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Everything posted by zenmaster

  1. I'm definitely be interested in Hamels. His numbers last year were better than anyone we threw out there. So how in the world can we act like he wouldn't be a decent pickup?
  2. I bet his spin rate is off the charts.
  3. I say we attempt to get every single free agent pitcher who is better than what we got and pray and hope that 2 of them will sign with us.
  4. They'd probably want Adell, Marsh, Simmons and others and then our payroll would skyrocket when he's getting $30M / year in the near future. He's great though.
  5. Let’s remember that having the money to sign him and actually signing him are two very different things.
  6. I bet players love playing for him. The whole no rules and have fun thing is probably very enticing.
  7. A #3 pitcher will have a much bigger impact overall than a catcher IMO.
  8. lol love him He sure sounds like he knows what he is doing. Love his personality and looking forward to next year.
  9. IMO we'd be lucky to get a middling AA prospect for him.
  10. Gonna be a long year if we couldn't make it 24 hours.
  11. If that's not the goal then something is terribly wrong. Of course they should say this.
  12. Fire everyone that was most likely involved. We gotta clean house and start with a clean slate. Maddon will be a nice first step along with Cole and Strasburg.
  13. Media “Former Dodger Howie Kendrick...”
  14. I may be in the minority here but the whole Cole thing scares me now. His price is increasing daily and while we do need a front of the line starter, I worry that we'd get a couple excellent years then be stuck paying a pitcher $30M+ per year and getting mediocre performance and getting worse.
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