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Lazorko Saves

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Posts posted by Lazorko Saves

  1. 11 hours ago, Cosmo_Kramer said:

    NCAA baseball cancelled too. They added an extra year of eligibility to affected players.

    This is going to result in a really odd MLB Draft this year.  Scouting staffs having to make their rankings based on very limited viewings.  Increased risk of draft-eligible college juniors not signing to return to college for a full (repeated) junior year.  The "cheap sign" college seniors will be non-existent this year.

    On the other hand, it could be marginally easier to sign away some high school players from a college commit.  HS grads going in next spring as freshmen trying to make a roster will be up against a 5 year age group of players for likely the same number of roster spots.

    Also sets up the 2021 Draft to be one of the deepest drafts ever.

  2. 7 hours ago, Ray McKigney said:

    I thought it was just that you can't watch any games that are broadcast on FSW (if you're in the local market) until the game is over. That's what my cousin, who has MLB TV, told me.

    Yes, that should be the case there.  Up here in Oregon, mlb.tv blacks out the Angels games when they play the Mariners (both home or away), because I am in the Root Sports NW market.  I can watch the game on mlb.tv after the game is over, but it's usually at least two hours or more after the end of the game before it's available.

  3. 2 hours ago, Stradling said:

    I voted yes as I think the Angels with Clevinger and Marsh are better than the Angels with Adell and Marsh.  

    Is that also true in the out years somewhere around 2023 and on, when Adell is 23/24/25 years old and in his arb years and Clevinger is 31/32/33 years old and playing for the Yankees?

    Or is the proposal here that we're trading Adell for Clevinger for 2020 only and then we swap 'em back for 2021?

  4. Sometimes I think Angels fans are unique in how willing we are to discuss trading very elite level prospects for other players.  I guess Brandon Wood and Dallas McPherson conditioned us to do that.  Plus the extreme and immediate need for a #1 starter.  And Trout's biological clock ticking (no, not like that).

    But I am sure the Blue Jays board didn't have so many discussions about trading Vladdy Jr last year.  Nor the Braves board about Acuna two years ago.

    Yeah, I know, we rightly have more of a win-now mindset than those teams did...but Adell has got to be untouchable at this point if we're keeping our heads on straight.

  5. 1 hour ago, Jeff Fletcher said:

    If he plays the day before you could really get in a jam finding a starter the next day if he gets hurt. 

    Yes, and remember when you're starting tomorrow, you're charting pitches in today's game.  This isn't just a pointless activity.  If you're facing the same team tomorrow you're analyzing the opposing hitters and thinking about how you'll pitch them yourself tomorrow.

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