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Vegas Halo Fan

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Everything posted by Vegas Halo Fan

  1. Anybody who ever owned a Commodore Amiga remembers this classic. I had this game, and it played pretty well as I recall.
  2. So we should send a thank you note to every other club in baseball for not drafting him? Perhaps we did a good job of developing his talents.
  3. If you do that, you have to chew through your cords during the show.
  4. I can maybe see the add-on for watching TV, but I'm not chomping at the bit to order a $300 speaker for my 99 cent iPhone 4. I'm also very skeptical about the add-on lenses, given the iPhone's inherent limitations as a camera. The keyboard add-on could be useful since I always seem to be mistyping using the touch screen.
  5. Nothing wrong with that. He just wants to be the one doing the controlling. He makes sure that each purchaser doesn't look like a criminal.
  6. All I care about is that Trout is under contract through 2020.
  7. Jaguars. Could use the outside speed, but too early in the rebuilding process to take on the attitude.
  8. UCLA is the quickest team I have seen all season. Part of the reason Florida's offense wasn't as good as it usually is was UCLA's quickness. As soon as the Gators got the ball downcourt, UCLA was already set up and in position.
  9. It would have taken a lot more than Sabathia.
  10. Somebody got the idea to put two of them on a main thoroughfare in a relatively affluent part of Las Vegas. There were quite a few dented Lexuses and Mercedes until people became accustomed to them.
  11. When I was in Mexico, a Mexican asked me my opinion of the immigration issue. I told him that I have no issue whatsoever with someone who tries to better his or her overall situation. However, there is a right way and a wrong way to do it.
  12. A friend of mine who played college football at a major university told me about his own steroid use. He said that following the regimen he was given, he gained 60 pounds between spring practice and the beginning of the season.
  13. Looks like I will likely make it. Now my dilemma is, what to wear: 1. Angels logo t-shirt with Japanese script 2. AngelsWin.com Jose Mota quote t-shirt Decisions, decisions...
  14. Better tell the people in Mexico that. If the Republicans run another Bush, they have cemented my vote on the Democratic side regardless of the candidate.
  15. I remember when ESPN first hit the airwaves. They had a business program on in the morning that ran for about two hours, that consisted of stock analysis and business trends. I don't recall what it was called, and I don't want it back, but it is an interesting piece of their past.
  16. Honestly, I'm almost as excited about the prospect of Joe Blanton never appearing in another game for us as I am about anything on the original list, well thought out though it is.
  17. I would love to be told, "We don't need your services anymore. Here is a check for $8.5 million. Don't come back to work."
  18. One of the real pioneers of professional football. RIP.
  19. This is terrible. Have always thought that Kelly is a class act as well as a fine player.
  20. That's the problem once you get to the round of 16. Things really slow down after a fast and furious four days.
  21. Bracket, yes. All I care about at this point is that alma mater is still alive as the national #1 seed. I just hope that the Gators don't get into a game that comes down to free throws, because they suck at it.
  22. I caught one off a pier in Florida when I was a teenager that was maybe half that size - still a sizeable animal.
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