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Everything posted by Catwhoshatinthehat

  1. If you're paying $60 or so for a new game you don't want to be done with it in 5 hours.
  2. I'm gonna guess yk isn't getting amber alert's on his phone.
  3. Bad for my fantasy team but good for baseball. If they could address guaranteed contracts next that would be great.
  4. This is the type of thread that could turn into a major day waster. Awesome!
  5. Anyone else remember people on here saying how much Houston being a doormat would benefit the Angels this year? Doh!
  6. I don't really see cops going into costco in uniform unless it's for a call nor do I hear about them being desert rats. I think firefighters take more flack than cops here by quite a bit.
  7. This looks like a colossal piece of crap. Add on the fact that I really don't care for stars pimping their kids in movies especially when those kids can't act and I'll see this as soon as percy does.
  8. If people think it's one of his family movies Sandler could make a film of him taking a dump and it would still gross 100M because his name is attached to it. More power to him but I paid to see That's My Boy (hoping it would remind me of Happy Gilmore and Billy Madison but more so because the gf wanted to see it) and that's the last movie of his I'll ever pay to see.
  9. Crappy news. I hope he suffered as little as possible. My condolensces to the Yocum family.
  10. Wiin 8 in a row, lose 1 and chicken littles come out in full force. This place rocks. Let's start another win streak tonight.
  11. I'm laughing reading your posts remembering most of these threads.
  12. Our tax code is archaic and this is something people who work with the code here and abroad admit. It would make too much sense to simplify it but I doubt that ever happens. Meanwhile US companies don't bring money back here because of tax consequences of repatriation.
  13. I don't think most fans expect much more from him than what he's shown at this level throughout his career. However when these discussions come up there's always some people on the far right/left of the discussion. The initial post is trying to egg on "the haters" when there's a lot of season left (someone will bump when he struggles), some people think he'll come back down and we've got at least one mention of him becoming a superstar. He's turning 30 this year and while he can improve most guys don't get a whole lot better after 30. Instead of focusing on what he should have done it's a lot easier to focus on what he does give - slightly above average play from a fairly weak position and I'll gladly take that.
  14. He's above average at a position that through most of his career has been pretty thin in the majors. Expectations were high because the guy raked in the minors and while it wasn't fair to him it's what fans do especially when you hear so much praise about a guy. When he's on he can mash but when he's off he looks like Pedro Cerrano trying to hit a curve ball and he makes some really bone headed moves. It's easier to appreciate him for the player he is rather than the one people hoped he would be.
  15. Sign him before going to arbitration - buy out those 3 years plust 5 more.
  16. Agree with mt. "My bad I didn't know this racist comment was already said" doesn't make it okay to say it.
  17. I don't even understand how it goes so far that you actually beat someone to death, especially when there's that many of you. At a point when they go down I would think they can be handcuffed and that's that. I understand if he was resisting arrest, the cops used force and one hit was just a freak hit that does it. That said if witnesses say they were flat out beating him while he's down on the ground not fighting back that's just mob mentality which is the last thing cops should ever prescribe to. Horrible story.
  18. Really enjoyed the reboot and it's one of those movies I end up watching even when I come across it on network television like I did last night. Theater's a few weeks after it's been out.
  19. Those breathalyzer's aren't cheap and adding that cost to a new car isn't something consumers or manufacturers would be in favor of.
  20. I don't fault the FO for getting rid of an inconsistent Santana who was going to make a nice chunk of change. Signing Blanton for 7.5M a year for two years was crap from the get go.
  21. Agreed. This isn't some guy who had some good years then let his ego get the better of him while getting into trouble. Guy had a decent rookie year and started to show his true colors before he made it through 2 seasons. Get a camera on him for some great reality TV before he ends up in prison.
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