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Everything posted by Jobu

  1. He's sarcastically illustrating that the results of two games are unlikely to dictate the results of the whole season.
  2. Is very bad to drink Jobu's rum. Is very bad.
  3. I pulled the audio a few years ago. Attached if anyone wants to ... I don't know, make it a ringtone?? VladsHit.mp3
  4. Gotta side with the "troll" on this one. It's naive to think that A-Rod was the only guy doing this stuff. Coincidentally, it's also what Bud Selig would really, really, really like you to believe. That's why he crawled in bed with a drug dealer and subverted a federal investigation.
  5. Casino ads are big time on the radio broadcast the last few years. The grand slam inning thing comes to mind.
  6. He's "made a lot of progress" https://mobile.twitter.com/JeffFletcherOCR/status/440179079870824448?screen_name=JeffFletcherOCR
  7. Does the MLB app still do free audio for spring training?
  8. I have the ZL (non waterproof version of the Z) and I'm really happy. Their UI customizations are a little less heavy handed than HTC, Samsung, and LG but still have some useful additions.
  9. Should I include his World Series starts in my guess?
  10. I thought the ads were based on browsing history...
  11. OK, how about "victim of class warfare" which is at least as silly?
  12. I'm pretty sure you don't get to be a billionaire without being a money grubbing dick. That aside, the counter-spin job painting him as some kind of put-upon philanthropist is equally ludicrous. Tustin has a population of 80k. I'm not really sure they're going to have the tax base it would take to subsidize a stadium.
  13. Perhaps their valuation had a timeline as well.
  14. I recently got a new Android phone and noticed that when I selected "Add to homescreen" for a certain website in Chrome, it gave it a very nice looking icon and also opens the link in a special version of Chrome that shows as "Web App". It basically runs like an app with no web navigation bars or anything else, just a webview. Curious about how they did it, I found this: https://developers.google.com/chrome/mobile/docs/installtohomescreen I know lots of people are asking for an Angelswin App, and the mobile theme is basically just that, but this might make it super obvious and give some of the benefits of a standalone app (launching direct to AW.com, not mixing in with other browsing, custom icon). So, is this something you could add to the mobile theme version of the forums?
  15. So you'd wear jeans and a Hawaiian shirt and place all the drugs in an avocado box?
  16. So does this "How To Be The Right Kind of Fan" lecture belong to the 2013 season or the 2014? I just need to get my files in order...
  17. IR blaster is a device that relays your infrared remote signals to another location.
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