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Everything posted by zenmaster

  1. Did Op get a Shakespeare thesaurus for Christmas or something? Who talks like this?
  2. Topped out at 83. This is encouraging. He should just learn to throw a knuckleball.
  3. Now that this guy found 7, the rarity of the card went down quite a bit. I bet the owner of the other 10 or so cards are not happy. haha
  4. The cards were all rated 3.5 to 4.5 out of 10 which is good for 100 year old cards. So they are beat up somewhat but still worth a boatload.
  5. We will have to sign a designated person to visit the mound now when we want to change pitchers.
  6. During the draft this year we should draft ALL LFers. Sounds like something we might pursue.
  7. Proof that if you tank for 105 years it will pay off eventually.
  8. If this happens it is embarrassing. Are we collecting random crap players for the fun of it?
  9. Not to mention it's one of the first things you learn in PE class in like kindergarten or 1st grade. Weaver didn't think the rules applied to him I guess.
  10. I'd actually be ecstatic to get Freese back after this off-season.
  11. Matt Joyce had a .281 average at some point in some season!????!!?
  12. Just think, if we signed a big name LF we would be at 78-79 wins!
  13. Albert Pujols career batting average .312
  14. It's a good thing we have an MLB team built to win titles.
  15. Lifetime ban but can apply for reinstatement in one year and then sit out two more years if reinstated? Why even call this a lifetime ban? Seems final to call it lifetime.
  16. Arte is stockpiling money so we can throw a 10 year 300 million $ deal at a 37 year old Bautista next off season.
  17. I'm so tired of talking about LF when we already have like 5 LFers. Let's keep our draft picks and start to re-stock our "worst farm system ever".
  18. According to twitter comments (which can't be wrong) he becomes a FA at the end of the season if traded.
  19. I've been more focused on the elite level reliever we just signed who has been suspended a good part of his career and the Asian guy we picked off the scrap heap who will hit 300 with 20 homers if we just give him a shot.
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