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Vegas Halo Fan

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Everything posted by Vegas Halo Fan

  1. I'm an avid fan of funk and R&B music. That is terrible, more like disco. Well done.
  2. This is brilliant, swing style and all. Thanks for sharing.
  3. Last Thursday I saw Heaven Is For Real, based upon the true story of the four-year-old son of a minister in Nebraska who had a near-death experience. He describes Heaven in explicit detail, including the exact appearance of Jesus, and he details meeting people who he had never been told about, like his paternal grandfather, and a daughter who was miscarried by his mother. People who have gone all their lives believing in heaven are suddenly made very uneasy by the accounts of a child who claims to have seen it. If you're looking for action, this isn't it, but if you want something that will make you think this might be the ticket.
  4. Some casinos also place house players at tables in various games. Especially if someone is winning too much, the person who joins the game may be an employee playing on house money. Anything he/she wins goes back into the house's pot later, and it isn't there for players at the table to win. If card counting is unethical, so is this. I have heard of the same thing happening in large stakes bingo operations. Before I left Oklahoma I used to go to one of these fairly often, until I figured out that house players were winning a lot of the games, especially those with big payouts. There was one guy who seemed to win a lot more frequently than he should in a hall with that many people in it. Turns out that he operated a bus that brought players to the hall from the Oklahoma City metro area (the hall was located in a rural area well east of Norman), and he was also making money off of players paying him for the ride to the bingo hall. The operators were throwing games to him as a reward. He pissed off a lot of people in the hall, because he couldn't just call "bingo" like most people would. He made a major production out of it.
  5. I went to the second game ever played in that park (and several others that season) before I moved to Las Vegas. Oklahoma City has a great ballpark, designed as kind of a scaled down version of the Rangers ballpark in Arlington. I hope that if Las Vegas ever replaces the craphole in the combat zone known as Cashman Field, that they do half as good a job as OKC did in crafting a new park. The left field bleacher seats were great. I don't know what they cost now, but in 1998 when the park opened one could be had for $3. The last game I went to there George Arias of the Las Vegas Stars hit a ball just beyond my grasp (almost had that sucker). That was the same game in which the tornado sirens went off and the Vegas players were standing around on the field wondering what was going on. Stars' left fielder Dusty Allen, who was from the Oklahoma City suburb of Edmond, sprinted for the dugout as soon as the siren went off. I saw him later going down the bench and explaining to teammates what was happening. Being in the left field bleachers I didn't see it, but people who were sitting in the main grandstand said that you could see the tornado about a mile or so beyond the left field bleachers.
  6. I don't know where he needs to work on it, but it's somewhere below AAA.
  7. I remember Dan Quayle visiting an elementary school and correcting one kid's spelling, and the kid was the one who had it right.
  8. I get a lot of pleasure out of seeing and listening to things that are unbelievably bad, and they are even funnier when they originated as genuine attempts to entertain people. Things like the vocal album by William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy, for example, trying to cash in on their Star Trek fame by singing - which neither of them is worth a damn at. One of my favorite unintentional comic foils in my youth was Bert Parks, who for many years appeared on the Miss America Pageant. I remembered one particularly bad rendition of the Jim Croce hit "Bad, Bad Leroy Brown", which Parks made even more square than his rendition otherwise would have been by inserting the line "Baddest cat in the whole darn town". I was hoping to relive that comic moment on YouTube, but alas, it wasn't to be found. However, the late Mr. Parks did not disappoint. I found this gem instead, which may have been even worse. I had not seen this before: Parks' electrifying rendition of "Let 'Em In" by Paul McCartney and Wings. The incredible thing is that the vocal may not be the worst part of this. Check out the choreography behind him. Someone intentionally created those dance moves to be performed on national television. I assume that the applause comes from people responding to studio signs. They can't possibly be from anyone enjoying this atrocity. All of you aficionados of bad taste and things that are unintentionally funny, enjoy. If that isn't enough bad entertainment for you, check out this rockin' cover of Ozzy Osbourne's "Crazy Train" by the always hip Pat Boone:
  9. $25 is the daytime price. It's $35 at night, when most people will want to go.
  10. Wow, haven't thought about Rat Patrol in decades.
  11. I have a friend who converted his Weber to natural gas. The main advantage is not having to fool with propane tanks. As far as cooking, I don't know that it makes a lot of difference.
  12. Looks to me like the NCAA would pull the plug on this before it happens, since they claim to be such sticklers about stopping anyone from gaining an competitive advantage.
  13. Fascinating read. I don't find it hard to believe either.
  14. Squeeze in a few Yankees and Red Sox games while you're at it.
  15. I had a geometry teacher in high school who was heavy. None of us knew that she was pregnant until she told us that she was leaving on maternity leave and we would have a sub for the rest of the semester.
  16. Yeah, in a kind of psycho, serial baby-killer kind of way. The ex-husband is believed to have fathered all of them, but claims he never knew she was pregnant. So he kept having unprotected sex with this nutbag. Sounds like he is a few nails short of a home renovation project himself.
  17. Here is an article from Bleacher Report, which calls his status "unclear", but says that he has left Oakland's AAA affiliate Sacramento. One priceless comment, from CBS Sports' John Heyman: "Say what you want about Joe Blanton, but the man made $47 million, most of it long after he ceased being good."
  18. The chain of events: Supreme suckage --> relentless mocking --> more suckage in the minors --> retirement
  19. And somewhere there is someone wandering around who believes that the Angels' biggest issue is with the concession vendor.
  20. Some countries run candidates' campaign ads on television as public service announcements, and do not allow unbridled spending on campaign ads. The candidates get the free ads but cannot buy more. Something like this would cut down on the influence of special interest groups who flood targeted markets with ads pushing their own agendas.
  21. We went from 60s to 90s in nothing flat. Normal high temps this time of year are upper 70s.
  22. Some notables who aren't exactly raking it so far: Curtis Granderson, NYM - .135 B. J. Upton, ATL - .135 Pablo Sandoval, SF - .143 Prince Fielder, TEX - .150 Hunter Pence, SF - .156 Brian McCann, NYY - .162 Dan Uggla ATL - .162 Andrew McCutchen, PIT - .194 And the walking definition of futility, Jeff Mathis of the Miami Marlins at an even .200 - although this is in only five at-bats, so I am confident that with more playing time he can get it down below his career average of .195. Some of our own: Chris Iannetta - .111 David Freese - .147 Raul Ibanez - .194 At the time of his injury, Josh Hamilton was leading the AL in BA at .444.
  23. All I know is that his recovery is on schedule and there have been no setbacks.
  24. Never heard of a female teacher caught up in anything like this during my time in school, but one of my male junior high science teachers had a relationship with one of my female classmates. Never heard anything else about either of them.
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