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  1. Like
    GalericX reacted to ten ocho recon scout in Lets face it   
    Agreed. 2012 was a letdown due to the hype, and april killed us. Orher than that we were very good (just couldnt overcome april).
    Last year was another bad april, fluke injuries (weave, pujols, vargas), hamilton forgetting hes josh hamilton, hansen having an out of nowhere personal tragedy etc.
    I dont want to jinx us, but like I said, this is a better team than some on jere realize. To be fair, I understand the skepticism. But looking around the league, every team has something we can pick apart.
  2. Like
    GalericX reacted to Season Over in I'm at Fenway Park Right Now...   
    AJ Pierzynski is up now. If I burst into flames please tell my family I love them.
  3. Like
    GalericX reacted to tdawg87 in Tanaka   
    If the Angels signed him he'd be 2-7 with a 4.78 ERA.
  4. Like
    GalericX reacted to AngelsWin.com in Watching The Red Sox Lose   
    By Toby Hunt, AngelsWin.com Staff Writer -
    Ahh, baseball season. 7 months out of the year we get to watch the greatest game on earth and cheer on our favorite players and teams. There's ups, there's downs, there's just a lot of fun to be had. Will we get to see our team in the playoffs again? Will any of our pitchers throw a no-hitter? Will a cosmetically-challenged Hispanic shortstop get hit in the balls? So many possibilities can arise during the long season, it's no wonder so many of us are hooked until the last out.
    As Angels fans we love our team, but we don't always agree on everything. We argue over the lineup cards, we argue over the bullpen management, and sometimes we even argue over whether Mike Trout is fat or not.
    Does this batting average make my butt look big?
    We have certainly had our share of disputes over the years, and with the playoff drought in recent years, tensions are high. But In spite of all the bickering regarding the team and Trout's girth, I think we can all agree that we love the Angels and will do so until the day we die, or at least until they miss the playoffs again. But there is another thing that holds us all together as fans, that keeps us sticking together through the hardest times and gives us something we can all stand united on, something that bonds us and makes us all the same, no matter what race, religion, or Costco we adhere to: Our hatred of the Boston Red Sox.
    Just in case you needed a reminder.
    Why do we hate the Red Sox? Because **** them, that's why. We hear about them every day. We see them in the papers, on the news, on every sports network. "How will the Red Sox do this year?". It's sickening. For years we have had to endure the endless babble about how the Red Sox are this great underdog trying to overthrow the evil empire (New York) and how we should root for them to overcome the odds and save the day. It's like watching Star Wars every day for 7 months, except all of the rebels have been digitally replaced by Jar-Jar Binks and voiced by Ben Afleck.
    Don't think for a second I'm doing a caption for that.
    They aren't "underdogs", nor are they a team we can relate or connect to in any way. They are irreparable douches who have committed all the same sins the "evil empire" has, and we are supposed to believe they are the good guys?
    But seriously though, as Angels fans why do we hate a team we only see 9 times a year at most? A team that plays 3,000 miles away? I suppose a lot of it has to do with the 1986 LDS. Obviously the Dave Henderson homerun still has some shards left over in many an Angel fan's heart. But there have been a lot of heartbreaking moments in this team's history. Do we have the same hatred for Seattle after the 1995 season? Or Jeff Mathis for being Jeff Mathis? Why is it that no matter who wears that uniform, us Angels fans look at them in disgust?
    It's everything, really. The obnoxious fans who crowd Angels' Stadium whenever they ooze into town, the overblown media coverage, 1986, and of course it hasn't helped that the Angels have basically been Boston's female dog for 20 years running. Just the sight of those uniforms gives me nightmares and intestinal bleeding. Most of my worst baseball memories involve the Red Sox. Be it from watching the Angels get brutally pounded in Fenway, or seeing Mo Vaughn walkoff on Troy Percival. I also have a running nightmare where I get turned into a piece of cheese and Dustin Pedroia slowly gnaws away at my coagulated body before dragging me under the oven........But a funny thought occurred to me this evening when I saw Boston lose their 10th straight game: I really love when the Red Sox lose. I mean, nothing beats an Angels' win don't get me wrong, but if there is one thing that is right up there, it's seeing the Red Sox play like absolute crap. It can always be a silver lining in an otherwise dreary day.
    This is borderline pornographic for me.
    Now, you may think it to be a bit ridiculous to find so much pleasure in seeing another team's misery, but you gotta understand where I come from: I live smack dab in the middle of Red Sox Nation. Hell I'm only a 2 hour drive from the capital. It's like being an Atheist with an irrational fear of cardboard signs living next to the Westboro Baptist Church. During election season. It isn't fun, and it's especially not fun when the Red Sox do well. Their fans are annoying and obnoxious, and winning brings that out of them tenfold. Being an open fan of another team during those trying times is not the most enlightening experience. On the flipside, when the Red Sox are not doing well, I get to walk around with a shit-eating grin on my face. It literally makes my life better when Boston is losing. I'm certainly not the only one. 
    As Angels fans, we love seeing our team win more than anything else. It makes us happy. It makes our day just a little bit better. You can't honestly say the last couple weeks of success hasn't put you in a better mood, if only slightly. For me, seeing the success of my favorite team and the deficiency of my least favorite team at the same time has been a euphoric experience. Will it last? Maybe, maybe not. But for now I'm going to enjoy it. Oh am I ever going to enjoy it. View the full article
  5. Like
    GalericX reacted to tdawg87 in Is Kirk Gibson ill?   
    I haven't really heard him rap enough to judge.
  6. Like
    GalericX reacted to Taylor in Jered Weaver   
    Has allowed 2 runs or less in his last 7 starts.
    Remember when his years as an ace were over because his FB speed was down?
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    GalericX reacted to Stradling in Garret Richards ACE/ALLSTAR   
    Wait until he has one bad outing and people actually blame Butcher.
  9. Like
    GalericX reacted to tdawg87 in Garret Richards ACE/ALLSTAR   
    He's good until he has a bad start, then he sucks!
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    GalericX reacted to Chuck in Jered Weaver's F-Bomb Spectacular   
    Way to get out of that bases loaded no outs jam, Weaver! 

  11. Like
    GalericX reacted to arch stanton in Turn it off or keep watching   
    I like watching baseball so I watch baseball.
  12. Like
    GalericX reacted to Stradling in Six games versus the Rangers and Yankees   
    Wow, what the hell, I mean seriously, what the hell? All the things going through my mind about this post will make me sound like a superfan, but Christ, have you even paid attention to this team lately? You're turning into the negative guy that has zero positivity to add. Actually I guess I can't say you're turning into that guy because you're relatively new or at least this name is new to the board and you've been this guy pretty consistently. Oh by the way in the thread about when will the Angels be over .500 and you posted yesterday after the game, not in your lifetime, well the thread was talking this season. So go ahead and take your Debbie downer persona and post when we lose or in the game day thread.
  13. Like
    GalericX reacted to Blarg in We won?   
    I enjoyed the game. Plenty of drama, guys like Freeze, Aybar and Kendrick were game changers, the Indians didn't roll over and play dead after falling behind. All in all very entertaining and best is the Angels won.
  14. Like
    GalericX reacted to Ray McKigney in Sean Burnett Update   
    Had a bit of setback after only one pitch:

  15. Like
    GalericX reacted to fan_since79 in Sean Burnett Update   
    Emily Litella: I'm here tonight to speak out against burning nets. Those are the nets that firefighters use to catch people falling from burning buildings. It's bad enough the building is on fire, why would anyone want to burn the nets too?! That's a terrible idea!! What's the matter with people these days?! The young people just go around wanting to destroy things. What's wrong with them?! I can't believe…

    Chevy Chase: (interrupting) Miss Litella?

    Emily Litella: Yes?

    Chevy Chase: The update was about Sean Burnett, not burning nets. He's a pitcher who's been very slow to recover from numerous injuries, and has been off the roster for what seems like forever.

    Emily Litella. Oh, I'm sorry…. Never mind, but in that case tell him to get his butt back on the mound and pronto! It's not right for the Angels bullpen to blow leads night after night like that! And the manager seems like a nice fellow but I just don't understand the things he does during the game...
    Chevy Chase: Thank you, Miss Emily Litella.

    (RIP, Gilda Radner)
  16. Like
    GalericX reacted to mtangelsfan in Sean Burnett Update   
    "His arm looked really good detatching from his shoulder"
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    GalericX reacted to tdawg87 in Sean Burnett Update   
    He'll throw 1 pitch and his arm will literally explode, and then he will retire.
  18. Like
    GalericX reacted to Stradling in Mike Trout has the highest defensive fWAR in baseball   
    TD knock this shit off it truly makes you look dumber than you ever possibly could be. You play the part of contrarian with Trout every single time.
  19. Like
    GalericX reacted to OregonLAA in Gameday Thread 4/20 Angels @ Tigers   
    We aren't winning very winnable games. Some teams have the ability to win close ones but I don't think we do. We haven't under Scioscia for quite some time
  20. Like
    GalericX reacted to Amazing Larry in Reasons to continue watching Angels Baseball...   
    Because if I can suffer through watching this team in the 90's, I can make it through this. Especially when they have the best player in baseball. It's truly a joy watching Trout play the game.
  21. Like
    GalericX reacted to m0nkey in Reasons to continue watching Angels Baseball...   
    It's baseball
  22. Like
    GalericX reacted to gurn67 in One area in which this franchise is not cursed.   
    Well, for me, it started when I was 10 and my favorite Angel was shot to death in Chicago. However, I was being sarcastic about the whole curse thing and do realize that crappy things happen to pretty much every team. My uncle was a diehard Cubs fans until the day he died so no matter what happens in the future, or how long I live, I did get to experience 2002 and many fans never get to see their favorite team win a championship which is the real curse.
  23. Like
    GalericX reacted to Ohtaniland in Is it time to move Albert Pujols down in the lineup?   
    For $240M he should be willing to sweep the parking lot. Batting third in the lineup is not guaranteed in his contract or a vested right with the MLBPA. Why is everyone so afraid to sit him down and tell it like it is. You kinda suck right now so we need to move you down to 5th or 6th until you start mashing. Thanks......end of discussion.
  24. Like
    GalericX reacted to bloodbrother in Angels and Trout Agree - 6 yrs/140 Mil   
    So yeah, this offseason blew last years out of the water. Deals that are helping set the team up going forward and locking up the best talent in MLB
  25. Like
    GalericX reacted to tdawg87 in Angels and Trout Agree - 6 yrs/140 Mil   
    First Blanton gets released, now this?
    I can't handle all this arousal
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