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Everything posted by AngelStew43

  1. I don't think that the player would come back.
  2. I could see it if they move a couple of contracts, like CJ's for example.
  3. For myself, it would depend on what we got in return. Beckham and Green are decent options, but there would be a dropoff from Kendrick. If Howie's entire contract is moved, we'd have a little more cash to spend in the FA market, with an emphasis (I hope) on starting pitching. I think we are stuck with Hamilton. I would like to find a younger option to play in the outfield, but I can't see any chance of moving that contract.
  4. Can't steal first base. Make them hit the ball, and have the defense get them out.
  5. Looking forward to seeing Lucho's picture up here tomorrow!
  6. How about Trevor Plouffe? Minnesota' s top prospect, Sano, is a 3b, right? Plouffe is a OC guy, and is FA eligible after 2015.
  7. Dude made a great game saving catch for us and had a good year in 2013. Hope he gets more opportunities in Cleveland.
  8. The next two years worry me, too. His velocity is still ok, but his pitches are flat. Even mediocre hitters are drilling him. He may turn in to the lefty specialist we are looking for.
  9. John Buck, Cron, Randy Wolf, Rasmus, Roth.
  10. Latos will never clear waivers. Even if he did, I doubt we'd have the players to send to the Reds. A four-man rotation would work, I think, if we had more off-days. We don't. Some combination of Roth, Wolf, or Rasmus is what we have in house, maybe a trade for Buehrle or Dickey is about all we could hope for.
  11. Buehrle's ERA has been over 5 for the last two months. Reverting to career norms. Dickey, as an innings eater, would be nice.
  12. Dickey. Knuckleballers can pitch forever.
  13. Won't be Herrera. My money is on Wolf.
  14. Can we please put all of our pitchers on the Matt Shoemaker workout for next season? Whatever he's doing, it works!
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