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Posts posted by Justin

  1. Maybe 25% as much as I used to.

    I used to watch every single inning, to see a once-in-a-generation player like Trout, or a once-in-a-century player like Ohtani... who somehow both ended up on my favorite team. 

    Or to see what Andrelton Simmons might do, when at least 10 times per season he made a play that I had never before seen. 

    Or what hilariously bizarre thing Aybar would do. Or Weaver pitching in his prime. Or Vladdy, whose at-bats were must-see. 

    Now I watch when I have nothing better to do. Because I still love baseball. But the thrill is gone. 

  2. I remember it was the Orioles. I don't remember the exact year but my guess is '89.

    I grew up in the San Gabriel Valley, as did my parents. My dad was a kid when the Dodgers moved to L.A. so of course that became his team. But I chose the Angels because this was my first-ever game, and my dad didn't try to pressure me at all to be a Dodgers fan - he even bought me an Angels hat and a pin at the game. 

    That's my best memory. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, Angel Oracle said:

    I do sometimes wonder if NY is anti-Halos.   How many calls have they gotten wrong against the Halos?

    Why would they be anti-Halos? We haven't been relevant in a decade. 

    The umpires on the field sometimes make bad calls and the replay umpires in New York then do everything they possibly can to uphold the bad call. 

    It's a shitty system. There is no conspiracy. 

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