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Posts posted by cez

  1. 2 minutes ago, Tank said:

    i also didn't understand why wanda made everything look like a tv show, and why the year of that show changed from episode to episode.


    the writing wasn't the best for setting all of that up.  i would like to have seen that issue tackled earlier than it was.  i think it's because she associates family with cheesy US tv shows she grew up watching with her family as they learned English together and stuff. 


  2. i didn't understand the final scene after the credits


    she's doing what dr strange did in his movie.  she can double her time in the astral dimension, and she's learning from the book of that damned.  she's able to control her magic now, and is looking to master it.  agatha said she was stronger than the sorcerer supreme, so i'm pretty sure this is setting us up for her story in the dr strange sequel.


  3. 3 hours ago, AngelsLakersFan said:

    Season one and two are pretty good, but it goes off the rails pretty hard and pretty quick after that.

    Still some fun stuff in the other seasons, though yeah, the writing went down for sure.  I'm in the final few eps of S3 right now, and it's still better than most stuff out there right now.  

    I didn't realize that a show that ended 10 years ago needed spoiler tags, but sorry if I ruined it for anybody.  Also, Sam and Diane don't get back together in the last ep of Cheers.  Oops, I forgot spoilers.  

    And I stopped The Walking Dead after season 1.  It was clear to me that while it was pretty darn good, there was nowhere for the show to really go after the finale that wasn't going to be awful....a lesson I kind of learned from Lost, ironically. 

  4. started a re-watch of lost last week.seemed appropriate since this whole thing is kind of like purgatory.

    i was late to the party and didn't watch it for the first time until 2011 when it was already done with its original run.

    i really didn't remember much of it, and i think season 1 has stood up pretty well.

    also finally watched watchmen on hbo, and really enjoyed it. 



  5. we're not set up for online learning.  issuing students chromebooks and asking teachers to use google classroom is not online learning, and any entity that says so is moronic.  creating successful online learning tools is a different animal from in-person instruciton, and requires a different type of pedagogy and instructional design than what most teachers are used to.  some states have started doing it in certain districts.  i'm thinking this will accelerate the trend to create and implement legitimate online learning in a lot of states, though.   i actually look forward to it.  our 9th and 10th grade textbooks actually have some amazing online tools that i'd love to develop into online learning units. 

  6. pretty sure school is going to end up getting cancelled for the rest of the year up here.  inslee is doing a tv presser in a couple hours here, and i think there will be some more changes.

    going a little stir crazy, but nobody wants to hang out.  i live alone, so vodka and rum have been pretty good friends to me, but i've resolved to only drink on fridays from now on.  

  7. finally got around to spider man far from home

    like a lot of others, i had marvel superhero fatigue after endgame last may, and i think waiting 10 months to watch the next film was a good choice.  i liked how both end-credits scenes set things up for the next phase of the films.  really wondering how adam warlock is going to factor into everything now.  

  8. schools up here are shut down until apr 24th at the earliest.  tomorrow is our last day of school until then, and i just received an email saying all 80 of us on staff are supposed to meet tomorrow morning in a small space with terrible ventilation.  logical!

    i was going to vegas for spring break during the first week of april, but mgm just announced they're shutting down tuesday, and not taking reservations again until may 1.  wynn is closing until the first week of april.  all of the other resorts will most likely follow in short order. 

    if the masses could have been trusted to do what the CDC and WHO said, these draconian measures wouldn't have been necessary, but they couldn't, so here we are.  i know that there's plenty to be critical of regarding state and federal leadership, too.  

    see you all on the other side. 


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