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Everything posted by eligrba

  1. Another 5+ years of sucking would only happen if someone else took over who knew what they were doing. Dipoto is destroying the Mariners marginal future talent for mediocre current talent. Mariner success this year may have been a blessing in disguise. And, the Mariners just extended his contract..........Good times ahead.
  2. F'n Dipoto. What a douche. Probably opened a Zima to celebrate.
  3. I have a no trade stipulation in my contract. I can only be DFA'd.......so I have that going for me.
  4. Will your next question be about what I am wearing?
  5. When read this, I hear a Brooklyn accent.......Hmmm, strange.
  6. Not sure it really matters. Valbuena's replacement will never accrue enough at bats to replace Marte before the season ends.
  7. Looks like he is still hurting but hiding it. Those swings do not look like the same ones before the injury.
  8. I was taught at a very young age to not find joy in the misery of others. I was always a terrible student. F*ck Dipoto.
  9. I do not remember if Scioscia platooned Hamilton......I want to say Hamilton always played despite total failure at the plate.
  10. Physics is for real. The axis on which the ball rotates determines it's movement. A high spin rate on the wrong axis gets you a mediocre curve ball.
  11. Still two more months of games remaining. Hopefully the September call ups will experience a wild card race.
  12. Physics. An improperly designed wing can have mediocre lift with great speed.
  13. I believe Valbuena is in a similar contract situation.
  14. Someone should let him know to bring a seat cushion.
  15. I think that was a good trade. No one wants Valbuena in their lineup except the opposing pitcher.
  16. Self-ban if both Scioscia and Pujols retire together at the end of this season.
  17. I think Pena has out-performed most of the free agent pitchers available last off season. That is a huge "good job" for Eppler.
  18. What if you were a "once in generation" player playing on this team?
  19. http://www.angelswin-forum.com/forums/forum/11-la-angels-mlb-daily/
  20. I agree. I said this was an awful team last month. No one agreed. Welcome to the dark side.
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