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John Taylor

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Everything posted by John Taylor

  1. Glad to have you back at 100 percent Chuck. Me thinks another AW FanFest may be in our future?
  2. I also love the fact that Chuck has ads enabled on his desktop version of AW to help his own ad revenue, lol
  3. Cole and Strasburg would be the flashy signing, but Cole and Wheeler would be the better choice. With that being said I'd be happy with any 2 of those 3 (Ideally Cole and Wheeler)
  4. I'll stick with Fletcher, Simba, La Stella, and sign Cole and Wheeler. Remember when Sports Illustrated was one of the better Sports magazines around? Yeah neither do I....
  5. I know we all enjoy our little AW bubble, but the goal is to continue to grow Angelswin. A gameday chat is a good way to get some of the lurkers engaged without them having to post on the site, IMHO. Lets be honest, the barrier of entry to posting on the AW forum is steep since a good chunk of us have been here 10+ years (I think I hit 10 years on AW earlier this year). I'm trying to get out of the gatekeeper mentality and would like to see more new folks feel comfortable sharing their opinions around here. Also Chuck is tired of us and wants new friends, lol
  6. I love the fact that the chat can be used while still browsing the forum, well done Chuck.
  7. Ya'll may be a bunch of a*holes but dammit you're my a*h.....wait...... AW > Facebook > Twitter
  8. I like the idea of gameday chat rooms, I would frequent the reddit one but at least here I know most of the people who would be in the chat. Also it'l be moderated so I don't expect much spamming or trolling (outside the usual stuff).
  9. Also as someone who has lived in 2 Pioneer League towns (Idaho Falls and Missoula) these teams are absolutely a huge part of the community, especially in Idaho Falls where they would regularly pack in 3400 people at Melaleuca Field. In fact I always hated MiLB and found it boring until I started going to Pioneer League Games, so I was won over by the community aspect of it. I really hope that MLB doesn't pull support for these teams, a alot of communities that don't have access to Major League Sports *cough* Montana *cough* support the hell out of these teams.
  10. I've hosted some Pioneer League (Rookie Ball) players and they made $1200 a month. I opted out of the reimbursement and got season tix and food/drink vouchers in lieu of. It probably depends on the league. When I lived in Idaho Falls there were plenty of host families for the players (High Mormon population in Idaho Falls who tend to volunteer their homes just for the sake of it). Missoula seems to be the opposite and tends to have a shortage of housing hosts for the players.
  11. I had to double check the date on this thread.
  12. Even if someone is hesitant, all it takes is one Facetime with Mike Trout sitting next to Ohtani sitting next to Joe Maddon with a table full of Benjamins and said player will be like "What drug scandal?"
  13. Gerrit Cole is a fan of whatever team can back up the largest truck of ca$h money at his doorstep.
  14. I absolutely idolize Tim Mead but as much as I want to think he had no knowledge of this, the statement seem to indicate otherwise. I know in this day of social outrage where everything is either '"hing good or thing bad" based on everything I know of Tim Mead he would have genuinely cared for the well-being of Tyler (as he did of Kay) and could have possibly talked to Tyler about it at which Tyler would have convinced him that he could "handle it" or that it was no big deal. I say this because I have literally been in that situation of having a friend downplay addiction to the point where they were able to make me think that I would have been betraying them by reporting their drug use to family members and such. The media will want to make this a black and white issue "Everyone who knew of this and didn't report it are horrible people" where the motivations will lie more in the middle. I am also willing to accept that my personal bias towards Tim Mead is projecting all of that onto this situation. It's possible (and likely) that I am way off, but I have been in a similar situation and have experience in dealing with functioning addicts who appeared "Ok"
  15. Exactly this. I've dealt with an addicted friend who knew that I took certain medications for ADHD and would always hound me for them and despite the fact I never said yes they would still text me like clockwork because their brain was so bound to their addiction. This was after interventions, trips to jail, rehab, exc,. Another scary thing was they were a "functioning" addict who was able to appear to function normally despite a crippling addiction. My friend is not a bad person but is a prisoner to their addiction which causes them to act differently when a craving or withdrawal would kick in.
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