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Everything posted by 2112

  1. He will get a chance somewhere next year. So keeping Ramirez means he's close to pitching again?
  2. How much would it cost to bring Maldonado back?
  3. The trade dropped the Angels under the salary threshold with the cash they got for Nolasco. Yacht fuel money.
  4. I know we have to take Moreno's word for it, since the Angels are a private corporation. But he stated they lost money in 2016 and 2017. It doesn't seem right considering attendance and the TV contract.
  5. Love that comment at the end of the video: "Would love to have Trout on the East Coast." Uh Huh.
  6. I agree. They're going to stock up on everything, have multiples at different positions. And wondering why at the end of the season why some didn't perform to expectations.
  7. Does this mean Trout will move to RF every time he starts?
  8. I really think this has to do with the state of the farm. Most of the Angels' free agent acquisitions have been busts over the years, and it has been the farm (even a low rated one) that helped the major league team. Most of the high level prospects for the Angels are in the lower minors. They can't help yet. So the big club ends up depending on castoffs like John Lamb and Jabari Blash. That makes a big difference in a long season. We're still being Dipoto-ised. IMHO.
  9. $13.6 million career earnings not including the Ranger contract. Damn. Hope he saved some of that.
  10. You know that Pujols is like the sacred cow here right? They all hate he's still here but they will all come unglued it you suggest some logical way to use him...
  11. Weaver's contract. imho was worth it. His arm just fell off. Wilson's was bearable until the 5th year. I think if the team is in a position to contend immediately, it's worth the risk to get someone like Corbin. This team is not in that situation. Spending 5/90 or better on Corbin MIGHT get the team to a 3rd place finish, and still out of the wildcard. Better to use available funds to purse others.
  12. This. Also he has 2 years of club control and is 29 next season. Arb should be cheaper on a down year.
  13. Ok I'm not getting this. He has the ability to pitch multiple innings out of the pen and/or used as a starter. He would also be pretty cheap. To me it seems like a fit.
  14. Santiago is intriguing. We know he has a good attitude - and he has the ability to pitch multiple innings.
  15. I think Chavez, Paul, and Ebel should be interviewed. And maybe a few coaches that have worked in absolute cluster F*ck situations and had success turning it around.
  16. Joe worked for Terry Collins too. He’s always marched to a different drummer. His style is completely different that Soshy’s.
  17. Somehow this makes sense. So was the Troll Daddy comment a preemptive strike?
  18. The starting pitching will be much better than it was this year. I believe that Heaney and Skaggs will be better next year, this year was the first year coming back from TJ surgery. Trop should be better next year as well, but I don't know what his ceiling is. Barria is young and was treated with kid gloves (and rightly so) by Scioscia this year. He should easily develop into a 7 inning pitcher next year. That with Heaney and Skaggs healthy will help the pen immensely. If Shoe is back and Pena is able to duplicate what he's doing this year, I think starting pitching will be fine.
  19. I bet Dave Kingman could still hit .150 with 30 bombs.
  20. Isn't 27 in Japanese pitcher years like 40 in MLB pitcher years? There HAS to be a lot of wear and tear on that arm. It looks like he already has arm issues.
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