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John Taylor

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Everything posted by John Taylor

  1. Shit, now I have to root for the Doyyers to win the World Series....
  2. Humboldt County still hasn't forgiven the team for abandoning the California moniker for the periwinkle paradise of Anaheim
  3. I have no feelings towards this dude, but on behalf of Pirates fans everywhere all of whom I don't know (seriously I've never met a Pirates fan) I'd like to tell Clint Hurdle....
  4. So you're saying he Kimbrel was some sort of "Fake" Undertaker....
  5. I for one can't wait for him to reach his final form as a fully realized Bartolo Colon. Keep pounding those hot dogs hombre!
  6. Also Dallas McPherson is 39 years old, which kind of blows my mind for some reason. I didn't realize he was only 10 years younger than Albert Pujols.
  7. 1.........2............3.........*crunch* Thank you Mr. Owl
  8. Thanks for the post @instant karma. I have some similar concerns, although Fletch did come from our farm system and has turned out to be pretty good, I've been somewhat underwhelmed by our call-ups as well, although I need to remember that Mike Trout hit .220 when he was called up in 2011 so I won't judge these players on the small sample size as they adjust to the Major Leagues. I think my worry when it comes to the farm system is that we have been down the road of (Insert can't miss prospect here) only for them to be a bust in the Majors (Hello Dallas McPherson). It almost feels like Mike Trout's greatness overcame the usual hyped up prospect who didn't pan out. I seriously hope Adell lives up to the hype, and some of our pitching prospects pan out (which I don't think they will flourish with Brad "Pull the pitcher in the 4th inning" Ausmus)
  9. I'm trying to remember at what point every AW thread started to devolve into people attacking each other, it definitely seems to be more prevalent than it used to be...it's like Lord of the Flies around here lately lol
  10. Mike Trout is literally the culmination of the "Create a player" feature for MVP Baseball 2005 where I'd max out all the stats on my created player to watch him dominate in career mode.
  11. Olney did a good job of explaining Eppler's strengths since he took over a GM. I don't think he gets enough credit for the good things he's done here, probably because he loves to sign the "Island of misfit pitchers" to one year deals and they always seem to be busts, but I mean at least we aren't Seattle...
  12. But then, during the 1999 offseason, a lasagna would rise from the ashes.....
  13. I'm kind of in the same boat here, until I've seen a full season of him hitting and pitching, I'm bracing for the under line on this, and hoping for the over.
  14. 2 of the games have giveaways including that god awful Ohtani shirt, also Oktoberfest night (which I went to a couple seasons ago, good fun) on Trout Jersey night. Giveaway nights tend to be fairly popular. Also Paid attendance always seems to be much higher than what it actually looks like in the stands. I think we'll hit 3 Mil again.
  15. I can't wait to see "David Fletcher - 1 Vote" on the Cy Young ballot this year.
  16. I admit I am probably letting mys sentimentality of Joe Madden get in the way of his actual performance as a manager, luckily I have no say in the matter, lol
  17. Absolutely would be an upgrade to Ausmus. I've always been a huge fan of Joe Madden and I actually think the Cubs would be making a mistake letting him go if it happens.
  18. Meh, everyone knows Coach Pete and UW are a far superior team.
  19. "luxurious depth" is my new favorite Baseball term. This is how MLB will appeal to the White Claw drinking cougar demographic.
  20. i hope not. I still have a soft spot in my heart for Aybar, but Simmons is a superior player to him in every way. I hope we hold on to him for a long time, I'd like him to retire as an Angel.
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