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    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from AngelsLongBall in Marco Rubio Vows Never to Raise Taxes as President   
    How many "idle rich" people do you think there are?  By that I mean people who inherit money and do nothing with it to generate income?  Most of the people you're railing on inherit assets that generate income and/or they do what they can to make more money like open businesses, invest and so on.  I'm guessing a lot of them fall into the 50% of earners who pay 97% of the income taxes in any given year. We must run in different circles because I don't know people sitting around complaining about the "idle rich."  I don't care how people earn or inherit their money as long as it was done legally and they paid taxes when it was earned.  Estate/inheritance taxes which are a double taxation as MT pointed out are ridiculous.  
  2. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from Jay in Marco Rubio Vows Never to Raise Taxes as President   
    How many "idle rich" people do you think there are?  By that I mean people who inherit money and do nothing with it to generate income?  Most of the people you're railing on inherit assets that generate income and/or they do what they can to make more money like open businesses, invest and so on.  I'm guessing a lot of them fall into the 50% of earners who pay 97% of the income taxes in any given year. We must run in different circles because I don't know people sitting around complaining about the "idle rich."  I don't care how people earn or inherit their money as long as it was done legally and they paid taxes when it was earned.  Estate/inheritance taxes which are a double taxation as MT pointed out are ridiculous.  
  3. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from The Ghost of Bob Starr in Peter Bourjos   
    He posted an OPS+ of 78 last year and while he's had success this year it's over a whopping 22 at bats.  For the record I like Peter, he was one of the few bright spots at times on the Angels and played like he cared but no one could have predicted the Hamilton situation playing out like it did and the team needing another OF'er in 2015.  The Angels needed a 3B and they traded from a place of strength to get one.  PB was overvalued a bit much by some on here and the combo of him and Grichuk wasn't going to bring in a bigger haul to fill the Angels needs.        
  4. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from Vegas Halo Fan in Mayweather v. Pacquiao   
    They said it was sung because of something to do with Cinco De Mayo but really Tecate was a major sponsor who paid for it. Once again proving money trumps everything.
  5. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from Vegas Halo Fan in Iran detains US cargo ship   
    I'm sure that won't stop faux news from spending multiple hours talking about it while blaming the president for not taking any action.  
  6. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from Hollyw00d in Bad Actors and Actresses who get away with it   
    Agreed but Cage takes flack for the fact that he seemingly takes every role he can which I'm guessing is due to his money situation.  I have to vote for Shia LaBeouf who I blame Hollywood for more than his acting as for a while he seemed like one of the "it" actors who got way too many parts.
  7. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from Schildog in A Song of Ice and Fire (GoT Book 1-5 Spoilers)   
    I think the simplest answer as to why he's mentioned and should play a role is that he and Ned were the only two people to leave the Tower of Joy alive.  With Ned losing his head only Reed knows what Lyanna made Ned promise on her deathbed.  Of course that doesn't mean the simplest answer is right.  Whether he intended for this to happen or not I have to give props to Martin.  Him not finishing the books has led to so many theories, dissections of the books and discussions like this that only increases interest in the story.
  8. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from TobiasFunke in A Song of Ice and Fire (GoT Book 1-5 Spoilers)   
    I think the simplest answer as to why he's mentioned and should play a role is that he and Ned were the only two people to leave the Tower of Joy alive.  With Ned losing his head only Reed knows what Lyanna made Ned promise on her deathbed.  Of course that doesn't mean the simplest answer is right.  Whether he intended for this to happen or not I have to give props to Martin.  Him not finishing the books has led to so many theories, dissections of the books and discussions like this that only increases interest in the story.
  9. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from TobiasFunke in A Song of Ice and Fire (GoT Book 1-5 Spoilers)   
    There's countless articles or message board theories referencing the books that talk about the prince that was promised along with multiple other theories.  Of course someone will end up being right but I seem to recall at one point Martin (maybe referenced earlier in this thread) saying only one theory to date that he had seen was close or correct and of course didn't say which one.  Then again that's coming from someone who at times doesn't seem like he knows how to wrap up his story.  I realize he's supposedly told the producers how it ends but after reading the first 3 books so many years ago and waiting for the rest I'll believe it when I see it.   
  10. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from Tank in Batman vs Superman teaser trailer   
    Not sure how it would look better than Avengers 2, Star Wars or just about any other movie coming out since it's the definition of a teaser trailer. I have no idea why they're fighting as there hasn't been any set up between the two in any prior movies. I'm sure the answer is in a comic but this continues to feel like DC's overdue response to all of the marvel related movies over the years. I'm sure it will make plenty of money and I will see it but not nearly as interested in it as I am in Avengers 2 or the new Star Wars.
  11. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat reacted to Jeff Fletcher in Sayonara Hamilton   
    Ok. I'll take your word for it.
  12. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from Adam in Car stickers   
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    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from Tank in Just when you believed that Sarah Palin couldn't get dumber   
    To be fair to Reagan I'm guessing the visit and his comment were during the Soviet war in Afghanistan during which the U.S. supported the recently formed Taliban. I wouldn't be surprised if 20-30 years from now the US is involved in some conflict with a group we armed and trained in the last 5-10 years.
  14. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from Angel Oracle in Sayonara Hamilton   
    To play devils advocate - the situation drags out publicly while costing who knows what in legal fees. The money isn't an issue ("it's not my money") but the bigger concern would be the constant news about the Angels owner fighting with a current player. CJ already made comments about how it was unfortunate the organization said what they did a few weeks ago. The fans don't have to like what Josh did, he'll they don't even have to forgive him or want him back but it may bother some of the current players to see the FO not having his back or rather against him in the news.Edit - after posting I came across this http://www.cbssports.com/mlb/eye-on-baseball/25145457/cj-wilson-calls-out-angels-management-over-treatment-of-josh-hamilton
  15. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from Vegas Halo Fan in Just when you believed that Sarah Palin couldn't get dumber   
    To be fair to Reagan I'm guessing the visit and his comment were during the Soviet war in Afghanistan during which the U.S. supported the recently formed Taliban. I wouldn't be surprised if 20-30 years from now the US is involved in some conflict with a group we armed and trained in the last 5-10 years.
  16. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from Vegas Halo Fan in Polamalu Retires   
    Great player who has multiple rings, always seemed like a class act and he had nothing left to prove.  Would have been weird to see him wear another uniform and he's undoubtedly headed to the HOF.  He's had multiple concussions in his career and it's best to walk away now while there hopefully isn't too much long term damage.
  17. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from Vegas Halo Fan in Am I a bad fan because...?   
    The regular season includes 162 games and is 6 months long.  There will be plenty of poopstorms on this forum over the next 6 months or more if they make the playoffs.
  18. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from The Ghost of Bob Starr in Josh Hamilton's Selfishness Has Reached New Highs   
    If Hamilton had produced last year most fans would love the ruling and would be hoping he can stay clean and on the field.  Since he struggled he's a bad teammate for giving in to addiction and should feel bad because he's owed millions.  If you want to blame Hamilton for slipping up fee free but also blame the arbitrator for the decision, MLB/MLBPA for guaranteed contracts and the Angels for handing out the contract.  I'm just going to hope he can stay clean and hopefully get back onto the field and produce because unless the Angels want to swallow the 83M they owe him he isn't going anywhere unless he decides to step away from the game to fix his life.  Regardless addiction is nasty and not something he beats one day because it will last the rest of his life.
  19. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from Slegnaac in California governor orders mandatory water restrictions   
    As opposed to overpopulation which stifles nature by putting too much strain on the planet, wiping out species because of hunting/expanding/cutting down forests and fighting for limited resources?  Not saying we're there yet or will be in any of our lifetimes and I'm all about putting people first but we've only got one planet.
  20. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from AngelsLongBall in California governor orders mandatory water restrictions   
    I really wish HB would have moved forward years ago with a desalination plant but instead it's something they continue to talk or rather argue about while the drought gets worse.  They're finishing up or may even be done with ones they built in or near San Diego that will help provide water to some of the homes in that area.  
  21. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from Vegas Halo Fan in Homeland Security: Corrupt   
    <Insert Government entity/party/group/agency>: Corrupt
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    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from mtangelsfan in From last year - NSA spying on Americans   
    I think when we finally do reach the point where enough people say "enough is enough" our elected officials would declare marshal law or squash any uprising.  Before that happens though I'm sure the most vocal individuals would disappear or end up in jail.
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    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from Glen in Better watch what you say about the First Lady   
    Saying it about her can be construed as being racist while saying it about Bush was considered poor taste or childish.  
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    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from Tank in NFL free agency   
    Graham had a down year by his standards but he was also dealing with injuries and is in the prime of his career age wise.  Seems weird for them to trade Graham with Brees' window closing unless they really are trying to move Brees as well.  
  25. Like
    Catwhoshatinthehat got a reaction from TobiasFunke in Cops are great   
    Any who don't speak up are helping to cover up things so I'd say considering the length of a cops career it's higher than 10%.  That doesn't mean they're all covering up police brutality but there's plenty of lesser things that are allowed to happen or not reported.  It's herd mentality especially when you're dealing with the good old boys club where you're supposed to keep your mouth shut or turn a blind eye.    
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