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  1. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from mp170.6 in Orange County Register   
    A friend's mom has been working there I want to say for like 40+ years.  She made it through all the cuts so far and has been holding on for retirement purposes.  He's been telling her she needs to retire and downsize and this happening may finally make that decision for her.
  2. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from Torridd in Fire Scioscia?   
    I've been critical of Sciosca at times but a few bad plays in the field and two close games so far in the ALDS after 98 wins doesn't really warrant these types of threads. To each his own.
  3. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from nate in Stock Market: The Thread   
    I'm guessing you've been itching at the chance for a day like to today to post just such a thread to try and point out that the sky is falling?  The US economy grew at a rate of 4% last quarter and unemployment claims dropped but the negative news out of Argentina is taking center stage.  Unless you're a day trader or invest based on your emotions none of this should matter as you should be in it for the long haul.
  4. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from Vegas Halo Fan in Attending NFL games, hazardous to your health!   
    In the last 5 years in MLB in SoCal we've had the Stow beating, a guy punched at an Angels game resulting in a fall then suffering a head injury that resulted in death and 2 guys shot in the parking lot after an Angels game by an off duty cop.  Every time I go to any sporting event there's drunk assholes and avoiding them 99.9% of the time is as easy as not engaging them and not getting drunk.  I believe a lot of stadiums have cracked down on tailgating for a lot of the major sports because surprise surprise, getting drunk for hours before the game even begins usually leads to problems.  
    For the record I pretty much avoid going to sporting events because it's cheaper to watch from home, the view is better and I can avoid the idiots.  I like going to a few Angel games a year but other than that I'd rather watch on TV.  Philly fans are notorious for being douches ever since they pelted Santa with snowballs so I'm not really surprised by anything that comes out of Philly.  I went to the Raider/Bronco games 2 years in a row in Oakland maybe 10/11 years ago and quite frankly I kept my mouth shut and didn't wear any Bronco gear because it wasn't worth the trouble.  I watched two guys in Bronco jerseys walking by the line to get in get yelled at, have things thrown at them, spit at by a few people and the list goes on.  Mob mentality is a bad thing and when there's booze involved it's even worse.
  5. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from Taylor in Virgin America plane grounded due to Frenzied Masturbating passenger   
    F'in stickboy.  
  6. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from Tank in Attending NFL games, hazardous to your health!   
    In the last 5 years in MLB in SoCal we've had the Stow beating, a guy punched at an Angels game resulting in a fall then suffering a head injury that resulted in death and 2 guys shot in the parking lot after an Angels game by an off duty cop.  Every time I go to any sporting event there's drunk assholes and avoiding them 99.9% of the time is as easy as not engaging them and not getting drunk.  I believe a lot of stadiums have cracked down on tailgating for a lot of the major sports because surprise surprise, getting drunk for hours before the game even begins usually leads to problems.  
    For the record I pretty much avoid going to sporting events because it's cheaper to watch from home, the view is better and I can avoid the idiots.  I like going to a few Angel games a year but other than that I'd rather watch on TV.  Philly fans are notorious for being douches ever since they pelted Santa with snowballs so I'm not really surprised by anything that comes out of Philly.  I went to the Raider/Bronco games 2 years in a row in Oakland maybe 10/11 years ago and quite frankly I kept my mouth shut and didn't wear any Bronco gear because it wasn't worth the trouble.  I watched two guys in Bronco jerseys walking by the line to get in get yelled at, have things thrown at them, spit at by a few people and the list goes on.  Mob mentality is a bad thing and when there's booze involved it's even worse.
  7. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from mp170.6 in Dancing With the "Stars"   
    is this one of those shows you watch when you're 40+, you have kids and you've basically given up on having any kind of life you really enjoy?  
  8. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from Brandon in AngelsWin.Com NFL Picks - Week 1 Results   
    Let's just split the winnings now and be done with it.
  9. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from Amazing Larry in Is this a good idea?   
    Less skeptical of a government that continues to take away civil liberties?  I've got nothing to hide but I'm not going to vote for anything that gives our already overreaching government more power. 
  10. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from Tank in Is this a good idea?   
    Less skeptical of a government that continues to take away civil liberties?  I've got nothing to hide but I'm not going to vote for anything that gives our already overreaching government more power. 
  11. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from Vegas Halo Fan in St. Louis Rams thread   
    I don't really think he needs to worry about working as by the time his contract is completed Bradford will have made 78M as his rookie contract was signed before the newest CBA came into play which created the much needed rookie pay scale.  At least for him most of his injuries have been things getting torn and not him getting his head scrambled.  
  12. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat reacted to Schildog in Laird Hamilton shoots Malibu pier   
    burkhart you bastard!
  13. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from Vegas Halo Fan in University of Southern California Football Thread   
    I don't understand why someone would lie to the extent that they make up a fake story (getting family to back it up) saying they did something heroic.  Especially when word is he may have been involved in a crime because you bring extra attention to the situation and then look like an even bigger piece of shit.  Should have just gone with 'screwed up my ankle playing basketball' defense if he was going to lie.  
  14. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from Tank in St. Louis Rams thread   
    I don't really think he needs to worry about working as by the time his contract is completed Bradford will have made 78M as his rookie contract was signed before the newest CBA came into play which created the much needed rookie pay scale.  At least for him most of his injuries have been things getting torn and not him getting his head scrambled.  
  15. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from Vladdylonglegs in Ferguson Unrest   
    It's interesting in a scary way seeing how the reporting of the incident has unfolded.  At first the guy killed was referred to as an unarmed 'kid' who was shot in the back per witnesses as he was running away. In reality he was a 6'4 300lb 18 year old with a juvenile record who was a person of interest in another robbery some months before and the autopsies show he was not shot in the back.  He and his friend had just got done stealing from a convenient store where they more or less assaulted the elderly clerk in the process.  There's now supposedly a recording of two people discussing what they saw happen as they had a conversation in the background while someone else is telling a different story.  One of the two individuals said the man shot went at the cop and kept coming even after the first shot.  Yet Sharpton and Jackson jumped at the chance to be there before all the information had come out and there's rioting that's destroyed local businesses.  Sad yet not surprising.       
  16. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from LBHalos17 in Ferguson Unrest   
    Agreed but the mother not only refuses to believe or just flat out ignores those facts but she also went on TV calling for the officers arrest saying he should be held accountable for his actions which does nothing but rile people up when the investigation is ongoing.  The Brown family attorney said that the gunshots to the top of the head support eye witnesses accounts that he was trying to surrender and also said "why would he be shot in the top of his head?"  Those are some of the same eye witness accounts that said he was shot in the back and gunshots to the top of the head support what the officer said as far as the suspect coming at him.  
    Regardless of what the final report says if your kid grows up to be a thieving strong arming thug then a lot of that blame rests on the shoulder of their parents or whoever raised them.  I find it hard to have sympathy for people who lie or turn a blind eye.  
  17. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from wopphil in Ferguson Unrest   
    They showed on the news that the governor of MO was quoted as saying something along the lines of the officer will be brought to justice.  Seems like a dumb thing to say before the investigation is completed given his position but that seems like par for the course given how everything has played out since the shooting.  
  18. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from wopphil in Ferguson Unrest   
    It's interesting in a scary way seeing how the reporting of the incident has unfolded.  At first the guy killed was referred to as an unarmed 'kid' who was shot in the back per witnesses as he was running away. In reality he was a 6'4 300lb 18 year old with a juvenile record who was a person of interest in another robbery some months before and the autopsies show he was not shot in the back.  He and his friend had just got done stealing from a convenient store where they more or less assaulted the elderly clerk in the process.  There's now supposedly a recording of two people discussing what they saw happen as they had a conversation in the background while someone else is telling a different story.  One of the two individuals said the man shot went at the cop and kept coming even after the first shot.  Yet Sharpton and Jackson jumped at the chance to be there before all the information had come out and there's rioting that's destroyed local businesses.  Sad yet not surprising.       
  19. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from LBHalos17 in Ferguson Unrest   
    It's interesting in a scary way seeing how the reporting of the incident has unfolded.  At first the guy killed was referred to as an unarmed 'kid' who was shot in the back per witnesses as he was running away. In reality he was a 6'4 300lb 18 year old with a juvenile record who was a person of interest in another robbery some months before and the autopsies show he was not shot in the back.  He and his friend had just got done stealing from a convenient store where they more or less assaulted the elderly clerk in the process.  There's now supposedly a recording of two people discussing what they saw happen as they had a conversation in the background while someone else is telling a different story.  One of the two individuals said the man shot went at the cop and kept coming even after the first shot.  Yet Sharpton and Jackson jumped at the chance to be there before all the information had come out and there's rioting that's destroyed local businesses.  Sad yet not surprising.       
  20. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from Angels_Make_Me_Drink in Ferguson Unrest   
    It's interesting in a scary way seeing how the reporting of the incident has unfolded.  At first the guy killed was referred to as an unarmed 'kid' who was shot in the back per witnesses as he was running away. In reality he was a 6'4 300lb 18 year old with a juvenile record who was a person of interest in another robbery some months before and the autopsies show he was not shot in the back.  He and his friend had just got done stealing from a convenient store where they more or less assaulted the elderly clerk in the process.  There's now supposedly a recording of two people discussing what they saw happen as they had a conversation in the background while someone else is telling a different story.  One of the two individuals said the man shot went at the cop and kept coming even after the first shot.  Yet Sharpton and Jackson jumped at the chance to be there before all the information had come out and there's rioting that's destroyed local businesses.  Sad yet not surprising.       
  21. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from wopphil in Robin Williams has died   
    I'm surprised he's dead and knew nothing of his depression but I'm not really surprised when hearing a famous entertainer OD'd or committed suicide.  Before anyone takes that the wrong way I think about it like the Belushi and Farley's of the world who felt like they always had to entertain people and they had problems dealing with that fact.  I have zero idea if that has anything to do with his depression and am not saying it does at all but I can see how that type of life could be very hard off camera.  My condolences to his family.    
  22. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from stevestevens in AAA Bee Brennan Boesch not winning friends in Fresno   
    The kid lives in or around Fresno which makes the incident probably the greatest moment of his life.  
  23. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from ELEVEN in AAA Bee Brennan Boesch not winning friends in Fresno   
    The kid lives in or around Fresno which makes the incident probably the greatest moment of his life.  
  24. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from Lou in AAA Bee Brennan Boesch not winning friends in Fresno   
    The kid lives in or around Fresno which makes the incident probably the greatest moment of his life.  
  25. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from Richard in AAA Bee Brennan Boesch not winning friends in Fresno   
    The kid lives in or around Fresno which makes the incident probably the greatest moment of his life.  
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