition, housing, physical training, etc - both US and international - and likely yield some positive results in the coming years - heck, if only in karma points.  And Arte needs all the good karma points he can gather - the "cheaper beer" thing ran out long ago ...  
    * Hamil-ton - the cost of one Josh Hamilton homerun hit for the Angels, roughly $4m.  
  10. Like
    DCAngelsFan reacted to totdprods in Los Angeles Angels 2022 MLB Draft Thread   
    And with how cagey Minasian and others have been in commenting about what they've done even just for minor league player conditions it's not very encouraging. 
    It's crazy, you'd have to think that for the price of anywhere from a back-up catcher to a mid-reliever, they could radically enhance so much in terms of development, player comfort, lodging, condition, food, facilities - not even considering the scouting aspect here - and see probably a greater ROI in 2-5 years from those players than what they'd get from that aforementioned cheap FA signing.
  11. Like
    DCAngelsFan reacted to tdawg87 in Bowden: “[The Angels] are fielding phone calls and they are listening [on Ohtani]”   
    I'm sorry but even suggesting trading Sandoval is stupid. He's exactly what this team needs right now. Young, cost controlled starters who are actually good. How many of those has this team had over the last 12 years? And I think this is the second time you've mentioned him in a "hypothetical" trade scenario.
    Again, I'm sorry, but hypothetical or not it's absolutely stupid.
  12. Like
    DCAngelsFan got a reaction from Revad in Los Angeles Angels 2022 MLB Draft Thread   
    The comments I've found on Porter seem a bit odd - from upper-half first-round-talent to 3rd rounder - nothing that suggests he's particularly high risk - except for being a high-school pitcher, which has a huge fail rate - a lack of enthusiasm I find odd.  
    Clearly, he'll need to be over slot - maybe we had an under-slot deal with Neto to save for someone like Porter?
    Joyce is Nuke Laloosh out there - but if his mental makeup is good and he's coachable, he could make a nasty reliever.  
  13. Like
    DCAngelsFan got a reaction from stormngt in This is getting weird (worst 45+ game span since...)   
    What's weird is I have less hope for this franchise than a few years ago when our farm was barren, and it looked like we'd never win again.  At least it was understandable.
    Why a team with so many apparently good players find so many ways to lose is kinda unfathomable - it's like the Black Hole of Calcutta - bring in Soto, he'd hit .180 and go on the DL with chronic depression, bring in Judge, he'd tear an ACL *and* a UCL on his first swing.
    The only people with less interest in baseball are the Angels players.  At least if they sucked and tried, like those balls-out Korean teams, they'd be entertaining.

  14. Like
    DCAngelsFan got a reaction from AngelsFaninGA in This is getting weird (worst 45+ game span since...)   
    What's weird is I have less hope for this franchise than a few years ago when our farm was barren, and it looked like we'd never win again.  At least it was understandable.
    Why a team with so many apparently good players find so many ways to lose is kinda unfathomable - it's like the Black Hole of Calcutta - bring in Soto, he'd hit .180 and go on the DL with chronic depression, bring in Judge, he'd tear an ACL *and* a UCL on his first swing.
    The only people with less interest in baseball are the Angels players.  At least if they sucked and tried, like those balls-out Korean teams, they'd be entertaining.

  15. Like
    DCAngelsFan reacted to Docwaukee in In what appears to be a lost season what are you looking forward to see happen for the rest of the campaign?   
    people may not believe me, but this team isn't as far off from winning as some might think.  
    Minasian just did a crap job for the most part.  Spending lots of money on peripheral pen pieces and ignoring depth.  Iglesias isn't going anywhere.  And an elite reliever is actually the one spot in the pen where spending makes some sense because those guys aren't as typically subject to classic reliever volatility.  The Thor deal wasn't bad but they absolutely need to trade him if they have the chance.  It's kinda the whole point of a 1yr big money deal.  If you're out of it, use that to get some value somewhere.  Especially considering you gave up a pick.  
    The Lorenzen deal isn't that bad even though people are down on him right now.  He's been going through a bad stretch but he's got pretty good stuff and can be very good at times.  A solid 4ish type that can almost be in the 3 range if you squint.  Teams will see value in that for the second half.  And he's pretty cheap on a relative basis.  So they need to trade him as well.  
    If they can get at least 1 top 100ish type and a few additional solid prospects for those two then I'd be pretty happy.  And let me add a comment on something that has absolutely bugged the crap out of me over the last several years.  If you make a trade for prospects, get the absolute best you can regardless of their proximity to the majors.  Stop trying to get guys just based on whether they'll help soon.  Give me three guys with upside in rookie ball that you've scouted and think highly of over some reliever in AA.  Just add value to the overall org and stop with the year to year mlb team BS.  
    I want to see Stefanic and Rengifo everyday for the rest of the year.  And I really don't have much interest in having Fletcher go back to being an everyday player.  Rengifo has been better but I agree that a lot of what he's done recently isn't totally sustainable although I will say that he hits the ball hard.  So sort of a mixed bag but I'd like to keep seeing him to determine which direction it's gonna go.  
    Stefanic can just flat out hit.  He has good at bats.  There's gonna be a book on him soon but I think he'll be fine.  I haven't been watching much but haven't heard much about his defense.  Couple hundred PA by seasons end will give us a better picture.  no complete, but better.  
    I would give fletch the super util role.  A little LF, and most of his IF abs at 3b.  I also wouldn't give up Villar just yet.  Give the guy a chance to get acclimated.  He's had some solid periods of success or of at least being serviceable.  But don't expect more than that.  He's not a starter but probably the best option in a platoon with fletch.  More so because Fletch has been decently successful vs. lefties and Villar's splits are pretty neutral.  I'd probably throw Fletch in LF a decent chunk and work matchups for Marsh if they're not going to send him down.  
    If possible, I would trade Suzuki for a bag of balls and bring up Thaiss.  Let's see what we got there.  Not overly confident it's much but he's actually a decently versatile guy and might have a halfway decent bat as a second C.  He actually showed  a bit of promise at the plate in 2019 and only has 35 major league PA since then.  
    I would try to ditch Tepera's contract on someone if at all possible.  Don't care about the return.  Just get rid of the money.  
    I have a little more hope for Loup for next year.  But if someone make a decent offer, I'd move him as well although I'd want something decent in return.  
    I would not trade Ward unless I got a king's ransom.  He was over his skis earlier in the year, but he's not even arb eligible till 2024.  And OF stability is a problem right now.  He's the perfect guy to keep in that he's likely to be fairly consistent.  Good defender.  Good at bats.  Good speed.  Kind of a dunsky sometimes but underrated overall as he's likely always been.  
    There no way I'm trading Ohtani.  I'm not a star f'er by any means, but the dude is the most valuable player in mlb right now.  Pay him and move on.   whatever that number is, I'm subtracting 25m from it as a legit expense because he probably brings that to the franchise on a yearly.  at least.  
    My rotation after Thor and Lorenzen are trade - Ohtani, Sandy, Detmers, Barria, Suarez and Silseth.  I think Chase needs a bit more time in the minors, but I also think he can handle the bigs and learn here as he goes.  I'd also be giving Daniel some starts through the end of the year.  
    And then just a rotating audition for the pen.  
    I don't really care to see Duffy ever again.  And frankly he same applies to MacKinnon for me.  I know he's a bit of a fan favorite but meh.  I'd rather see more of Harrison and I'm not really much of a fan of his either.  Adell up getting semi regular at bats would be my pref at this point depending on Fletch's return.  
    And I still think it was utterly stupid to let Davis go.  He probably wasn't going to be anything special but certainly a guy worth keeping and taking a chance on.  
    Overall, it would be an exercise in determining my lineup and pitching depth for next year.  And getting as much org value as I can for anyone that isn't tied down for 2023.  
    And I'll throw this out even though it's not relevant to the discussion here, but if I were Perry (and maybe he's already done this), I would go to Arte and show him a proforma where I took 10m from the major league budget and put it toward hiring as many f'n smart people as I could to fill the org in as many spots as I could.  Major and Minor league scouting, player development, the draft, international, analytics, just people sitting next to me who can bring ideas and bring this org back to what the primary focus should be.  As opposed to living year to year on the major league roster.  
    So that's my story and I'm sticking to it.  
  16. Like
    DCAngelsFan reacted to Clark W Griswold in In what appears to be a lost season what are you looking forward to see happen for the rest of the campaign?   
    They can trade whoever they want and it wouldn’t bother me. This group just isn’t cutting it.
    My interest is in seeing if they can develop guys like Bachman.
    I would love it if Bally’s started showing the Trash Panda’s games instead of the Angels.
  17. THIS!
    DCAngelsFan reacted to TroutCron in OC Register: Angels GM Perry Minasian takes responsibility for struggling squad   
    Arte, hire a damn President who. knows Baseball instead of your billboard guys. Let that person rebuild the organization. He (or she) gets to hire their own people to fill out the rest of the Front Office positions. The President then makes the budget for payroll limits and player acquisition. He gets to the establish his own structure for the whole organization. He can establish an ‘Angels way to play’ complete with new, better psid instructors and Managers for the Minor League players. 
    Mostly though, trust the President that you hire and stay out of the way. 
  18. THIS!
    DCAngelsFan got a reaction from ukyah in Gameday Thread - Angels vs Orioles, 7/7/2022   
  19. Like
    DCAngelsFan got a reaction from AngelsLakersFan in How do we fix this realistically?   
    This reminds of the metaphor I made probably 10 years ago on the order of "The Angels have a Ferrari with no engine, transmission, and bad brakes, and Arte is spending his money on shiny new rims"
    I trace it back to the 2010 draft - that was the draft that was supposed to provide us with an infusion of talent that would carry the team for years.  Instead, it was a smoking crater, and so many bad financial decisions later resulted to try to backfill what became an absolutely shockingly barren system (didn't Law say something like it was the worst he'd ever seen?)
    It's boring to even say it again - have said it for years - whatever the Angels spend on international and amateur scouting, drafting, and development - whether it's a lot or a little - is yielding crap results.  
  20. THIS!
    DCAngelsFan got a reaction from Angel Oracle in How do we fix this realistically?   
    This reminds of the metaphor I made probably 10 years ago on the order of "The Angels have a Ferrari with no engine, transmission, and bad brakes, and Arte is spending his money on shiny new rims"
    I trace it back to the 2010 draft - that was the draft that was supposed to provide us with an infusion of talent that would carry the team for years.  Instead, it was a smoking crater, and so many bad financial decisions later resulted to try to backfill what became an absolutely shockingly barren system (didn't Law say something like it was the worst he'd ever seen?)
    It's boring to even say it again - have said it for years - whatever the Angels spend on international and amateur scouting, drafting, and development - whether it's a lot or a little - is yielding crap results.  
  21. Like
    DCAngelsFan reacted to Stradling in The Athletic: In extended spring training, minor leaguers lament lack of pay: ‘Just a mess’   
    We all know how this thread is going to go but at the end of the day all owners should be striving to set themselves a part in a positive way to be an excellent employer, throughout the entire organization.  The organization should want to be a desirable place to play because of how the players are being taken care of.  It isn’t all financial but it does all require a financial commitment.  The cost between standing out in a positive way versus standing out in a negative way is minimal in the grand scheme of things, especially when you are vying to keep talent and acquire talent.    
  22. Like
    DCAngelsFan got a reaction from ten ocho recon scout in Tim Salmon's speech   
    That's what came to mind, an employee in a comic book store...
  23. Like
    DCAngelsFan reacted to ten ocho recon scout in Tim Salmon's speech   
  24. Like
    DCAngelsFan reacted to Angelsjunky in Arte fired the wrong guy   
    I don't think the Angels need an impact bat as much as they need to replace some of their crappy bats with halfway decent bats.
  25. Like
    DCAngelsFan got a reaction from gurn67 in Gameday Thread (6/15/22) Angels @ Dodgers - no Rendon   
    I was making dinner and turned the game on so I could hear it.  
    I heard Freeman walk, then steal 2nd, and thought uh-oh, that's a bad sign.  
    Just about the time I heard Turner hit the single, we're down 3-0 already and 2 more on-based, I thought to myself "Why do I give a shit about these guys?  Why am I doing this to myself?" 
    I quickly changed it to netflix, and ate my dinner in peace.  I checked in around the 7th, heard "no hitter" - and immediately turned it off again. 
    The question remains - why do I even give a shit what these guys do?  
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