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John Taylor

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Everything posted by John Taylor

  1. Arms are more at a premium than a SS, even if he is one of the top Shortstops in the game, we would probably have to throw in some prospects to get any kind of decent return. Honestly the free agent market route + keeping Simmons is a better plan.
  2. I was actually wondering this earlier today. I was curious if signing Joe Maddon would be any kind of factor for certain FA. Honestly our best recruiter has been and still will be Mike Trout.
  3. Yes and he sold the pictures and videos online, so in reality he probably owes you a royalty
  4. @Chuckster70 sent a donation your way to help with the move to HTTPS. Have fun with the cut-over (Sent it via Paypal to your hotmail address)
  5. I'll go a little out of the box here: 1.) Angels will hire Jim Hickey as their pitching coach (He was Maddon's Pitching coach in TB and Chicago until stepping down, is currently a Dodgers assistant) 2.) Angels will sign Rick Porcello (I hope this doesn't actually happen but he is exactly the kind of pitcher Eppler loves although a 191 IP/4.28 ERA statline would have put him as our ace in 2019) 3.) The first (serious) "Fire Maddon" post on Angelswin.com will appear in early April 2020.
  6. Joe Maddon cured me when Brad Ausmus turned me into a newt......
  7. For the love of God (and @Chuckster70's sanity) Ausmus needs to stay as far away from San Diego as possible.
  8. Sorry I fixed the title of this thread, so this post won't make two much sense tew anyone anymore
  9. I had to fix the title, the "too" was driving me crazy....
  10. 1.) I do think 2-3 starters including someone like Cole is needed. I don't think we need to sign 5 starters as Ohtani will be back, Suarez should start coming into his own and hopefully Canning doesn't end up needing TJ surgery next season. Also if we have a different manager our pitching staff won't be so wound up with the thought of being removed in the 4th inning every start. 2.) I agree with this. I still don't know why we got rid of Maldy? (Maybe there are advanced metrics that explain it better) 3.) Theoretically we have 2 of those already with Fletcher and La Stella, Pujols is going to play 1st next year and will DH when Ohtani is pitching, although as I'm typing this I'm starting to realize we need someone who isn't Justin Bour to play 1st on days Pujols DH's so maybe you're right with this one. 4.) Also agree on this point. Fletch is our super utility who should be playing everyday somewhere.
  11. It was definitely the toughest season I've ever dealt with as a fan, but I'm excited for 2020 and I'm ready for the hot stove season and when pitchers and catchers report next Feb. Thanks for bringing the positivity @floplag
  12. "Hmm, I have the opportunity to manage a team with Mike Trout and Shohei Ohtani, for an organization and a fan base that both love me and are going to unload a bunch of cash at my door.....nah I'll pass" - Joe Maddon (Probably)
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