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Everything posted by Catwhoshatinthehat

  1. Some might be defending it but quite a few people here seem to be of the opinion that no one is above suspicion. MLB seems to be leading the way amongst the 4 major US sports when it comes to PED's and not in a good way.
  2. First a vegetarian and now a one direction fan. Congrats your ascension to full womanhood is complete.
  3. After this year Stanton will have 3 years of club control left while Fernandez will have 5. Trout will have 4 years left so I don't agree that they would provide less production.
  4. I'm guessing the only way the Angels would 'get rid of him' is if they can't sign him to an extension, he's about to hit FA and they're out of it. Anyways as YOT said there's no reason he would be moved right now and given that he's under club control for 4 more years there's probably not a realistic package that a team could come up with it to get him. I think St. Louis or NYM would have the most attractive pieces if you're talking major league ready talent + top tier prospects in AA or AAA.
  5. I'm sure the Angels will do everything they can to extend him. All the other moves they've made have been for the benefit of the team many of them just flat out haven't worked but they're trying. If he ends up elsewhere it would suck but I'm an Angels fan first and foremost. Was long before they won their only title and will be long after. In the meantime I'll just enjoy watching him play and hope they can right the ship.
  6. While yeah yeah allegedly beat his gf some years back and looks like he's on roids. The then and now pics of him are a trip.
  7. I'm guessing they got about what they thought they would out of him - low avg, high K's, draws walks and hits for power.
  8. A few people at work were talking about it because one alert that came through last night woke one of them up. Told them they can turn those off then went yk on them mentioning I don't want those alerts or people who can barely drive already looking at other cars on the freeway for someone they won't find.
  9. Russel Wilson is just a 2nd year QB not a perennial all pro. Like the other QB's entering year 2 who had success (Luck, RGIII) and even Kaepernick (only 3 passes in 2011) they've got a lot to prove and NFL defenses now have more footage of them. They'll be tested this year more than last as opposing defenses will throw more at them and try to exploit their weaknesses. This is why a lot of guys have sophomore slumps because they have to make adjustments and not everyone does.
  10. He's entering the prime of his career, under club control and still pretty cheap. Those are things that also make him one of the more attractive trade chips the angels have.
  11. Don't doubt you but after doing a couple searches a few weeks out and a month out I didn't see anything direct from John Wayne to Honolulu. Maybe it's to another airport/island.
  12. I've never seen direct flights from John Wayne or Long Beach and we flew out of LAX. As far as airline recommendations I don't really have any because I don't have specific airlines I target. I use travel sites and go for the best deal possible. I went to O'ahu last year and heading to Kauai later this year. Waikiki was fun but I'm looking much more forward to going to a less popular spot as it had elements of it that reminded me of SoCal.
  13. Interesting read and I agree with a lot of it. I live 2 miles from the beach and 2 miles from main street right now but far enough in the right direction that I avoid all of the beachgoers and the madness that comes with them. I want a house in probably 7-8 years and would most likely move another 2-3 miles towards central park or out of HB all together. Quite honestly I wouldn't want to live in the expensive houses close to the beach and downtown because despite the location and nice houses it's not worth the headache. Despite being down at a bar probably 2-3 years ago during the contest and every year before that for 5-6 years I didn't go down to the contest itself. The bars get slammed but quite honestly it's like most other summer weekends when the weather is nice and you don't see kids in there. I've seen kids that write stuff on themselves but not the crap those girls wrote which quite honestly is sad.
  14. I think anything is possible but the team has quite a few glaring holes in the rotation. If Pujols is healthy and both he and Hamilton produce that's huge for the team going forward. By produce I don't mean superstar or MVP type production I mean what people hoped we would realistically get out of them as they age. I think some kind of trade is going to have to be made to help the rotation and the likely candidates are Howie, Aybar and Trumbo. You don't trade for the sake of trading but they can't keep throwing money at high priced FA's to fill the roster and they need to acquire a younger starter or two that they can plug into the rotation.
  15. Supposedly he'll miss at least the first 12 weeks of the regular season. With Rice having knee issues those are two major hits to a team that on paper was one of the top teams after acquiring Harvin.
  16. At least he will have plenty of baked goods to enjoy while on paid leave.
  17. Kennedy has had a good season under his belt, is a local guy and has been an innings eater. Problem is we can say 2 of those 3 things about Joe Blanton who is here next year unless the Angels cut him and eat his salary. Kennedy is arbitration eligible and likely wouldn't make much more than he is now but this should be like option Z.
  18. The Cardinals seem to be loaded with pitching prospects with Wacha and Martinez being guys I know of just from fantasy baseball call ups while there's talk of other guys in their system as well.
  19. His team friendly contract is one of the major selling points and short of trading Trout or Weaver trading Howie is the best way to acquire a young SP.
  20. The players have underperformed but there's been some headscratcher moves when it's come to the bullpen management at times during the year. If they miss the playoffs this year then that's 4 years they've underperformed which to me means it's time for a manager change. Regardless there's no reason to do anything during the season. If changes are made do it in the offseason.
  21. Clicked on the link yk posted and just...wow. Sad now far gone this place is from being a beach community.
  22. In cases like this when people act like idiots I'm glad it's on youtube. They're asking for witnesses to turn over any video/picture evidence they have so they can hopefully identify some of the culprits who didn't get arrested. Let the knuckledraggers get exposed for being the morons that they are.
  23. Not a lateral move so much as it was a 'trade a guy who's going to be a FA when this season appears to be going nowhere' move. We've been spoiled for years as the Angels were usually the one's acquiring a guy for the stretch run. Adding young arms is what they need to do and not all of them will be wins but only time will tell.
  24. There's no way of knowing for sure but I'm going to guess the majority weren't from HB. Historically a lot of the crap that's had HB make the news for the wrong reasons in the last ~15 years has involved people who weren't from the area. I lived within a mile of downtown for all but 1 year going back to 1998 and we spent a lot of time out at the bars up until everyone settled down a little over a year ago. Got to a point where we saw the same people when we went out and the locals weren't the one's getting hammered, causing problems and getting thrown out of bars. The fact that the bouncers and bartenders know you helps as far as not getting kicked out but locals weren't the one's getting into fights. Regardless HB has kicked around the idea of trying to make downtown a more "family friendly" place but some of it almost seems like posturing. The bars bring in a lot of money and when you pack people into them on hot summer days especially when some of those people are just legal to drink it's asking for trouble. I think someone posted an article here not that long ago saying it may be the last US open and I'm fine with that but I know it brings in a lot of money. These days I avoid downtown during the summer and look forward to when summer ends because everyone goes back to school, it's less crowded, the usual suspects are out and about and football starts so it's a better time to hit up the bars.
  25. Mike's had good defensive teams during his tenure. Does he get the credit then and not deserve to take flack when his teams are bad defensively? When they were aggressive on the basepaths and good at small ball he got credit but now they make some horrible mistakes on the bases so shouldn't he take some of the blame? Mike doesn't deserve all of the blame and he isn't the one making the mistakes on the field but after 4 years of underperformance I see nothing wrong with going in a new direction.
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