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Count Orlok

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Everything posted by Count Orlok

  1. I don't get it. They said he shouldn't go to jail because his parents never taught him actions have consequences. Isn't avoiding jail not teaching him the same lesson?
  2. Depends if Bourjos can stay on the field for more than 100 games.
  3. Taxes, highway bill, GI bill, social security, etc.
  4. I'd be happy if he had a similar year to 2012.
  5. The Pineda trade really turned out to be a bust for both sides.
  6. Legislating help is what made the middle class in the first place. That and bombing the crap out of the global competition for a few years.
  7. How is it even possible to give up an extra 0.75 runs/game over the previous year just from bad fielding? That's really impressive. How dependent is that stat on pitching though? Even with the world's greatest defenders Hanson and Blanton suck.
  8. $15 an hour is living the good life. With money like that you can retire by 45.
  9. Maybe he wants you to die slowly and horrible but he's fine with me.
  10. This is the first time I've ever heard of him but it he seems pretty good. Maybe the pen won't be a total disaster for once. Starters still suck though.
  11. If those are regular women I'm gonna switch to dudes now.
  12. What about people with multiple degrees or a masters?
  13. Fat guys age horribly and he's got a long ways to go. I'm fine with it.
  14. We got a mac desktop in the living room but it's such a pain in the ass to use. Something as simple as importing photos is a 500 step process because they try to force everything through iWhatever and trying to print out a set of photos is even worse. With Windows all you have to do is select, hit print, and choose your layout. What part of the Apple process is supposed to be easier and more intuitive? I don't get the hate for Windows 8 either. That tile layout is stupid and ridiculous but if you just take 5 minutes to install Classic Shell you get your old school start button back and it looks/feels just like Windows 7 with a few minor navigation changes.
  15. Most smart phones use microSIM but the 5S uses a nano. I think you can cut a micro down to nano or use an adapter to go back to micro.
  16. For some reason the only information about it seems to come from this one guy or sites that start with fox.
  17. Some of those I really don't understand. Good to see Colon on there too.
  18. It's actually called Farmer Assurance Provision, but Monsanto Protection Act is more accurate.
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