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Count Orlok

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Everything posted by Count Orlok

  1. The Jamie Moyer types are almost always lefties.
  2. I think there's a decent chance they'll overshoot my 85 win guess.
  3. I've had them for a month and it works same as any other service I've had as far as reception goes. The big advantage for me is that they're the only company that has the right bandwidth to get 4G on my Nexus 4.
  4. If anything they'd use a 4" windshield and say it's the perfect size.
  5. According to that article $474 is practically a mortgage payment. I want a house for $500 a month.
  6. I think Tully would make more sense for the Angels since the sigil is a trout
  7. Don't the contestants do the spinning?
  8. The Farmville thing kind of gives it away
  9. That same article said the Angels had one of the toughest strength of schedules so far so being above .500 with the injuries, a crappy bullpen, and an empty spot in the rotation is pretty good.
  10. Arya's assassin friend on was from Braavos too. The Faceless Men come from there and are probably associated with the bank in some way. Also Braavos was never part of Valyria. It was founded by escaped slaves running away from the empire.
  11. At least Comcast could fall back on the weak excuse that they don't compete with Time Warner in any markets. What would AT&T say?
  12. 6 unnamed ISPs? Are there even than many out there?
  13. Are you talking about the intro scene? I thought it seemed familiar.
  14. All I see is a page asking me to log in to MSN
  15. Nothing on TV is 1080p. Channels either use 720p or 1080i. Sports is usually 720p because it has a higher framerate and looks less jerky with all the motion onscreen. 1080i uses all the pixels but repeats certain frames. Overall they use the same amount of bandwidth. Netflix and HBO Go can do 1080p and Netflix even does 4k for some movies and shows. I think it takes about 15 megabits to keep it going.
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