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John Taylor

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Posts posted by John Taylor

  1. No team can sustain scoring 7-10 runs a game, and our starting pitching has a nasty habit of allowing big innings which put us in a hole (Which is ironically what the Angels were doing to the Mainers and Astros the first 2 games of that series). I was really impressed with the poise that Canning showed when he was called up, but Skaggs death has reminded us that Canning is still a kid, and you can see the weight of the world on his shoulders, not only did he lose a mentor, but you can see he is putting even more pressure on himself to perform. I also feel like Heaney is pressing as well, and he is nibbling a little too much instead of attacking the strike zone.

    Suarez and Barria are young and are going to be inconsistent for a bit, Pena is kind of a basket case he reminds me a lot of Ramon Ortiz or Ervin Santana minus the electric stuff Santana could conjur up every other season. I think Pena is better in the bullpen. Also Harvey and Cahill are terrible and I'm glad Harvey got DFA'd.


    Unfortunately we have to admit the pitching staff is missing its ace and leader, and the emotional "Win one for Skaggs" high has settled into a "we still have the rest of the season"

  2. I feel like one of the few people who likes Upton.

    I knew when we got him that he was going to be a slightly above average hitter with slightly below average defense (That's being kind). Honestly when he was injured I didn't really miss him in the lineup because I felt like Goodwin was a good alternative, and I feel Goodwin gives more effort (Even though he is about the same defensively as Upton), but I still feel like Upton is a good compliment in our lineup despite his issues with RISP. I feel like he would be better in the #5 spot, but I've been fairly happy with his play since we got him.


    I think the issue with Upton is that he is your typical .270 with 30 HR hitter who isn't all that great of a defender, or runner, doesn't have that "Calhoun" hustle in his play, and he doesn't really stand out on a team with Trout and Ohtani. He also doesn't have that "Competitive asshole" vibe that Pujols does where Albert might be pushing 50 years old, but at least he works his ass off.

  3. 4 minutes ago, beatlesrule said:

    I guess I'm just a decent human being that is very forgiving and doesn't want to see violence and blood and guts like most of you. There's already too much violence and hatred in the world. Crucifying a guy for an honest mistake which he already got suspended for is tasteless and senseless in my opinion but again, I'm not out for blood like most of you. You got your little show of violence so I hope it's satisfied your lust.

    Little to none of you would be this angry if an Angels player had make this mistake to an Astros player. Most of you would 100% be defending whichever Angels player was involved.

    Mike Trout could murder a bakers dozen of hookers and I'd defend him to my dying day.

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