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Vegas Halo Fan

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Everything posted by Vegas Halo Fan

  1. I'm not used to midweek series between these two teams. Every time I have gone before it has been a weekend series. At least it's two days out of the office.
  2. Yeah! Let's kick some kiwi ass! Don't worry. This will all be over soon. Biden is paying a visit.
  3. I bought my tickets for this game the day they went on sale, because the wife is a Yankee fan.
  4. In 17 games at AAA Memphis, .357 BA, 3 HR, 17 RBI, OPS 1.031, SLG .629.
  5. I'm sure that every one of them would have turned down the contract Arte Moreno offered to Pujols just to stay in St. Louis, because they are such great fans.
  6. Cohiba Siglo VI, if I had to take a wild guess. Hard to tell with the band removed.
  7. Will take another look. The website obviously didn't give me the closest location.
  8. Speaking of idiots - a college buddy who lives in Tampa is posting on Facebook from the Yankees-Rays game tonight. He mentioned that the Yankee fans trail the Boston fans in terms of obnoxiousness, but not by a wide margin. Guess the pinstripers and the chowds are pretty much the same regardless of the venue. I would imagine that most of the irritants in his area have moved on, with the Rays up 16-1.
  9. Orange County is always the one place that is excluded from any airfare sales from here. I have made the drive enough times that I know what I'm in for. Just for the heck of it, I checked airfares on Southwest. Would add about $400 to the cost of the trip, plus I would have to rent a car.
  10. When I checked the website for Ayres Inn, it said they are 2.5 miles from the ballpark. My wife has knee problems, so I doubt that is a hike we can make. Might be stuck with driving if we pick that one. A quick check showed Ayres about $129, Pepper Tree at about $80 and Doubletree fully booked with no rooms available. That is from the hotels' own websites, may be able to get a better deal through Priceline, Hotwire or Hotels.com.
  11. Appreciate it, guys. Will check these places out and see what I can get.
  12. If any of this comes as a surprise to anyone, they haven't been paying attention.
  13. The wife and I are making the trip to the Big A for Derek Jeter's last game at Anaheim on Wednesday, May 7. Originally we had planned to go down and back the same day, but with nine hours on the road plus the game, meals, etc., we decided this was too much. We are looking for a hotel in the general area of the stadium that won't break the bank but either has a shuttle to the ballpark or is within reasonable walking distance. In the past we have usually stayed at a hotel in Santa Ana off Dyer Road and 55, which would be OK if we don't find something closer. For this trip, since we're just coming for the game, proximity to the beach is irrelevant.
  14. I have bought from Fry's several times and have never had an issue. I don't understand the angst about refurbished products either, as they normally carry the same warranty as the new ones. Both of my main computers are refurbs (a Dell and a Gateway), and never a minute's trouble with either of them. The newest one is almost three years old.
  15. American troops in a former Communist Bloc country. Who would have thought.
  16. If you lived in Detroit, would you be in a good humor? I consider any throwing back of an opponent's home run ball to be a cheap imitation of the Wrigley Field fans. They originated it.
  17. That isn't the point. The point is that it's funny and tasteless.
  18. I'm an avid fan of funk and R&B music. That is terrible, more like disco. Well done.
  19. This is brilliant, swing style and all. Thanks for sharing.
  20. Last Thursday I saw Heaven Is For Real, based upon the true story of the four-year-old son of a minister in Nebraska who had a near-death experience. He describes Heaven in explicit detail, including the exact appearance of Jesus, and he details meeting people who he had never been told about, like his paternal grandfather, and a daughter who was miscarried by his mother. People who have gone all their lives believing in heaven are suddenly made very uneasy by the accounts of a child who claims to have seen it. If you're looking for action, this isn't it, but if you want something that will make you think this might be the ticket.
  21. Some casinos also place house players at tables in various games. Especially if someone is winning too much, the person who joins the game may be an employee playing on house money. Anything he/she wins goes back into the house's pot later, and it isn't there for players at the table to win. If card counting is unethical, so is this. I have heard of the same thing happening in large stakes bingo operations. Before I left Oklahoma I used to go to one of these fairly often, until I figured out that house players were winning a lot of the games, especially those with big payouts. There was one guy who seemed to win a lot more frequently than he should in a hall with that many people in it. Turns out that he operated a bus that brought players to the hall from the Oklahoma City metro area (the hall was located in a rural area well east of Norman), and he was also making money off of players paying him for the ride to the bingo hall. The operators were throwing games to him as a reward. He pissed off a lot of people in the hall, because he couldn't just call "bingo" like most people would. He made a major production out of it.
  22. I went to the second game ever played in that park (and several others that season) before I moved to Las Vegas. Oklahoma City has a great ballpark, designed as kind of a scaled down version of the Rangers ballpark in Arlington. I hope that if Las Vegas ever replaces the craphole in the combat zone known as Cashman Field, that they do half as good a job as OKC did in crafting a new park. The left field bleacher seats were great. I don't know what they cost now, but in 1998 when the park opened one could be had for $3. The last game I went to there George Arias of the Las Vegas Stars hit a ball just beyond my grasp (almost had that sucker). That was the same game in which the tornado sirens went off and the Vegas players were standing around on the field wondering what was going on. Stars' left fielder Dusty Allen, who was from the Oklahoma City suburb of Edmond, sprinted for the dugout as soon as the siren went off. I saw him later going down the bench and explaining to teammates what was happening. Being in the left field bleachers I didn't see it, but people who were sitting in the main grandstand said that you could see the tornado about a mile or so beyond the left field bleachers.
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