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Posts posted by cez

  1. 3 hours ago, Ender said:

    It's this. For all you know you could sweep the remaining 3 against us this series..

    Sucks ass to lose like ya did .... I would have punched my monitor probably but it's still just the first game of a 4 game set.

    If I were you I'd nervously step off the ledge. 

    At least your team tried to get better at the deadline (well more than tried, they did) ... 

    Diputz0 gave a season and of half of good pitching to AZ for a couple of pipsqueaks with flashy OPS number at hitter friendly fricking AAA ballparks and a utility infielder.   Thank goodness he didn't try to wheeler-deal anything else of value and get owned by GM's who know what they're doing in the process.  But I don't even blame him entireley.  Clearly our cheap ass owners only directive was to jettison $8 mill in salary.  Right in line with trading Gott and Flexen to the Mets just so they could cover the remainder of Flexen's contract.  Complete bastards who have no interest in actually building a good team.  

    But that's another discussion. 

    I'd be pissed if I were Angels fans. Let them vent.  

    Something a few of the old timers might be happy about is that I was dead wrong all those years ago when I was being all optimistic about the turd coming here.  Good luck tonight, guys.  


  2. I'll enjoy it as long as it lasts, but even now it's still a "maybe we can contend for the 3rd wildcard lawdy frickin da" situation. 

    Hardly makes up for 20+ years of organizational incompetence at every level.  Oh, but now we have prospects....goodie, because ownership and minor league staff have really shown they know how to cultivate those!  Dipoto and Servais are still unmitigated fools. 

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