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John Taylor

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Everything posted by John Taylor

  1. Dear Angels, Stay the F*ck out of Texas. Sincerely, Everyone
  2. Cholo Chomo love is such a beautiful thing.....
  3. Some say Weaver won $200 playing penny slots at Pechanga back in 2014 and this angered the casino spirits......
  4. My only issue when it comes to tipping these days is when your expected to tip someone who is a cashier at a counter. I enjoy leaving a decent tip for someone who serves, or makes food, or even table bussers, but standing at a checkout counter ringing people up does not seem tipworthy to me? Maybe I'm turning into Mr. Pink in my old age....
  5. ahh yes, I remember these days, back when our pitchers had ERA's over 5.00 and I kept hoping that a few good starts would maybe stabilize our Pitching staff. I'm so glad that those days are over I tell you hwat....
  6. Honestly you can never have too many good baseball minds in an organization. I'm curious why the Sawks didn't renew his contract? Is he not "Advanced Metrics" enough for the modem game or something? I was shocked when the Angels let him walk a few years back. He sure as hell wasn't a one hit wonder given some of the players he brought us outside of just Trout, just curious why he isn't in more demand...
  7. Great Khali and Giant Gonzalez in a 60 man Iron Man submission match you say?
  8. Jose Canseco and Mark McGwire decide to start training as Lucha Libre Wrestlers, and tour Mexico challenging the greatest tag teams......wait this sounds F**king amazing...
  9. Also I warned the team that they shouldn't have moved the damn Pechanga sign as it angered the spirits!
  10. But, but, 3 Million attendance again! I'm going to give this season more of a pass than previous seasons due to all the injuries and also ya know, one of our best pitchers dying. I do think Ausmus is a crap manager though and I don't know if he is the right guy going forward, but I have optimism for 2020 since our pitchers seem to only die in years that end in 9 (I just looked this up actually, kind of weird: Donnie Moore 1989, Nick Adenhart 2009, Tyler Skaggs 2019)
  11. Also the fact that Jeff had to come here of all places to speak to a "reasonable" audience scares the crap out of me and has me worried about the future of humanity...
  12. I think motivation plays a big factor in it. There are different reasons why different players care. Some players continue to hustle out every ground ball because that's how they were coached, or how they are wired, or honestly its second nature to them. Some players care because they are free agents at the end of the season and are looking for that sweet payday, some players (specifically on this team) care because they don't want to let down their friend Tyler Skaggs. Some players may care more about leaving a legacy and racking up HoF numbers towards the end of the career, but when they started out they cared more about winning a World Series title. A million motivations, and a million different levels of effort. It's not reasonable to assume every player can give 110 percent during every inning of ever game over 162 game span + Spring Training. Nobody would ever dare to question how much Mike Trout cares about baseball if he popped up a foul ball and didn't run full speed to first, we all know the guy cares as much, if not more, than anyone in baseball. I agree with @Jeff Fletcher here that even now, after this team has 0 chance of making the playoffs, they players still care, and they still do their best to put out as much effort as their bodies will allow this late in the season. Players who don't care are the exception, not the rule, and tend to be out of baseball fairly quickly because the level at which they have to perform at to stay successful in baseball precludes those who don't give a shit.
  13. The team is the woman, and Mike Trout is her boobs, the only thing worth looking at all season but even that leaves us in the end...
  14. I checked the Mod logs and apparently it was deleted by someone named "Guy Incognito", never heard of him.... I did however catch him on the Angelswin security camera (Which surprisingly wasn't aimed at Tdawg's window) If anyone has seen the whereabouts of this man please contact @Chuckster70 and call the Internet Police.
  15. For me as a fan it's definitely one of the most frustrating seasons I've ever dealt with. I actually came across a Facebook post of mine counting down the days until Spring Training. That feels like it was 10 years ago at this point. As someone who lives in an area where we get summer for about 5 weeks a year, each Baseball season represents the end of a long cold winter, and is one of the few things that still gives me the same feeling I had as a kid. With that being said this season died for me when Skaggs died. At that point I just wanted to skip to next season because I honestly feel like a lot of the players on the team just wanted to get this shitshow of a season over. I don't remember feeling the same when Adenhart died, but this season has been different, it's hard to explain. Next year the cycle will begin again, and at the end of January I'll be counting down the days until Spring Training, and I'll be full of the same optimism and feel the same way about Baseball that I do ever Spring, but until then... 151 days until pitchers and Catchers report.
  16. Tip the Cap, Turn the Page, and check the iPad for the xFIPS xBARWRA vWAR of tomorrow's lineup. Don't forget to account for spin rate and exit velocity.
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