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Jeff M

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  1. Like
    Jeff M reacted to Chuck in Angel Fans should be FIRED!!!!!   
    Seriously though, I get what you're saying HBMIKE. I've often thought that this season is just bad karma. All those seasons wanting the big slash or huge deal at the July 31st deadline -- plus making fun of runnyball/smallball ... It's here, yet we're groaning with the results. 
  2. Like
    Jeff M reacted to OregonLAA in Bourjos update   
    You're an idiot. Bourjos was doing great before he was hurt. How can you continue to be such a moron after Bourjos started off so well?
  3. Like
    Jeff M reacted to LightTheHalo in They have done the impossible...   
    Talk to your dad about what it was like to be a fan of the Angels from 1987-2001.
  4. Like
    Jeff M reacted to shellback in Trumbo!   
    trading trumbo, petey or trout would be completely stupid.
  5. Like
    Jeff M reacted to Lou in Trumbo!   
    We should trade him for a young stud power hitter who's under club control until 2017
  6. Like
    Jeff M reacted to Ray McKigney in An Open Letter to Arte Moreno on the Issue of Buttercup   
    How about "Angel of Death" by Slayer? That will energize the crowd.
  7. Like
    Jeff M reacted to Docwaukee in Josh Hamilton Home/Away Splits   
    I can't be certain, but I think someone keyed his BMW.
  8. Like
    Jeff M reacted to tomsred in What Would You Do?   
    I'd let Josh sit in the BMW and guard it from being keyed.  While he's in there I would make him watch movies of his strikeouts during the season to date on the navigation screen.   
  9. Like
    Jeff M reacted to Eric in Since I don't live in California, is the "fire scioscia" out in full force in SoCal?   
    My guess is that the Angels are looking for a Home win before sending Scioscia packing.
    While I believe that letting Scioscia go would be possibly the biggest mistake the Angels can make (simply because he's better than any possible replacement that could be named) the fact is, the drumbeat this season is louder than I've ever heard before, and I don't think anyone can deny the fact that the Angels just flat out stink this season again and are highly unlikely to make the playoffs yet again this season, despite there being an extra setting at the table called the Playoffs one game wildcard.
    Personally, more than Scioscia, I blame both Arturo and Jerry.  Arturo for backing up the Brinks truck on Hamilton and Jerry for the way he went about building the pitching staff.
    Right now, there's nothing working.  The starters are giving up too many runs early, the offense is not producing, the baserunning is out of control, the bullpen is blowing too many leads, the defense looks like the Bad News Bears, the coaching looks like the Marx Brothers, and there doesn't appear to be a player in the dugout who's stepping up in a leadership role.  I would not be surprised if we don't see a couple of players come to fisticuffs over the course of the next week.
    This thing is like watching a Nascar wreck in extremely slow motion.
    So, yeah, there's going to be a scapegoat, and the likelyhood that it's Scioscia is high, but the reality is, to me it looks like Scioscia is the victim of situations beyond his control.  The front office is letting him down, the players are letting him down, and he's doing the best he can with a shit sandwich he just took a big bite of.
  10. Like
    Jeff M reacted to The Ghost of Bob Starr in Since I don't live in California, is the "fire scioscia" out in full force in SoCal?   
    Tyler I don't speak Korean nor Farsi yet I've learned "Fire Scioscia" in those languages visiting numerous businesses here on Irvine.
  11. Like
    Jeff M got a reaction from fan_since79 in Anyone else sick of the nicknames?   
    You can say "Mikey" and you can get away with "Scotty" ...but "Shieldsy" was crossing the line. I can almost live with "Trum"...but only because it's not "Trumby".
  12. Like
    Jeff M reacted to m0nkey in Anyone else sick of the nicknames?   
    Shieldsy was just stupid
  13. Like
    Jeff M reacted to Chuck in Ervin Santana   
    There's no way you fault Jerry Dipoto for letting Santana go. Dude is a headcase and was absolute dogshit for us last year. 
    The only knock on Dipoto to date is going two years with Blanton. One year would have been much better and as I've said before, he was a good fit for any team as a 5th starter. He's just getting pounded out of the gate unfortunately. 
  14. Like
    Jeff M reacted to Rochambeau in Alden Gonzalez: Miggy nearly went to Halos in 2007 deal   
    Hearing Nick in that conversation takes "what might have been" to a whole nother level.
  15. Like
    Jeff M reacted to AngelsWin.com in Confessions of a Misery-aholic   
    By Glen Mckee, AngelsWin.com columnist - 

    “We will always be busy making misery” - Soul Asylum, "Misery"
    I've been an Angels fan since 1979, when as a wee lad of 10 and I started paying attention to baseball.  I remember having the "Yes We CAN!" button proudly displayed at the top of my button board after I made the decision to root for this team.  Unfortunately, they couldn't.  Not that year, not in 1982, not in 1986, and not any year until 2002 and not again since then. 
    I'm still a relative rookie in terms of Angels misery, compared to some of the misery veterans that have been around since the beginning in 1961.  However, yesterday something made me realize that I am indeed a misery-aholic and the Angels are my poison of choice. 
    Before I explain that, I have to confess that although I enjoy my Angels misery I understand it's not even a bummer compared to what Cubs fans have experienced.  Or fans of any Cleveland football or basketball team.  However, I do take some sad pleasure in recently passing Red Sox fans on the misery index.  They had a much longer and more miserable spell but they won two World Series' in a handful of years, and that effectively ended their misery cred.  Shut up, Seattle fans.  And San Diego fans.
    Anyway...this year, after once again making a big free-agent signing splash the Angels started out horrible.  Some posters on AngelsWin.com, myself included, were already writing off the season before the game on Friday, April 19.  The Angels were 4-10, a 1/2 game out of last place, and looked horrible.  Starting pitching was awful, the offense was inconsistent, hitting with RISP was - I'm running out of synonyms for "suck" here - abysmal, and the bullpen was a train wreck (apologies to the nice train wrecks out there).  And then Friday night's game ... 
    Even for the first seven innings and a 3-0 lead, misery held sway like it usually does.  Scoring opportunities were wasted, Hanson was barely dodging bullets, and it felt like the bullpen was gonna blow the game and justify our (my) misery.  And then in the bottom of the 8th the Angels turned everything around.  They put up a crooked number of runs for the first time since we had a different president, the bullpen did its job against a (struggling) playoff-caliber team, the game was won and misery was hesitantly pushed aside to celebrate the game.  And then Saturday happened ... 
    I was at a matinee movie so I missed the incredible first inning (and several after that) so I never had time to get miserable.  After the game was over I found my misery, though, if only just barely.  â€œThey'll probably lose tomorrow,” I thought to myself.  Petting my misery like it was a hurt dog.  And then Sunday happened…
    For a while my misery once again seemed justified.  The Angels faced an early 3-1 deficit.  Woohoo, they're gonna blow it again!  Then the Angels tied the game and misery went to hang out in the basement, sulking.  As the game progressed into extra innings misery crept back upstairs and sat beside me.  She (misery is always the opposite sex) didn't have to say anything; I knew she was there and she knew I knew.
    Then Trumbo came up in the bottom of the 13th inning and he kicked misery back down the stairs into the basement and slammed the door shut.  She didn't even protest (perhaps because she knew...).  Mark didn't even break his leg jumping on home plate, which was like gagging misery.
    I was excited!  The Angels just completed a sweep, and played three straight games the way they should have played most every games this season.  For the last three days everything was firing on all eight cylinders - this team is a V-8 for sure!  But then I looked to my left, and whaddaya know ... misery was sitting there again. 
    I thought about the series for a bit and then went to AngelsWin.com to create a thread titled "How much worse can Hamilton get?" - because he was the only bad spot this weekend. 
    After posting the thread I began to feel a little guilty for sharing my misery on what was truly a happy day for Angels baseball.  So shortly thereafter I tried to make amends by posting another thread talking about how good it felt to sweep.  However, that thread sank down the board while the Hamilton thread kept getting posts.  (Apparently misery does in fact love company.)  
    It was a feeble attempt to pretend that the misery wasn't riding shotgun with me.  I tried to tell myself it wasn't and then thought about the series coming up: three games with Texas in Anaheim.  My first thought: “Man, I hope we don't get swept.”  I couldn't even enjoy the weekend.
    We could build a factory and make misery.  But not now.  That'll start tomorrow night if the Angels fall behind.  Until then, I'm kicking misery back into the basement where she belongs! 
    For now. View the full article
  16. Like
    Jeff M reacted to Blarg in Howie Kendrick : Most unclutch player ever?   
    That was one of the silliest posts I have read in a long time.
  17. Like
    Jeff M got a reaction from heaven101 in Chris Synder - tearing it up   
    How good is his pop up slide?
  18. Like
    Jeff M got a reaction from totdprods in AngeIs to announce a DL move, maybe two   
    Michael Roth. Who is this guy?
  19. Like
    Jeff M got a reaction from DW711 in Gameday Thread: Angels vs. A's (4/10)   
    They probably all got booted for stading up during Callaspo's AB.
  20. Like
    Jeff M got a reaction from AZMike in Gameday Thread: Angels vs. A's (4/10)   
    They probably all got booted for stading up during Callaspo's AB.
  21. Like
    Jeff M reacted to Glen in Gameday Thread: Angels vs. A's (4/9) -- Opening Day at the Big A   
    Man, I hope we come back and win so I can re-read this thread tomorrow and laugh at how stupid I was.
  22. Like
    Jeff M reacted to katie in Congrats to Torii Hunter: Hit #2000 today!   
    I don't think they should of kept him.
    I think they should have kept him though.
  23. Like
    Jeff M reacted to starving in Ranger fans just can't wait....   
    No, the reason we hate Josh Hamilton is very similar to the reason you guys will hate him pretty soon. You will hate him far more than we ever did. Remember we booed him even when he was on our team, during a season in which he hit 40+ HRs. Think we did that for no reason, in a baseball town known for being very forgiving? It was well earned.
    ...and also CJ Wilson. You guys have to know he's a total dbag right? I mean, even when he was doing good things for us we knew he was about the most ridiculously obnoxious dbag we had ever seen.
    On the other hand, Weaver and Trout are badass. Respect.
  24. Like
    Jeff M reacted to Blarg in Why bunt there?   
    Aybar hits into a double play and this thread becomes, Why Not Bunt?
  25. Like
    Jeff M got a reaction from Pinch Runner in Gameday thread, 4/4 at the Reds   
    NL baseball sucks
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