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Everything posted by zenmaster

  1. Only one borderline call on the debut? How many do the non robots miss each games let alone borderline calls?
  2. No one has deserved Fs more than Cahill and Harvey. They are among the worst pitchers in all of baseball.
  3. Yeah, just throw the baseball and don't let the other guys hit it so hard.
  4. So how long after robots are calling strikes and balls will catchers still be framing pitches? I guess until the next generation comes in. Probably a hard habit to break I imagine.
  5. Well players are also all going for HR or bust (K) now so that leads to more homers.
  6. Cahill didn't give up any runs today, so that's a positive from yesterday's game.
  7. Is this all known to be true or just guessing?
  8. You can't hashtag an apostrophe so that's probably why the change
  9. Unfortunately it hit bats at 94mph and went the other way at over 100mph.
  10. Could have been more had we landed "The Martian". https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/27078114/the-legend-martian-yankees-5-million-16-year-old-international-coup
  11. Their next game is gonna be tough to watch for sure.
  12. this is unreal. prayers to his family
  13. I still think a lot of this has to be on him. He's just not cutting it.
  14. Not literally. It's a figure of speech Mr. Literal.
  15. The whole 100 pitch count thing blows my mind. Somewhere along the line everyone decided this nice round number of 100 is the magical spot as which you should remove your starter unless he's throwing a no-hitter, and sometimes even then. Shouldn't pitching be on a more individual level in terms of pitch count? I'm just surprised with all the analytics out there being used most teams stick to this 100 pitch limit thing (or close).
  16. I hope he has a short leash, and I hope this is his last chance.
  17. Are more people actually being hit or is it more in the news now because of the internet and social media? I'd also imagine if more people are getting hit, it's due to them staring down at their smart phones.
  18. Breaking news: Three months ago Albert Pujols claimed he would fulfill his contractually obligated contract.
  19. But none on the guy whose sole purpose is to coach the pitchers?
  20. We have one of the worst team ERAs in baseball. Why isn’t this board calling for his head yet? I realize he wasn’t given the best hand but very few of our pitchers are having an average year or better.
  21. He would never list what he took. He’d just say he took all sorts of things and doesnt remember every thing he took. He knew exactly what he was getting into.
  22. “I didn’t know I took it” is the traditional cop out. Wish he’d be called out showing that nothing OTC contains this unless he’s shopping in some alley.
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