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maximus p

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Everything posted by maximus p

  1. lol My '99 Silverado has had its oil changed about 10 times, finally changed a headlight bulb today, original brakes (above 50%) and on and on. Only thing I have had to do that was "major" was change the water pump twice and the steering pump. 160 K (Now watch something happen this week).
  2. These are what I miss most from the Tonight Show.
  3. Paid ~ 1400 at the Chevy dealer to get my system back in working order (compressor was shot). Works like new know (about 4 years ago).
  4. Oh, hell yes!!! Especially bachelorette #1!
  5. I choose hostile. However if you ask me to choose between Woman Dodger fans or hostile, I would probably go with the former.
  6. Odd that they wouldn't start the season this last Sunday. Get the season in before the rainy delays of November.
  7. And running well too. The homer he hit yesterday, I was watching him almost sprint around the bases and thought..."Damn he looks like a different guy".
  8. Did I hear the announcer say he is in "...midseason bad."?
  9. My opinion: Because the Angels haven't a lot of 1st round picks, the guys who do the prospect lists tend to shy away from rating any of the Angels' prospects high, because they don't come from the 1st round. They are lazy in their research. No way the Halos' farm system is 28th-30th. Not with Shoebacca, Richards, Calhoun, and all the other prospects JeDi was able to deal to get the team he now has.
  10. I noticed him saying "huh" a lot the other day. Anyone else notice that, huh?
  11. Nah, that Yeti from one of the old Christmas claymation movies.
  12. Yes!! Not just a good player capable of having an MVP type of year, but the very best player year in and year out.
  13. Wait, organized religion is a scam? Shocking news. Is water still wet?
  14. Why does the OC Register linked page have snowy mountains at the top of the page. Are there snowy mountains on OC?
  15. Luckily ESPN Sunday Night games will help you accomplish this fortuitous endeavor.
  16. Great news! Anytime an opponent gets weaker is good news for the Halos.
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