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Count Orlok

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Everything posted by Count Orlok

  1. Support for 7 is lasting until 2019 I think. They're not doing any more service packs or major updates but all the usual bug and security fixes will continue as usual.
  2. Rich DeLucia Randy Velarde Ken Hill Allen Watson
  3. If the players make less the owners would just pocket the difference. If the TV channels started playing hardball because of the lower cost to the owners then the networks would just pocket the difference. If the cable companies decided to not pay the broadcast fees then the cable companies would be the ones keeping the money and there's no way they'd ever lower your bill to make up for it. The only way to lower the salaries would be to cripple the cable companies but I can't see that happening.
  4. After two episodes it's ok. I can't understand a lot of what the actors are saying and there's too many slow motion shots from above and the blind trainer is a walking cliche but I'd watch just about anything with the Mongols in it. So far Marco Polo doesn't even seem to be important and just looks like an excuse to put a white face on the show. I'd rather see a show about Genghis Khan and Subotai kicking ass all over the plains.
  5. Am I just imagining things or are the phone companies actually trying to compete with each other these days?
  6. Since it's not an essential work function I'm sure it'll be ok if they just skip right through the security check, right?
  7. A giant corporation like AT&T probably can't afford to do infrastructure upgrades like a tiny town in the middle of nowhere can.
  8. If you log on to Origin with a VPN that says you're in Mexico you can get the regular version for $40 or deluxe for $45 and that's without a sale price.
  9. I'd like to see Rasmus at least get a shot at being a real starter
  10. I'd pay the $70 just to avoid giving any money to the shitty cable and phone companies. They need to make their way down to San Diego.
  11. Baldur's Gate II right now. I wanna do Dragon Age Inquisition but I'll wait until it's gets a discount probably.
  12. I miss having a silent mode and wish Xposed Framework was compatible with Lollipop. That smart lock is pretty cool though. Before I had to use an app to do a similar feature. That saves some trouble.
  13. I've never understood how people end up with so many photos.
  14. I'm against net neutrality because I want an internet that looks like this Only problem is there's no porn tier.
  15. Saw it this afternoon. Best I've seen all year, but it's a limited sample size. Still highly recommend it if you're into that sort of thing.
  16. $2.99 if you pay with cash at one station here. 10 cents more for debit/credit. Most of the stations are $3.15-3.25
  17. I doubt it. You can buy a congressman for surprisingly cheap. Anything in the low 6 figures and you've got them for life or at least for their time in office which is 2 years minimum. Eliot Spitzer probably spent more than that on his whores. A high end hooker can cost you $5-10k per night. Book them a couple times a month and by the end of the year you could have bought your own government official instead. ==
  18. We need Google Fiber to come to southern California so the other ISPs can suddenly start realizing they have the ability to raise their speeds and improve service.
  19. For now that only applies to mobile data. The internet that comes from your router isn't usually capped but I think Comcast and AT&T do it in some places.
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