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    katrinab reacted to Lou in What have you watched recently? (Please use the hide function for spoilers or plot lines)   
    The Night Of is fantastic.  It always gets to me when they show his parents. They don't even need to say anything. Just the look on their faces....
    Also, John Turturro is such a good actor.  Haven't seen much of him lately. 
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    katrinab reacted to tdawg87 in Gameday Thread: 8/2 A's @ Angels: Robinson in LF   
    I just made my Bedrock.
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    katrinab reacted to tomsred in The Failo Mentality   
    I've followed the Angels for almost 40 years, so I can lay claim that I've seen all kinds of weirdness, good and bad decisions (as judged by hindsight), under and over achievements by this organization.  I love the winning as much as anyone, but like Straddling I've learned to temper my expectations under the realization that the baseball season is far too long not to produce plenty of disappointments even in the good years.  I've learned to like the story of each season, the personalities of the players, and the continual evolution of the organization and the game.  Unlike some of you, I follow other teams somewhat, but it's not anywhere with the same amount of interest because I identify with Angel players in their struggles, achievements and quest to win each and every game.  I probably spend far less time criticizing the organization, coaches and players than many of you because for the most part we have had some wonderful players (personality wise) on Angels teams over the years.  I liked it a lot when Arte decided to dump Hamilton, and when Scioscia had enough of Guillen.  Yes, dumb decisions to take them on in the first place, but I would rather see quality personalities over winning in many cases.  When I think of the history of Angels baseball I think of the individual players and coaches, not necessarily whether they have won or lost.
    I do think the criticism gets a bit out of hand, but I do understand what Chuck pointed out, that some people just need to vent.  My personality is such that I would rather just absorb it and move on.  That is something I actually admire about Scioscia, he keeps his public emotions in check (not so much as a player, but as a manager).  If one were to take most of the criticisms too seriously about this organization, you would think that the organization has no common sense, has nefarious goals, and is just out to screw the fans over.  I don't believe any of that crap.  Far too often negative fan reaction is rooted in facts that turn out to be just not true,  and left unchecked small groups of fans start believing that everyone here shares their negativity, when that is not the case.
    Personally I enjoy being on the positive side of things, and debating baseball issues with other posters.  I am sure many of you enjoy just the opposite approach.  That makes for good and fun discussion.  So continue to point out why this organization is so screwed up, and the players are so weak - and I will continue to tell you what I like about what we have.  My only message to the critics though is that please don't assume that because I don't comment on your opinion that I agree, or that the entire board agrees.  I have never liked posts that start out "we all agree that (so and so) is doing a terrible job, and should be traded, let go or fired....".  First of all not every one agrees, only a very small minority who want to commiserate with one another on this message board, which is a very small minority of the overall Angels fan base.  And I don't think we need to elevate ourselves to a level that's higher than other fan bases that do not post here.  Many people hate computers, message boards, strong opinions, and emotional outbursts.  
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    katrinab reacted to tomsred in Bipolar   
    I give them a lot of credit for hanging tough.  This many key injuries would pulverize most teams.
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    katrinab got a reaction from AngelsWin.com in Last Week in Angels Baseball: The Tomato, Tomahto Edition   
    1-1, 1-1, 2-3
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    katrinab reacted to arch stanton in Braves trade Jhoulys Chacin to Angels   
    This makes the Angels better today than they were yesterday. Chip away at the stone. Only losing losers root for losses. 
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    katrinab reacted to arch stanton in After all these injuries, how many games will we win?   
    The thought that we'll sit here all summer with people who actively root for the team to lose so they get a better pick in the draft is nauseating. 
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    katrinab got a reaction from Chuck in Please rate the new forum experience   
    I don't do well with change but now that I've figured some stuff out I really like it. Thanks for all you do!!
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    katrinab reacted to Blarg in The Angels should consider trading Trout - ESPN   
    Trout has a complete no trade contract. Until he starts complaining, y'all, including the media, should shut the fuck up about trades. Really, just stow this crap and enjoy seeing this guy play on your team. It is a freaking fantasy for fans to have this kind of player on their roster, a good PR guy, a future HOF player you got to see from the early minors to today, every year a MVP candidate. Why would you want to fuck that up?
    Build a better team around him. Don't cry about prospects in the farm not panning out, every season they promote a couple that do from what was considered scrap pile draft picks. Show more patience than the ADD culture we live in and realize this isn't a one year plan, two year or five, this is the rest of the Franchise's history and it would be tragic if it went short and traded the best player in baseball. It would be downright imbecilic.
    ESPN and the rest of the media wants to sell their stuff and don't care just how stupid it really is and yet you guys gobble it up as if it has any validity. Sober up, the Angels are not trading Trout.
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    katrinab reacted to Spirit in The Angels should consider trading Trout - ESPN   
    Yes.  We should consider it.
    Ok, it's been considered.  It's a phucking stupid idea.  
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    katrinab reacted to Dave Saltzer in Richards needs TJ Surgery and maybe Heaney too   
    Okay, just coming into this thread. A few thoughts.
    1) Initially, like most, I thought, well, my day just turned to sh*t. But wait, it didn't. This news didn't turn my day to sh*t (it was already a bad day). I can choose to be pessimistic and write off the whole season, or not. So can all of you. The only people whose days have turned to sh*t are Richards and Heaney, who will have to go through surgery and a painful recovery without knowing if they will return as the same pitchers. Let's keep the focus on where it needs to be--on the players, not on ourselves.
    2) HIPAA does prevent the medical staff and PR staff from releasing anything not expressly authorized by the player. So, they can't reveal what they know until given permission by the player. Players do release things to specific reporters. Even then, the medical staff can't talk about it until authorized by the player.
    3) Why the hell would you change the number of games that you attend or watch on TV? That's bandwagoning. I go to the ballpark to be entertained. As someone pointed out, if a team wins 100 games, and I see a game where they lose 17-1 and they commit 5 errors, was I entertained because they made the playoffs or was I not entertained because the play on the field was so bad? I go to games because I never know what will happen at the game, it's a chance to sit in fresh air, talk with friends, and see the game I love played by the team I care about passionately. I don't go just to see a pre-playoff team.
    Go ahead and rip me on these thoughts. It's okay. I've had a rough enough day that it won't bother me. But seriously, reading through this thread today was worse and more offensive than learning the news about Richards and Heaney was.
  13. Like
    katrinab reacted to Chuck in Remembering the 2015 Texas Rangers   
    Going into the season and shortly thereafter they lost Darvish (their ace), Holland their #2 and Harrison their #3/4 starters in the rotation.
    They battled through a miserable first half, then turned it on in the second half with solid offense, a great bullpen and below average SP, before they traded for Cole Hamels.
    Arte will undoubtedly have to fix this mess if we're hanging in there like a hair in a biscuit come June/July, and acquire a top arm like Hamels. 
    In the meantime, we just need to stick around and battle.
    Have a little optimism, even though the outlook looks awful. 
    Or not, and we'll see you sometime midway in the 2017 season. 
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    katrinab reacted to tdawg87 in Richards needs TJ Surgery and maybe Heaney too   
    This is just one of those things. Last year the team was extremely healthy, so this year is injury city. 
    Hope they respond well. If there's one thing the Angels are good at, it's fighting adversity. 
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    katrinab reacted to tdawg87 in Gameday Thread: Angels @ Brewers 5/4 10:40   
    Season only partly over.
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    katrinab reacted to Tank in Voter Disenfranchisement   
    i don't need a picture of her to feel that way.
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    katrinab got a reaction from Chuck in The Official Opening Day Gameday Thread: Cubs vs. Angels (4/4/2016)   
    I will be there tonight can't wait!! I love opening day
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    katrinab got a reaction from Second Base in Angels Run Prediction Contest   
    Doc Halo - 745
    KevinJ14 - 736
    The_Outrunner - 751
    Chuck - 759
    JAHV76 - 755 
    CF8 - 801
    KatrinaB7 - 777
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    katrinab reacted to mulwin444 in Angels @ White Sox 3/24 1:05   
    Any word if Sale will be wearing Drake's jersey out there?
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    katrinab got a reaction from halobob in Are you going to Opening Day vs. the Cubs?   
    got my 20 game mini pack again this year, so i will be there
    i love opening day and wouldn't miss it for anything
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    katrinab got a reaction from BaseballMom in Are you going to Opening Day vs. the Cubs?   
    got my 20 game mini pack again this year, so i will be there
    i love opening day and wouldn't miss it for anything
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    katrinab got a reaction from Jim in Are you going to Opening Day vs. the Cubs?   
    got my 20 game mini pack again this year, so i will be there
    i love opening day and wouldn't miss it for anything
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    katrinab reacted to Aaronkv in Are you going to Opening Day vs. the Cubs?   
    I'm going, haven't missed one in 20 years.
    I could care less what other fans do with their tickets or whether they show up late or leave early. If they spend the whole game on their cell phone I don't care. It doesn't effect my enjoyment of the game.
  24. Like
    katrinab reacted to howie in Reasons for optimism in 2016   
    While this offseason may seem like a disappointment on the surface, I think 2016 can be a surprisingly good season and I believe even the long term future is a bit more rosy than some think. Here's why:
    1. Andrelton Simmons makes the pitching staff better and if he improved his hitting just a bit higher will add to the lineup too. He puts the ball in play and who knows how much Trout and Pujols will help with his hitting- there were no future HOF hitters on the Braves last year that I can see- I think it's hard to quantify how much Pujols may have helped Trout with the mental and emotional part of hitting. Also- maybe Simmons helps other players have more desire to improve defensively.
    2. Pitching Depth- look at the 2002 Angels staff- Washburn, Ortiz, Appier, Lackey- none of them were really an ace- there were no 20 game winners and only Washburn, Ortiz and Appier won more than 10. I think Richards is better than all of them, Heaney improves, and if either Weaver or Wilson return to just their average seasons- then we mix and match the rest and have a healthy competition for the remaining slots on the staff. There's good reason to believe the rotation will be better than last year and you add Simmons defense to the equation and I think the pitching and defense will keep us in many more games.
    3. The bullpen- I like the pickups this offseason. Assuming Street is healthy, there can be some real gems here- 2002 saw some trash heap pickups like Weber and Donnelly have career years- I think between Albuquerque, Friedrich, and both Guerras that one of them will be solid in 2016. Again, I think Simmons influence will be a big lift to the bullpen.
    4. I believe in Eppler. It's hard not to be a bit jaded about the front office and Arte after the fiasco last year. But even though they didn't sign a big name- I don't see any area of the team that got worse over the offseason- the pitching staff should be healthier and deeper. The bench has been improved. The infield defense has improved overall and I believe infield hitting shouldn't be any worse than last year and has a good chance of being better. Trout and Calhoun should be just as good as last year and even though I'm not thrilled with Nava/Gentry, it will be better than last year as it can't get any worse than one of the worst LF performances ever. Catching will be improved with Perez and Soto and there's a possibility the hitting there may improve over last year. I understand not wanting to pay superstar $ for merely good players. They've made many low risk moves that may pay off in small dividends, but in areas that will solidify areas of weakness last year.
    5. The farm system- ok- it's not great- but big deal- the purpose of the farm system is to make the big league club better. I believe it did that in the offseason with the Simmons trade. It would have been unlikely that either Newcomb or Ellis would contribute in 2016 with the starting pitching being such a strength. As far as the future- there are 3 players I'm keeping an eye on- Taylor Ward, Jahmai Jones and Michael Pierson. If you followed the draft last year, you probably know all about Ward and Jones, but who the heck is Michael Pierson? Well- I didn't know either until last night when I realized he led all the minors with a .395 BA. Granted it was rookie league in Orem with only 195 AB, but still- .395 is impressive. Oh, did I mention he plays 3B? I don't believe I've heard anything about him before yesterday, so it was a very nice surprise. All of these 3 are likely a couple years away, but Ward and Pierson were both college players, so maybe they'll contribute sooner than later.
    I may get ripped for some of the points here, but as I've thought about the offseason, I'm excited about 2016
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    katrinab reacted to ettin in Silver Linings: The Offseason Edition   
    I hope that Trout wows again. I hope that Simmons flashes some beautiful rangy defensive plays. I hope Calhoun takes an additional step forward and shines even more. I hope that the platoon in LF produces a 95+ wRC. I hope that Cowart scores a bench role to platoon at 3B and produces against RHP as he did in the Minors last year. I hope that Carlos Perez guns down a bunch of runners and produces at league average with the bat. I hope that Kyle Kubitza finds a platoon role with Giavotella at 2B. I hope Cron hits like he did in the last two months of the season for all of 2016. I hope Albert Pujols returns sooner rather than later and belts 25 or more HR's. I hope Jered Weaver, in what might be his last year in an Angels uniform, shuts down the competition and is honored in his final starts. I hope that Andrew Heaney, Tyler Skaggs, Matt Shoemaker, and Nick Tropeano blossom and help the team. I hope Garrett Richards finds his 2014 performance and dominates the opposing hitters putting him in Cy Young contention. I hope Hector Santiago, who is an incredible ambassador for the franchise and for the community, has another All-Star season whether in the rotation or relief. I hope Arte Moreno, who has always run a high payroll, finds it within himself to make the right decisions for the right reasons moving forward. I hope Billy Eppler is given the full empowerment his positions requires to improve the team in a meaningful way. I hope the Big Catorce is able to make excellent in-game tactical decisions and not leave his starters or relievers in too long. I hope. I hope. I hope.
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