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Vegas Halo Fan

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Everything posted by Vegas Halo Fan

  1. This is disappointing, because improving our full and jumpy was one of the main focuses (foci?) of the front office this winter.
  2. It would be equal value, IMO. Let him ruin someone else's playoff hopes.
  3. Very important point. We all know Scioscia's addiction to underperforming veterans.
  4. About as succinctly put as it could be. Blanton has pitched his whole career barely hanging on, and age has caught up with him.
  5. "Occasional flashes of average". The best we can hope for if Blanton sticks.
  6. They have been running a lot of commercials during the NCAA Tournament saying that they hire more college graduates than anyone else. I thought to myself, how sad, that you go to college for four years, get a degree and the only job you can find is working the counter for a car rental company.
  7. The system that was put in here for enrollment has been an unmitigated disaster. Incredibly inefficient, people unable to enroll. Somewhere along the way, someone in that office began giving out my personal office number as the number for people to call to enroll in Medicaid. After I got the second call (the first I thought was probably just a wrong number) and had the guy read back to me the number he was given, I reached somebody in the office. However, I had to go through the Governor's Office to accomplish this, because the automation prevents you from talking to an actual human being.
  8. My fear is that a "good start" would make the club rethink dealing him, we will keep him and he will get hammered all over the yard once the season starts. I'm not sure what I want out of his appearance today.
  9. Besides, it would kill the pennant chances of the Salt Lake Bees.
  10. If that happens, there will be an all-out party on this board.
  11. I have never understood a system in which it is theoretically possible for a team to lose every game during the regular season and still make the NCAA Tournament. The automatic bid ought to go to the regular season champion. Go ahead and play the conference tournament, give bubble teams one last chance to impress the selection committee, but don't play an entire conference season just to determine the seedings for the post-season tournament. Three games should not outweigh a season of conference play.
  12. I had Duke going to the Sweet 16, so that did more damage than any other loss so far. The other losers I picked I only picked to win one game, so that damage wasn't terrible.
  13. It's an allusion to one of Westboro's hate signs "God Hates Fags".
  14. I like Perrier. Voss is very good, too, sometimes a little hard to find and somewhat pricey (it comes in glass bottles). Fiji is excellent. Evian is overrated, IMO. One that I also like that I didn't see listed is San Pellegrino. SP is available by the case at many Costco stores.
  15. I just went into my bracket to see if there was a way to edit anything, and I didn't see one. Apparently everything is locked in as soon as you submit your bracket.
  16. Mercer sends Duke home. Now I don't have to see Coach K's smug mug for the rest of the tournament.
  17. This is an interesting move. Hope that Alvarez has the same kind of stuff he has shown so far. This could be one of the biggest acquisitions of the season.
  18. That is what happened to my cousin with the Staten Island Yankees. He had 61 plate appearances, hit .218 and was out of the game.
  19. If he screws his lawyers, I'm sure they won't be shy about going public with everything they have. A-Roid is just arrogant enough to believe that they only reason his case didn't go anywhere was because his legal team was inept.
  20. This is unbelievable. Re-homing a child is easy. No state or federal laws specifically prohibit it, and state laws that restrict the advertising and custody transfers of children are often confusing and rarely spell out criminal sanctions.
  21. I think so. ...if he tries claiming malpractice, his lawyer-client privilege will be waived, with the possibility of damaging testimony becoming public.
  22. Guess he is now face to face with the big fag hater in the sky.
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