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    HaloFan85 got a reaction from acro2008 in Full-Scale War Looms in Donbass....   
    After reading some of the comments here, all I can say is Kudos to CNN, FOX, and the rest of the tribe for a job very well done.
  2. Like
    HaloFan85 got a reaction from Vegas Halo Fan in Full-Scale War Looms in Donbass....   
    Yanukovich was the democratically elected president of Ukraine.  It wasn't until he decided to delay signing a deal with the European Union that all hell broke loose.  The EU demanded he cut off all economic ties with Russia and he knew that would devastate their economy and country.  He said he needed more time to weigh his options and that's when the Soros/NED funded Euromaidan riots started.  These people started wreaking havoc all over Kiev with violence including the use of Molotovs that literally burned several police officers alive.  Then a group of unknown snipers (many have said possibly Blackwater nka Academi mercs) started taking people out on BOTH sides of the riots and that's pretty much when the president was forced to flea for his life into Crimea.  I believe the snipers killed up to a dozen police officers and dozens more of the Euromaidan rioters.
    The current "president" is another puppet/oligarch for the US that only cares about money, and the people living in Donbass have refused to recognize him as the legitimate president.  When Poroshenko took power, his first order of business was to strip all ethnic Russians living in Donbass of their rights, including speaking the Russian language.  That's when the people decided to declare their own independence via referendum and created their own Republics in Donbass.  That's when Poroshenko decided to begin attacking and bombing them unprovoked.
  3. Like
    HaloFan85 got a reaction from The Ghost of Bob Starr in KROQ's Top 500 songs   
    The one hit wonders from the 80's that immediately come to mind that I would've thought to make a list of top 500 KROQ songs:

    Some people here may have a fetish for this next one...

  4. Like
    HaloFan85 got a reaction from LBHalos17 in Morrissey   
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    HaloFan85 got a reaction from ten ocho recon scout in Morrissey   
  6. Like
    HaloFan85 got a reaction from HeavenlyHalos in Morrissey   
  7. Like
    HaloFan85 got a reaction from The Ghost of Bob Starr in Morrissey   
  8. Like
    HaloFan85 got a reaction from Chuck in Morrissey   
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    HaloFan85 got a reaction from the dude abides in Morrissey   
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    HaloFan85 got a reaction from Tank in Pluto   
    Here's the link to the image gallery which should be updated as soon as new pics are released.

  11. Like
    HaloFan85 got a reaction from fan_since79 in Gas Prices   
    While our gas prices have been rising, the price of oil has been dropping.  It dropped to $50.98 per barrel after the announcement of the Iran deal, but finished the day at $53.04 a barrel.  http://money.cnn.com/2015/07/14/investing/crude-oil-prices-iran-deal/
    How is it we're paying the same price for gas as when it was at $100.00+ per barrel??  If gas went back to $110.00 per barrel, we'd paying about $9.00 per gallon right now.  Of course the fix is in!  There's no way to justify these prices.  It makes zero sense.  Like KCAL said the other day, our oil companies are being accused of keeping our supply intentionally low to inflate the price of gas.  That's the only logical answer considering they also said our exports have increased over the same time.
  12. Like
    HaloFan85 got a reaction from NorCal Halo in Todd Frazier   
    Is it just me or is Todd Frazier a dead ringer for Peyton Manning?
  13. Like
    HaloFan85 got a reaction from mp170.6 in Pluto   
    Pluto and Charon have a similar relationship to us and our own Moon.  I wonder if Charon has given life, in a geological sense, to Pluto's core causing things like tectonic movement.
  14. Like
    HaloFan85 got a reaction from colt4405 in Gas Prices   
    They said on KCAL last night, which I was surprised to see any mention of this on local or mainstream news, that our gas prices should be much much lower than it is right now.
    They basically said if the price of our gasoline was adjusted to match the actual drop in oil prices to its current level, gas should cost us about $2.13/gallon for regular right now.  They went on to say while our exports have significantly increased, our oil companies are being accused of keeping our own supply/reserves artificially low to inflate local prices.  In other words, we're flooding the market like the Saudis to drive down oil prices abroad (cold war style) while keeping our prices at home inflated so as not to negatively effect the economy.  Oil price manipulation at its finest.
  15. Like
    HaloFan85 got a reaction from SlappyUtilityMIF in Gas Prices   
    They said on KCAL last night, which I was surprised to see any mention of this on local or mainstream news, that our gas prices should be much much lower than it is right now.
    They basically said if the price of our gasoline was adjusted to match the actual drop in oil prices to its current level, gas should cost us about $2.13/gallon for regular right now.  They went on to say while our exports have significantly increased, our oil companies are being accused of keeping our own supply/reserves artificially low to inflate local prices.  In other words, we're flooding the market like the Saudis to drive down oil prices abroad (cold war style) while keeping our prices at home inflated so as not to negatively effect the economy.  Oil price manipulation at its finest.
  16. Like
    HaloFan85 got a reaction from Amazing Larry in Greece   
    If they are in fact able to increase exports because of it, it's still not nearly enough to make up for their lost exports to Russia resulting from the bullshit sanction game we (according to Biden) "embarrassed" and pressured the EU into doing.
    They estimate the EU can lose up to $100 billion euros this year due to these sanctions because of lost exports, and the majority of that will come from Germany.  The irony of it all - the USA has INCREASED exports to Russia this year.  Things that make you go Hmmm............ if your the EU.
    If any money were to leave Greece, it would be mostly from the people taking out their 'own' money and converting it into other currencies and depositing it into foreign banks outside of Greece, and also to buy up hard assets like cars and boats.  However, that can be something the Greek government might be encouraging as this article suggested a week or two ago:
    "Late Friday night and into the early Saturday morning hours, Greeks ran to the ATM machines to convert their checking and savings deposits into euro notes, expecting that the end game would involve a likely 30% depreciation of the drachma – and that indeed, the ECB would stop lending to support Greek banks (the only role the ECB wanted to play).
    Syriza had no love for the banks. They were the vehicles through which the oligarchs controlled the Greek economy, after all. For a month, they had been discussing how to separate the banks into “good bank” and “bad bank,” either nationalizing them (wiping out stockholders) or creating a Public Option alternative.
    Most important, once out of the eurozone, Greece could create its own Treasury to monetize its spending. The Institutions called this “scrip,” but the Greeks could establish it as their national currency. They would escape from euro-austerity – except, of course, to the extent that the ECB waged economic war on Greece by imposing its own capital controls.
    By going through the sham negotiations with The Institutions, Syriza gave Greeks enough time to protect what savings and cash they had – by converting these bank deposits into euro notes, automobiles and “hard assets” (even boats).
    Businesses borrowed from local banks where they could, and moved their money into eurozone banks or even better, into dollar and sterling assets. Their intention is to pay back the banks in depreciated drachma, pocketing a 30% capital gain."
  17. Like
    HaloFan85 got a reaction from Amazing Larry in Greece   
    What's happened to Greece and to most of the European Union can be considered predatory lending.  The IMF and European Central Bank (Europe's Fed) over-lend to all the countries with their worthless funny money to the point they know it'll never be repaid.  Its purpose is to create an enormous and unpayable debt.  This forces these countries to sell off their 'hard' assets to the corporations for pennies on the dollar.  They'd rather be repaid in resources than with their own worthless money.  The only way they'll accept their own money for repayment is by creating more debt.  That's been one of the main key issues with the Greek government.  They want to use any new loans/bailout to invest in their economy and create more jobs whereas the bankers only want them to use the new loans to repay old loans.  Also, the reason why Greece closed the banks is because they don't have the liquidity.  The IMF and ECB are refusing to give them cash for withdrawal which gave them no choice but to close the banks.  The IMF and ECB are obviously trying to create a panic to force the government go back on their word and accept a shitty deal that will impose more austerity, higher taxes, and more cuts to pensions.
    It's all about the privatization of resources and economies.  It's basically a looting process by the bankers and corporations.  Take it from the "hitman" himself.  From an interview last year with the former economic hitman:
  18. Like
    HaloFan85 got a reaction from arch stanton in Greece   
    What's happened to Greece and to most of the European Union can be considered predatory lending.  The IMF and European Central Bank (Europe's Fed) over-lend to all the countries with their worthless funny money to the point they know it'll never be repaid.  Its purpose is to create an enormous and unpayable debt.  This forces these countries to sell off their 'hard' assets to the corporations for pennies on the dollar.  They'd rather be repaid in resources than with their own worthless money.  The only way they'll accept their own money for repayment is by creating more debt.  That's been one of the main key issues with the Greek government.  They want to use any new loans/bailout to invest in their economy and create more jobs whereas the bankers only want them to use the new loans to repay old loans.  Also, the reason why Greece closed the banks is because they don't have the liquidity.  The IMF and ECB are refusing to give them cash for withdrawal which gave them no choice but to close the banks.  The IMF and ECB are obviously trying to create a panic to force the government go back on their word and accept a shitty deal that will impose more austerity, higher taxes, and more cuts to pensions.
    It's all about the privatization of resources and economies.  It's basically a looting process by the bankers and corporations.  Take it from the "hitman" himself.  From an interview last year with the former economic hitman:
  19. Like
    HaloFan85 got a reaction from Tank in Pluto   
    Pluto beginning to come into focus.

  20. Like
    HaloFan85 got a reaction from Amazing Larry in Trans Pacific Partnership   
    There are two other deals that go along with the TPP deal which are called the TTIP and TISA.  It's basically a package deal that covers all aspects of what they're trying to achieve.
    This is about emerging economies giving up their economic sovereignty via their puppet governments, and nothing more.  This brings in Monsanto, Big Pharma, and fracking into these countries.  It also re-writes cyber, environmental, and intellectual property laws.  It basically expands the Corporate-American empire.  It gives corporations the right to bypass foreign laws and even sue countries they consider to be negatively impacting their profits.
    Wikileaks just recently released cables on the TISA part of the deal.  TISA is said to be the most important leg of this triple-headed monster package people have referred to as being NAFTA on steroids.
    Wikileaks summary and analysis of TISA core text:
  21. Like
    HaloFan85 got a reaction from cez in Pluto   
    Yeah, I'm sure the HD cameras are safely tucked away until the time comes to enter orbit.
    I just like the orbital movement.  You can literally see the moon 'pulling' on Pluto.
    Can't wait for mid-late July to see the high resolution shots.
  22. Like
    HaloFan85 got a reaction from Vegas Halo Fan in Pluto   
    I think this happens next month.
    We're finally going to get to see more than just a fuzzy dot..  This will be very exciting.
  23. Like
    HaloFan85 got a reaction from Lou in So much for stealing bases (Troutrage)   
    If Pujols is holding up Trout, hitting behind him should free him up.
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    HaloFan85 got a reaction from mp170.6 in Pluto   
    Real color preview of Pluto and orbital moon.  This time next month should be crystal clear

  25. Like
    HaloFan85 got a reaction from Doug Van Oort Sr in I'm not going to say a word......   
    I don't think Tabata leaned into it as much as he just didn't get out of the way.  Here's an idea, how about not throwing 6-8 inches inside on a hitter with one strike to go for a perfect game?
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